THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. SIW R~ ALL OVERCOATS AT IT OFF. ALL SUITS AT I OFF. SKATING CAPS, MUFFLERS, HIEAVY UNDERWEAR, WOOLEN ROSE, GLOVES AND MITTENS. A LARGE ALL SINGLE PANTS AT h OFF. VARIETY AND WILL BE SOLD CHIEAP See these bargains before buying. ______ WADHIIM8, KENNEDY &~ REULE. AT THE TWO SAMS. Ann Arbor savings Bank PATRONIZE L TA LE ,i Excelsior Laundry, Ann Atbonrih. Capital Stock, $0,00, 2ER SHOP!NTRET Srpus,$1.50,Wh. OW EN'S BARBER SOPt oodWrkGaPHrntIeGodsc'.do Orga nest oder the G eealBanking Lass aoa.el Good.ii GsAntot. COETrop.o o it this state. Receiota Deposits, hoyns ad No. 0 EAST HuRoN SoEET. siedlsoeocton.eA.oF.tCOVERTcleap United State. Deafo: cashed lopr lose ideniieation. Offieest ANNr 11 $ Caasuti.DO re. le ABR 1W . Washington St. 2] Years in the usine w.. DFsr. A. aNF.Si re:.. &IIWAIVI LAUINIJR HOT LUNCHEST0_M. MYSeab ltUN RYN NRFu~th St. 23 SOUTH FOUTH AVE.. And the verychoicest Candles 0. K. BARBER SHOP. hE. E'STub. - ' > J~WOE1Vahingtois St. J. R.TIIOJANO505I. ®LANOTICE! 4 Sounl SeAl' STREET. TO EVERYI STIJDEN'T of Ie Unierstof0 s~IS SI!~ / oe Mill'siotchi sihoahx.'st -THE AROUS,9""' 16 Ilnrvna g$., a tnt Boo ClIoeh oal ntstoohomelin.totastoc s .of - t.oeurene TPADE ~~~lineiCocoaeBnBn.w u ne of1j j aethl Icgot anid finet tock and osest UIIN "3~R b i 9ks j C, pit. o$O l. Srl aed aiR 511, $1,01. prcs in 1ho ciy. Dont toort toeisumaer Dios a genea Bnklng liisisa. aysinan ae , t O L ON .2 TL W PIE 10,1 RE JOLY CO, N.26terest onlavitig 0 post. assafty j o th State Street.a° D°° "° "'" °'°'''^"'°° epoit Bcxen for Rent. of theeliooe ar se veytlse." ThistosIR. KEMPF. Foo. F. H. BELER, Canhie. U.OF10 CLEDA. oiBlye cf the mnist anctlces in Idank oesatoda evenin U.__O___M.__CALEN__AR._ which Annt Arbor 11a1 cotributed to A 'T1' F'~A tThetoUniver.sity. osonon iloacytilr;Pee nffeII 1/s F osintret. ThusdyJa. 3-Jefisoia Ltear At the timeo of the report _the__e__e__e____ Ix_______asi__gton__on soitpolyipthree lroessors ita the Scintilic FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. Thous.o, Jin. 1-Dr. Leais A. Rhoades n "Theo Departmnt, tiwo of whbotiwstre also MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!I sIertinc olct nihLtrir-'pols~ l eical eparment.SP CA Ilitata E, i1) a. as The Chancellor recommtletds tie do- SPECIJAL SALiES. 30 a E as05nSre0t, h'rhss.J. Ist. llProf. Hinsaleonats"Presidetlotitg awa'ly wihI the ioriitory ytem. EIiot ndPoparc ticion."RomI :~aiss2,0 Il~e says: ,Olur peshent doritr~ieOsill lt-lISIOIIIG E P )0AR'rME . S AV ~nAN p.I A a.t Ioledt. ac'ommdaI~ teaoubst ote hundred sl tt- vEAr sat I.l.P-ress('CL),43 p.0m, iporantfentslflt he tliear0e10to onltlinue tle UNDERWEAR atOtaao N thevito.ds aiv ul,iss't. sysem15 'ii 1151t c loence hbuldilg tU 111 REDUCED T1O Mon us tots 23 las.St, Jani. J L'ho a ion Cncet,m s loe.a 00101101110delay i ce1110t10tie presentrt ~iio'~~ 5, acitegIlit.sprall o, ~of otionaiM. 