THE. U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Stbscriptiontpriceml2.50 per year invariably i advane egle opitees :rens. Subsrip- ttons may ie left at the ottiee of the DAILY, at Stottet's, wit anty ot the editors or athorized solicitor. Ctmmunicatins should reach the otfice by 7 o'cltuck P. . if they are to appear ele net day. Addres all mastter intended for public- tlea to the Managing Editor. All business cotmmtuncations sold e ent to tese Osi- nest Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Nih. E.2 zsecEDITORS. EJ.OTVALit. ', Managing Editor. C' A. Dessso, Lit. . Asistant. W. E. Bses.tLit '9, Assistant. MRGA 50Tr0 U. OSAW, lit. '.t, Assistant. S. W. CU 'tsso.1. 0.Lit., lusiness Manager. A. BALEYsir, eat. '01,Asoostant. t. A. Titttsty, ', 5'. .EPrest, '0. 1. . 'olse, '11. 1. 5. S olzt ,19 . 5I11.Gammon, '94. I. \i' Weber, 't. Normtan lowseo.'510. stt A.. itus+oso T.ivssC.. N.lotots'o9'3l 5. K. Ste rt . ' J .11t. A till.'9d. KtattiE .OtcFarlutd Speciasl. 'Pt 1011sill be a shot but isi- portant tmeeinlg o the 1)11 .1 board t11i0 eveninsg, at 7:30. 'Te DAi v etitors wis to ac- ktnowvedge the gift of a full voltme of No. II of 111e D.-is,rons J. C. 'Travis. Tlii'annual catalogte of Iarard '(oliege'con'so ourO ftable. It is an eaborate compilation ofiere- sources asd present codiiosn of t1h01 institutlion. 'The enrolment numl~bers 2,966. '1110Detoi Tribune, swiisciar- acteristic isteret in tie University, editorially atvocates libeai treat- ment fromh file egiolature. TIhe toubling of thec one-tweitieti of a nmil tax, it thinks necess ay. Tie general tone of tie appeal is c01- densed its the last paragrapl, whlicu reads as follows: 'rho reqtets m3011 by tie board of regeniol 0tsa ilto 50a' extruvgant. Thtey soldt be granltted insufis by te legilature.'TihetUivrsity oust tot be alowd tosustffer from11pnurly. It muilst ibo givens 0am110e11011110to acomi- plish5 the grlat objects of its fotunda- ttio. et fle legislattreeat libr- ally withu the tIsiversify sf Aichigat. 't110 gradate students of Cornell have what thuy ternm a "Graduate Stodents' club.'"'For tieir personal utse tiuey hare 0 6130 new club house, convesuently located, and havisg the daily nwspapr, periodicals, ulniveriy publications 011d all tat is necessary to nake tlenselves comfortable, for recreation or study, or for an evening of social enjoy- nleit, (Occasionally, the club is addressed by professors otu subjects relating to their work. Thue idea is a good one and we think might well be emulated by graduate students of the i. of M~. Organization on and an extensive plan may not e at once practicable, ht such a society would bring advanced students into closer relation, would give oppor- tunity for mutual intercourse, intel- letually and socially. Such a club might also prove of advantage to the interests of our ;graduate work, by adding its united activity and zeal to all efforts made to establish a graduate school or improse the sys- tens of graduate sudy. Irof. DOoge will deliver the postponuetd lecture upon Greek music totnorrow at 4 P. 11. riends of the school are welcome. The~ Alpha No anti Adeppui socie- tes w0111 hold a joint oeetitg this evening at 73. 'fle followitg is thue programme: Recitation, Myiss Sciurus; tall, Mr. F. A. Stivers; oration, I,. W. Newon;: debate, :Re- solved, 'That co-operation will settlej thue labor problem. Affirmative, J. 1. Brooks, J. W. Golelwaill; nega- ive, '1V. W. Griffin, Mr. Keeler. BUSINESS LOCALS. A siniglo Bath, lit or cold, fr 10 cetts, st the Postoffee Barber Shop. u8-2.t POLIIEMU', jtst torth of te Post- office, has the best hacks, ecarriages, asid orses it the city. Try his. tf Leave orters for the Intetr Ocan at the Postoflice anid Operaus ttse news stands. 711-it CstAGEoaItANDS.