THE U. OF M. DAILY HTL 1 1 O TH FO Q I MAA PA NT A T CCV\TATP1 WXill be but n}o feet from an cii- traince to thie WORLD' S FAIR, And offers low rates and lsnperi101 l(cconiotl itiono 1Inqulire aibout it at CALKINS ..34 S. Static ON YX4.0 rieenyi .b(I, at.n, ~ > nod . ?< . . Styles are good, jtlaliilby, ONLY 14 00excellent, je>st the tinrg for recilatioti tooti ii t t O t ~t ION.and serviceable W IL..S EX, I ' D~ WBA~ I MOR WETMORE, BOOK STORES. NO- 6 5SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________ 000COR'NEOSAE AN(It 050 sit iTRTS.i t Ii~rsi l' ;fI cois, ituled til looksLIaw oo!K . .11htal Ioolee. stuentts' Noite IBoolk,, t1an k Bt oos,St, ti -irv. We into 'a argie sto orb loeillkl tn Itid Lser .I }Itla tiig; Instr etitt Our Stoc k Ville found Compiete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. It ti ItisOKOF FE E BER THAT .7LYOU CAN BUY Tioopst PLwBllit i onitto for 1,3 pert~o,, Wiltbtnt1-st., ttrnstdoore-vest of tStag -a. 11t, (tippeil I I' i it t S oli 21Ep t fde. eniiis, irsin ale etenisinm n i " :<u ~ i rA 'AV~ilfz chWte 2 tto t. AA , yestero_..,. a y __. a.teno...- ii. it Exrs hcg Ypress., (LA dasystrasftron D. N. lxpes _. >a t. t. i _ trt 48-- The juotr lawe commtttee on class atatcEpes-b05 Chi. NigttElps,)It0E It.. Exotpress .10it oct11prs ', ) . 1 . AES el ilrehearse seseral Iproptosed G.P. &T. AgentChicatgo. Aglt. inArbot. yells before the class ini order to FIRST NATIONAL BANK afford the class a choice. tOF ANN ARiBORt. Rev'. Janmes I-ay Applebee, ttf 'apittlt, tIC 1,110a. Strplus and trtfts, $30,000. , I oston, owt11 speak at the Utnitariant Transaets a geneal ibankling businees fr ein etiotiateesoldi, leto ceit pr-ocuned rhuarelt tonmorroor morning and een rattlP. 5I tOCtO, Pec. 11 1 tt is subject oill be "it~litier, s. or. p.: soti, cashier. thte Representative Pe of Arter- SCllOOIL OF LiANUIND OTurda next the quarterly GRANGER'S ACADEMY. meigo h ovnino e Putpits mar enter atany time, tthie quar-ter troit wit11 be held in S.Xtndrew's -tatting frotm the date st admtission. tOffieelchturcht. VTe service of- special and Rtesidence CentterEnt~trance vi IlaT~tit ST. .ANN ttttt.interest to students will be that of Thursday evening, at 7:30, when seitd stan,$o, or $ s 5 or am - this question will be discussed. Is [ ii. ple tRetail tBox by express at Ii ~fflTT the BEST CANDtEStnAnueriea. our National Character Deteriora- Cai at up n11.epets emgesan stritlyspnre.ieabler intg? Among thq speakers wilt be Fry ioc ea ($Sttioaa-. the Hlon. Alfred Russell and the caI8~Y C. G. oUTHiEE, Cetoaene, Iton. Otto Kirchlner, both of Doe- (iHtCAO5, ~~N014. troit. 1 r i The sttidenits registereed in the freshtman dental class front foreign countries are Miss von Brennan, tF. von Widtkind, and J. M\erekeos, frotn Germany; B. Anderson sod J. A. Bucknall, froin England; J. H-. Strotaier, Irons Scotlantd, and .., t1. Kttyper, from Hfolland. The services tomoorroow at St. Andrewr's chourchs oill be of special interest. CWe publish the order as folloows; 8 a. i., moorning prayer; to:130 a. mi., special service for the consecration of the clhancel owith the Holy Commuonion, the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, Bishop of Michi- gao, officiating, and the Rt. Rev. George D. Gillespie, Bishop of Western Michigan, being the preaclher. At the evening service, owhichi oill be chorally rendered, the SW rA- ' F'V0 ,D 9 42 SOUTH STF TeS. WILD1 WILD! WILD!1 IS SELLING HIS5 WINTER STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES WilICHi WILL BIE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS ,tICE GOODS MUST GOS. Rt. Reov. Thaomas Davieos will preach.I No. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main. eI