VOL. III.-No. 73. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN RIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. v, FR ELOCUTION AND ORATORY- PrOf, Trueblood's Untiringand: Suc- cessful Efforts to Perfect This Department. The subject of elocution and ora- tory is fast gaining prominent place in college work. It has an especi- ally strong position in the U. of U. curriculum. The Board of Regents, realizing the rapid growth of the de- partient, and the great interest taken in this subject, has created a full professorship, promoting Mr. Trueblood to the chair of elocution and orator. Professor Irueblood came here in the fall of 'S.., knowing that little was being done in the U. of A. along the line of elocution. He was engaged at the time in giving courses of lectures in elocution in the Ohio Wesleyan University, and the Uni- versity of Missouri. During the fall lie gave a six weeks course of lectures to about 6o students, mostly of the law department. who them- selves bore the expense of the course. The faculty invited hit to return the following year, still on his own responsibility. But in the years '86-87 he was appointed on'a salary for ten weeks in the law school. During the two succeeding years, from 'S7-89, he was appoint- ed on a salary for the second sem- ester, his time to be divided between the literary and law departments. During these years the membership of the classes increased to 300. In '89 Mr. Trueblood was appointed Assistant Professor of Elocution, and since then has spent all of his time at the Universitv. The courses offereilareas follows: One year's work in elocution, which is devoted to the analysis of the elements of elocution as found in nature, and the best forms of ex- forty great orators, the first semes- ter to the study of the ancient ora- tor and modern orators of Conti- nental Europe, and the second semester to the study of the English and American orators. A study is made of the sources of power and history of the orator, his times, speeches, and influence, the student being required to make speeches on the several orators. 'he work is in the nature of a seminary, and is limited to twenty students in a sec- tion. Again, another semester is given to oral discussion, in which leading questions of the day are considered. The course is designed to give the student drill in the application of the principles of formal logic and elocution in extempore discussion. The work done in the courses is certainly very broad and compre- hensive, and has many rich results. The Oratorical association is an out- growth of this department, and the Northern Oratorical league is the out- growth of the association. TIhe sub- ject of elocution is on a better basis in the U. off M. than in any of the eastern universities of the country, and certainly no small part of all this is due to the untiring efforts of Professor Trueblood. The Russian Pianist. The American Art Journal, of New York, has the following con- cerning Mr. Constantin Sternberg, the Russian pianist, who appears at University hall, Saturday evening: With the first chord Sternberg set forth from the piano, the 'master'' had manifestedhimself. His quiet repose, his poetical earnestness, captivated the audience at once. But he did not lack in brilliancy, as the Scherzo and last movement showed. His execuntion th-r r n THE TEAM WILL GO SOUTH. Tne Eastern Trip Abandoned- Games in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. The base ball management has reluctantly been obliged to give up the eastern trip. The schedule of games for the Western Inter-collegi- ate championship requiring Michi- gan to play two games in the west in the latter part of May rendered the abandonment of this customary trip necessary. According to this schedule, at least two school days must be used. Under the rigid regulations of the faculty, but five school days are allowed for games away from Ann Arbor. This would leave but three days to make an eastern trip, and for these reasons it has been given up. However, another trip is being arranged which promises to compen- sate us for the loss of the trip east. Manager Cleveland is completing a schedule of games for a southern trip. this will occur durin the spring vacation from April 14 to 24. Games will be played in Illnois, Indiana, Tennessee and Kentucky. The University of Virginia has offered us a game with a guarantee of $Wo, which the management will decline owing to the great distance. Michigan will play two games with Cornell, the first at Ithaca, May 20, the second at Detroit, May 30. There is a fair prospect of securing a game wtth Yale at Detroit. The Yale management is endeavoring to secure permission from its faculty to take a western trip. Cornell has secured dates at Ithaca with the University of Pennsylvania, Am- herst, University of Vermont and other eastern college nines, and one or more of these may be induced to come as far west as Detroit, and play with the U of M. The candidates for positions on this year's team will begin training under Captain Crawford in the "cage'' in the basement of the gym- nasiusn about Feb. i. The training will consist chiefly in batting, base running, and outdoor sprints. The names of the candidates have not yet been handed in, but a noted pitcher from the west will enter the University at the beginning of next semester. It is understood that Rich will have a formidable oppon- e t for ine position of catcher it I . , stiffs's' a lnt HC . 101, 183-185 vOODwAsDnAvE., DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. qiehmond Straight Qat. No. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smokers who are wiling to ay a littie more than the price chargedfor the ori nary tradeC igarettes, will find TaIs aaND superior to all others. The lichmondSta sight Cut No.1 Cigarettes are made from the bright- est, most delicately Clavored and highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This is the Old and OriginallBrandf c Straight Cout Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year 187. Bewareo imitations, and observe that the firm name as below is an every package. The ALIEN & GINfTR Branseh T f the Americ aobaco Co., Manufacturers, - - Richmonad, Virginia. Unquestiouably THE HIGHEST GRADE OF FRATERNITY JEWELRY And the Laest Assortment or AEOV MDEB ROEHM & SON, DETROIT,-si -s - ICIGAN . College Flags, Pius, and lAss luttos, P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF c-c- T- CERT IT', . evcu ia XUIIiL1Ce was a pression, and their application to perfect marvel, and yet, not for one public speaking; a study of the Phil- moment did it intrude upon the osophy of vocal expression and of listeners, tnot for a moment interfere action, and the application of the with the magnetic charm of his principles underlying that philoso- playing. He plays so natural, so unassuming, that the listeners' admi- phy, to all sty lea of discourse. One ration of his skill soon gives way to semester's work is devoted to the a keener enjoyment. critical study of two of Shakes- __ peare's plays, and the application of Mr. Knowlton Lyman Asies, mil- the principles of elocution to the lionaire mine owner and lumber- best parts of those plays. Such ian, of Chicago, was married this reading is considered one of the week to a Brooklyn young lady. The the very best means for developing groom is better known to the college the voice in oratory, world as "Snake" Ames, ex-Prince- A ybar is given t the study tf ytn full-lbetk . I