THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. SITABLEFOR T!E WAHI, ALL OYE1W OATS AT I OFF. ALL SC-ITS AT 14,OFF.SKTN (AS, UFL SHAY N)E EAt ---- WOOLEN 110SF, GL1OVES ANI) ITTE FNS. A LARGE ALL SIN(GLE PANTS AT -;OFF. --______ VAIIETY' ANi) W1I ESoli) ('HEAl' See these bargains before baying. WA DHA MS. KENNEDY d RE UL E. AT THE TWO SA MS . Ann Arbor Savings Bank,1 PATRONIZE --M STA&EBLEP.,-Z]Excelsior Laundry, Ann Arbor ,Iich. Capital bock, $0 0, yy ,aiSA'17 I R ON S iFFI Surfpl,$ 1 OWEN'S BARBER SHOP? ( 0 l, ( ool Wok Otto' 'I C1rodllfo Organized under theGnr al Bnkig lao' Oahfn iddetrlvred A FCOVERTPror. of thin stte. eceesDeposits, bos ned No. 4 Stat IIN ~i ctMT tia______________________ FellseX an oho te r incipa1 citeg of thr ntette.Datshe iri prper ANN ARBOR 11 W. Washington St. 2] Years in the fusiness. at. I. HeaorAt.tN Vie Ure..I3V30 C IYL DY 'is . N.iltcaca, CoheiTE AHKW L k/I rTN/ SFhT7hPYMM. Sea alt, 1:. 4 N. fouthOSSt '41.I ForZ t at Cohirr .LJ'ALj HOT LUNCHES ^ BABR 23 SOUTH FOUTH AVE.. 11o . K.BR..J SHOP. -Y" T " ' ' And the very choiet Cndles I ONETIN ,. . EVVS, - MANACU"R. -A- Fne Shower Bath, New Porcelain *k NOLiCE I*- FUTTE'S, * t0R. W hhbtgon S . . 0. TaOANOWSKI. N O.tO E 1. '.a-o niST'ATE 1STREiET. ~ ____ TOI 1 1 il bOCEN' 01rth C naerity ________t_______________'__________ Mihgnnot togo home wirhootiteox at or _ I pricstinthe iy. Donetaroget teenrber j4 f. QQ. e'J Dae a generl idnahng hoeines. Paysin RL.MARK1 and naohme RtatItoJOLLY & CO., Do. 26 I i x O1teretn Saving Dpoir. Hae atey ^{} Street. ATLOW PRICES. lepoit ioxe ooiRen. cam""_______________Ri. KEMPF, Pes. . 5. EiEI, Cahier. - - Bank soen Saturda eettng. _________________L___ F. OF At. CALENDAR, 1 Abero, -Michigat; Barhart, lii- F\ I o in lhra Cloesoa rrUniMoo- no; Beal, Virginia;Lean, . sn-Igdro 'SI RSEA Miooon-itS bloshnRgtnStt er. N T L St'arnie Hll, soprano, 0 of r os uisn iani M r C tt itso tote6, IaNt FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Contntirte Sternter, ot Pibdlphn 3ueaAkansa; Iiskicy, Geo- MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! 1Sott, . O-l'esOn Citb,40301).ttint nortttgia; Carlotc1,lMosoachuetto; Cun- SPECIAL SALES. 30 E tuot) n Steto, IbuissL . aw bildie. otta li. ninthati, n nessta et ; Cutrtiss, NWi- Sttatordy Jta.21-Senirttrlit oleioinarotttmI F l. R IS IiN 111s i1b A.,atrtfrt nm.cosin;i Dtntlr, NwiHanipshire;S10 tAN itan NS n rda t. 22S. tC.1a dres ity M. he-l aiknrat Connecticut; itzer, I ch-f l I NIERW FAII EN Ior e, Ia Nnebry ih . vi a t . 5.l i I tFIIC;1' Lfl ttt'Olb(t5 I b3Tuttdalrly, . J«t. 1T4Jries 61)0 ('a albriti, South ODaota; lig etL u vt.lpee nIi~ lbcus.bbeto vr e ,r;licclk er- 111 t t 0 a1)U ,e t tO lo dat Ites, Richard IlInt o tt.iJohet l}riti t 1t atttt btoslOltttc. Lcgo Stt e t arWrettlmtt efferis \nns lvatia; E.L oh n8- EAt U1 on i ONElata 1loroW\EEK. IF6ONLY. I tt Ql iorettttltn. 4e l ar tM. bni e olt Dlawtare; I. Johinson owa Op.CoutoSae. letty o.I-it-ttoCttriOtotrVrii ht O D1EED ' I tarinto"is IoattNWet Vigi ia aMah (r nlrea 1 Holda ao HuIwa ittsNersa aOto t. 30-- ilort thrtbr y dlo Soth ar coyTlina I r- rs fITRI IVIunder I tni auA. roo t itettitersail,.dock, Ninneotoa: tcCoy, aa- T L~IN o~ _- iot tttttti. . 16. U tti 1arilll. btttt; Nalon, Neesvereay;Newato, 1itliAR'l3I ENT. Noti -_ _ CaroinPiarsorts, Oregon, SIT Legisiation Will Proceed. Pn otiiai RseNead;tlt~Iil)1( ITe snior law -Snate iheldan a io NitssibsiplitieotiWtntotirg: uuuly iteresting tettiollast S li ttho; SieNaylanai Ironp- BU i U E aetning, in the laot lecture rootnI North Dakoa; i ttxtortl, 0 hS O FNAoutist ty-fiva' iertierotwereNia tirnitbood ettittaky;'i'roy, ONE )VFEK ONLY. NotoeI te olloorn P1rices: IresotO lThe odifferntt states of tlte Washnogton;NVotng, Califonia: G-'JOItJSP 'iB ]J' uion woere assignted a seiator tacit. SI tltpt Color atot.___________________________S Gee. Eliot , C itirh ( , s Ihcy Ctitiito44~tthO~)itt DickensComprlte1r' l., 1 p ati isittssion occurred p- I 1ani)s Ilit, Of Loonaoisc theSH E Ei ler ti xit ' .. U c lis., lireteuttoPertt,'2ols., 3 i the- rsolution "'to extendithe orttO f ,Drt ic Cbitt. NM r . llttt l~tAR'rM 1,3f. 1'rescott's Mexico, 0 volo .st iillty of he)I'. S. tt o -ff ritg ts cotrccpopndtet fortheti['aKll NMall b500 Volumiies Sttat I Books, 4 tei. -ox l S ti i'1,E Exotn ri tc d11iosJewts ofIRussia," 11he rsoltution ztt.a ndoattlwill rprsent tiat ('ONGiOSS S1fol" befr 1wi t as ado td. '['eropolicantisutp- paper at tic NWold's Iaitr. ptorted andtthe oc' norat opposedAl t the onotyfour ectio tis te passage aot resolions of con-moriingNO.II. Roenrans 30 wa1-8 TWOVTOE S= olenilo- tpott the ideatht itt x-P'rsi- eleclted piesiadent, C. (i. Long, O ;WEKO~ 22 South State streetjI orrtr. Ga rairr.0txa~ OODSPEED S I AN __z E appendledal ycr10s331s letieel f ortheit'purposs