THE U. OF M. DAILY. '~j ~on ohome ee ground. Every one will L K I D N O E ""J r feel ~~~like conigatuaaating the nian- L K I D N O E - agement that hvo games are to be TBy Going to W\ahr & Miller's and save fronm 25c, 5oc and 75c 00 every Published taily (Sndays excepted) durngpae ihCrel h aih pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to the colege tear. bc make room for Spring Goods. ern trip is something new, but is a _ THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION commendable piece of enterprise on- - Stbsrilitopricceti.1.t per year, invacriably the part of \lanager Clcvcland. line Footwear lDealers, intavanc Single ctoptis3rets. Subscrip- Takeni all in all the arrangements 48 SOU'rh MAINSTE . ios a y star leiftsat :he (fficeS oSthe tAnLv, ar at Stoftiet's, with anty of the editors or greo(, andt foreshiadocv a success -____________________________________________ entShort'cd sotiitiors. fliiseas5otto the (diattolnd. WAGNER & CO., wvill sell tomsmunictons should reach tfiotbyit______ 7 o'clok .r. ft hry are So atperar the nexstj 'tay. Address alinatter intended toe publica- Prof. It)emmtion was takensusddenly, hf1 sions n the Itanaging Editor. ASS business ill night before last witht inilfan- FROM JAN~UARY 1.-13F vounuiaotiontSs sud he setnt to te 1355i- uersanoager. tatation of thae howels. Illis condi- Tailors and Furnishers. THE U. of M. DAILY, tion last evetoing cvas reportetd as Ann Arbor, Mich. snmore cotizfortable. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North EDITORS. - ' - __ Michigan Railway. ES tta~~v ~t'i tsaigEio. GRANI) t)PERA HOUSE. * C'. A. Ftiessti t. '93, Asststant. ___- JIt. drira, to Lw. 't9t, Assistant. S. IV. t'cTS~S, P. it. tit., Buosinteat Man~agte. cv. xv. svSI 155YER, tits.'94.Assistantt. .1. tbLS.k, -Dent, '94i, Assistant. C.. IV.'. ototh', '19t. w. -Ii. iEvans, '93t. E. K. 'Towle, '%)t. t. v. Webbter, 't. 5.13i. taiatn~ont,'t9t. 0515155.. Stiso StE F. Shose, 'at.5'. IN. Sowsers. '93t. Normatowoers,'tW. ,J. it. Aeneitt, '50. GRADASTE D a 'iStr. StONt'tiiiATSSSS 5tMttis E. NoieIrlid. 5'. K. Stewsart. '93i. We satust ask tlic indulgence of our subscribers for a fecv days whlile the lack of cater to rtun thte press, makes late delisery necessary. Acr the mseeting of thse DAt t.x' boardl last evening, the resigitation of M~iss Sliaw from the position of assistatt managing editor w~as accepted, and J. D. Spizer, lawt'9;,cvas elected to fill the vacancy. C. IV. Sooth' wvorth cvas elected to ill thte vacancy existisag its the representtatiton of '93 lit. 'lttr dental' departmetnt of thtc University oif'Michaigain is thte otaly sschool, so far as is ktaowcn, support- ing a dental publicatiota. 'Tle dents arc deserving a good deal of praise fttr tlheir enterprise in issiitg thte Detlal Journsal, whliclt is a practical and cwtl1 nanaged corgatn of the de- psartmentt. It should get the stip- psort of thse lental sttudcnts. (itie; it is to lie regretted that no eastern trip ciii be taken this year, it is a matter of congratulation for ouir athletic interests that closet relations will be establiosed with thsecest, and thne Inter-collegiate league. (Or connsections arceinatur- ally' witht the wvest, anid it is mont dlesiralble that western athtlletitcs sould be fostered, ad a strong, utnited, and Ipermanient relation formed, stich as is felt betsween tht colleges and tuniversities of the east. 