-Postoflie News- stuatd. New stock. Te old will be sold at greatly educed prices. Cigars. cantdy, statioery. All fle ledig duily papers, magazines, and oter pe- riodicals. Giv us a call. Leave your sutbciptossosIaly papes. t "Mc ioub ramowortotee eisewsoer." y yY yy "4-Thos.lore. Nt oly is ritgs, but so all ster Jowelri as swell, or variety is rich and are. unfie Jewled Ringo and Pen- distilsswe cot showesansusssrpased as- sortment is DIAMONDS OPALS EMERALDS PEARLS RUBIES IN 5EtF ott TUHIQUOISES lOMBINATION ETC., ETC. CLUSTERS. WATHS awas have our sost weatcf ula re . It is oraim to procure only the most perfect timepieces the world produces. Its addition to all the famus makes se ask special attetin to stron special F. G. ., . & Co 'a movement. The mot perfectly-bl anced smoement eanst. WOODWARD F. G. STRET. SATE SMITH, DETROIT SONS & Co. LIKE FINDING MONEY. By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 5oc and 75C 0on every pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to msake room for Spring Goods. Fine Footwear Dealers, 48 SOUTHI MAIN STREET. WAGNER & CO., will sell NECKWEAR "'At b> fi FROM JANUARY 15-21. F Tailors and Furnishers. __K tv Toledo, Ann Arbor and North 1 1 Michigan Railway. P T om Time Card in effect Sunday, Nov. elk, 185. 1 LDeparture of Trains at Ann Arbose. Po. 1. Mail and Express*.... ..... 7 I0 a. ms. + N0.30. Poesge Ann Arbor Aecomt*..12 00 noon It the LEADiING SCHOOL OF BUSNSESS.Mag.sNo.05.Passeg (an d aonly)*.10.. Sha6p.m. nifienat building; ntne techers; large attendance; N .11 asne Sna ny ... 01 "m good discipliue; saperior work; welltsupplied roaingGIGSUH roou; daly lecttrest; Saturday eeing reeption$ous StOS optheenetire youeasrmrcial graduaateingream.iPa.IMailsand Paesenger'..........15102a. M. demand; shorthantd graduates all secuespo~stns= P 4:. Sailad Exprese*5............... 5 47 p. asL i.".aug expenstes$2. to.5per weekinspri'vateofrms.No. 06.ToledoAcomdtn..00a. 'es. F5uorNwCATAuaand Liesta tdeswho No- Acosadtn..71a. lake puasiiona from wek ta week.addresa No. 101. Passenger (Sundaystnly.... 1 ..i p.a. P. A. OLNART. Pros. Central Standard Time. "Daily rxcept Sunday. $200 3.09$.00,$5 Trains 101 and 100 rusn betwern Tsledo and H $5Owosso ly. Meduced Fare. First Class and Warranuted in Trains l and 0 ran between Ann Arbor and N ® -veryWay. Toledo only, daily, except Sunday. NEvryWy Other trains daily turrpt Sunday. Dot & ein r.W. H. BENNETT. R. S. OPEENW~OD, & F ie. Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. And reader of "5The Daily', is cordially invited to attend SHEEHAN & COMPANY'S HOLIDAY + R OOK + SALE. We haveo the Nicest Goods for the Least Money. The University Booksellers, State Street. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. AMOOJESKA, NEXT 3MONDAY. Whets applied to the iaterpretors of ofhe dyama "artist" is a msuch-abused term for so few have reached that poiut of greattiess thsat etititles them to this distinctions. The brightost ex- ception amosng thue actresses of tlie American stage is Modjeska, who ap- pears at the Granud Opera House next Monday night, In an article which appeared itt the Century magazine, re cently, tlue followitng enconittm is paid to thlis gt'eat artiste. "Madams Mod- jeska is an artist ien the highest setnse. As her fellosv couttryman, Chopin, was atn artist in music, aeDeMuoset in poetry, Millet itu painting, so Modjeska is inu actitng." Sheo will present Shuake- speare's tragedy of Macboth stud in this, perhuaps, more than in any othior of Iter plays, she finds need of htor great ability ien the art of stage direc- tiotn, in which she is quite as proficient as its the other branicties of her work. Macbeth dematnds swiftness and cel- erity in thte handling of tho accessor- ies of the stage to preserue the illusion of wierd awesome surroundings which have paosed the nattural and entered the circle of the supernatural, RENTSCHLER, j) hoto grapher, CORNER AIN MID HURON STS. HRIMD OPERA OSE ANN ARBOR, JUST ONE NIGHT. MONDAY, JAN. 23. MODMJE:0S:ESA SUPPORTED BY MR. OTIS SKINNER And her own compassy or playert in an artistie presentation of Mvr.AOCBBJWII MODJESKA as Lady Macbeth, Mr. Johni A. Lane as Macehs. Tousr under diretion Frank L. fBerley and J. J. Ruckley. PRICES: $1.50, $1.25. and $1.00. Ssale of seats hegisns Friday morning at B.SF. Watts' Jewelry Store. GIBSON, PH9OTOG1IAPHR