'Tle ohbandotnmetat of tlte usual tril east is to be taken withi good grace, in view of the fact thast t good west- ern schedule Ihas beets madec, ant that three of the gamesswill be playet 'Tis is ott age cc le tmatty 'stairs" I travel thtroughi the conitry on their ossi 4 reptut'atiotis, doing a guod deal if talk- tug about thtemselves, and very little about their suppotrt, for the latter is I geinerally soincompelitentt as to ble sin- sworthty of mutch indoltrsemenst. Whets a great artist like Modjeskat, whto tppears it the Grtitid opierattotuse Seat Mondtay ntight, brinsgs th~e strosngest companotf pltayers, the stage at thte presetit dtiy knoss it is a miatter foir consgratula- tiostott the part of local thetatre goers. H~er conmpansy ittcludes Otils Skitiner, John A. Latie, Bets Rogers, Mr. andi Mirs. Iheaunsond Smith. atnd others b-Io were ins the support of the groutiBotith and iiarrett comtbinations. BUSINESS LOCALS. 1 ' A sinigle Bath, hot or cold, for t cents,sit thse Postiftiice ]3arber Shop. l 5i8-25t 1POLILEMUS, jusst nsorth of the Post- olice, htas tlie best htacks, carriages, and horses ins the city. Try htint. tf Leave orders for the Inter Oceats at thse Postofflece and Opera Itouse ties' stands. 70-ito Ctt.VX(',ittaII Nvss-Postollice Newso- stood. Ness stoick. The old wiill be sold at greatly reduced ptrices. ('igars, messiy, sttatiotnery. All the letinsg daily papet's, imagazines, andi othser pe- riodicats. Gives os a cal. Leave your suscrliptiosfofr daily paip~ers. att "RI c ''titd rtusart ic th gentsotwee. 1Not only itoretssbttnall otther~n Jewselry as welt, orsitety 550i isrihandi tsrre. to tineljcwnled Rings ottd Pest. tOnts weeta stican usur ttpassed it- 3 sortoseot to 1 DIAMONDS r OPALS" EMERALDS 1 PEARLS RUBIES IN SELF Olt TURQUOISES 5.O5IS5NAIiON ETC., ETC. LSFM S cWATCHtES lwasshiave oSl ott oachfuct sire..Itis ouraimotSo procuie ole the msot perfct ttimeieceosts. iworld prodtuceo. its additioto aSithets famous mathes wc ask spet.aliaitenicon toour owso speeialF.P. S.its..&Co ' ascedsmoseetet ant. P WOeOWARD AVISN'E F. G. AND STATE SMT STREET. SMTH DOE i'iSIT. SONS & Co. Is the LEASING SCHOOL OF nUSINaES- nietutitdittg;nine itehersargiecasttenaeu; good dsciplinte; supeiorework; 'etlspplied reading coot; tdaily lectaues;Saturdayseeningrecptions; ope 0the entireoysea-, omeecialtgraduatstingreat demand;tshotnhnd gratduatsall seupositions;t lea.g expeses$ .75pereekinaprivate faet- 'aes.Po For exwCOGURsnod Liit fStodenaswhon takespoitiona icom weeklito week, addrss P. B. CLEART. Pres. F H $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5 1 First Class anid Waratted its N 0 Lousy t is E S Doty & Feiner. Ttime carS iin'SectSuna, Jastuatry ?:'. W4:,. Dteparstieofi't'rns at AntntArbour. No. 1. Mitiiand Expresstl. 0itw Noa. 3. Passer nnsiArhor Arriliti .51?10 noton No. 5. iMtaiindPsse~nre......24:5 i'1). . No. 12 Matiltad a st5isengier'... t 1 3'ai. No.i4. iit antdExpess ........ 4~. p n. No. . 'Toledo Acc'ommsuodatitn ... 00a. it. ('entral Standard liomc. 'iDaily rexceptiSunai. Traisslod tirst nietreenAnntiArboircisd Toledo cob', dciiy, except Stundato. Other trains doily rarepitSnday5. W5. 51. 5BENNETT. It. S. GORSTN'd (10. Glen. Pats. Agnit.. LtalatAgent.. And reader of "The Daily"' is cordially invited to attend SHEEHAN & COMPANY'S HOLIDAY + B~OOK + SThE. We liavectheaNicest Gonods for the Least Mloiev. The Universitv Booksellers. - State Street.. .3..L w %W - . W- ---j - - ---- --- - . _ ...., . .. PRE NTSCHLER, h oto rctpher, CiORNERt iMAIN AND 115'ION STS. GLRIND OPERAL O-USE ANN AROiSK. JUST iONEN5IHT. MONDAY, J.AN. 23. M/-0 :D) G1E lS E=.A AIR. OT.IS SKII\NER Anid ticr open compatiitn of 10plaers i m i ls pta'aenion ofits AClB ETU. MliiSiCR-A iS t LtS'- Mtett. Mrl. mutt A. Lttzsssett Matht. 'ifour undter directiont Frn .lt l e lrriyltildi:J ..Ltiches. PRICES: $1.50, $1i25, and $1.00.. Ssecci'seats ilegissFridit aysoring tt tiP'. Witst' J'eey Stotre. GIBSON, bPIOT9 O GRA PH R NO. 12 W.-5IITRON ST modljeskai, in thin tragedy ol Mac- both," it Igrtisd otters house Moniday evensing, wiill be otseiif Ite best attrac- tions itt the seassons. Anniouncement of her appiearanice has created great interest aonlg thietiter-goes's.