1t.of 1inc101se1 we1sha111lllOreqirat the p OU 'xarn ( n Sati,1 tle ea'.of IPhiladelphia, opInie~tg ii lof I nother 5 y eaacosieralei soriifititil i~,itTia'eity' Ito. .11111t1lo t 0111 do lltoliO5 * Th '1109 o E & t-'529181*'n-- - "- 1101hIlltirsys5tem is15obcifonabllein 1 ONE WEEK. ONLY. sA U. OF SM. IN FORMER DAYS. ill itef. ByOwitdinilDog youngO 1001 Opp. CurtIH Ous. _from (1101the iileilfls of doluesltc OCirls OO SP ED Gigantic Growthi Since Chancellor 11111 1forming atieol int111(1 Iseparat ~'J'.j.):~iJ:i.i ,. Iaooan's Flot Annual Report coolluollty tify ar Otenle d ti t 185inISB . conltact 001ll )btan11111re5 p1101111to 'ffnairIo v T _______ ifall ito linielaly ColliIt thei 111111 L ~1fl IIfltietle~s of lslllltIinilll .a10) 0 ilsirl i1' . C 11lh o i tlinual replort to thie toard 11110 'Ir, thus rag creased(1' .1 thu ii I T.I -LJofLL regen)ts madelby Chancellor Tapan uhe full scopie oftheLiviersl'iity is Ill I 0511'a N I tan11111itd th oe l ls qcaeexlaind tJSVhi ti ery e at~oX 5ur1noiiel one1d0ytcir just forts' poer t ill d0 it i5lellO tii1110uy li t o s s 1111, loTS10001 a (). l~gtile year a scientific this repot 2 0 Ioulfse ad tousel5 ,0I i agricultural 0051- Chancllofr T1lap Ills eiort LII tie 11111had en estlsblishlea. Th oil ob- c'itsll'b111 as15.1 so11p0intedlat het, 0'11C0 ox. r' 110 flill 111LII etli o years0 15that a ser's'ltolry e'as u lder Oo'iay, fhe citizenss hs'ssintiereedie 110thesorlt notei ONE "WEEKvON LY. li at Of' Detroit lhavinlgcoltributed $1.0,00 'iose theier silt 11101l1r11l5 in-il Nofe1110 Foiiowinlg Pie: for theppse 1)0f b uilditgon. on dceistsdof 1nblbi5a Os01h1rue we 01ilstuO-.~z.'tJ.j.L~ Geo. Eliot, Complete, 0 volo., 11.44 tat 10 el(e fr1 erata e-departmnt Tie gaiutes i 185 Tliackerys, Complete, 10 os.1 240 escpa to cost 16 10 for a transit 11- numlber 50, of whitch 30l gradua~ltd ill Dickens, Comlplete, 15 vols.,l1l0 f IlL ntto cost $3001, 11an lstro- thsoelical dearent '1n1120 11 the SHFOE-4~ Emersoni's Essays, 2 vol., -05 lslcoc oco 30.Bfr h literary. Dulring thea yea11 theChemi- PrOOcotI SPeril, 2 vohs., ofa lc ocs 30 eoetecal laboratory was10bem0g bult-Anti DE'ARTMENT. Prescott's Mexico, 3 vote., 175 hsalncellor left for Europe illI ebrolary, Arbor Argus. 500 Volumes Standlfard Books, 4Sfe ach- 1813,thse ctizens of Ann Arbor raised .- -- ~--'- o t. SAMPLE Examine our Stock and Prilcs a subscriptlion of $1,500 for thle Pii- Thec U. of 1.fDentah Soclty wll CONGRESS SIHOES Before Bn'ing.esityylhbrary. With this money rndr the following program tislaREDUCEDS ag bout 1,000 volumes were added to the evnings Paper, "Amalgam,"' Mr. --- lbar, ,conistng of standard class- Hilman; discuslsion of sam,by Mrs.-3 TWO STOES : cal anld scientiic works, of staldard Adams and Mr. McAllister- Paper 22 South State Street, (0011k0 in Frenchi aid German litera- on "Antrum," Mr. Wilbur; discuss- ONE 'WEEK ONLY and 4 North Main StreetfLure, of histoiy, of miscellaneous ion of sanme by Mr. Parmtr and DSPEED'S11' 7 , (oposie our .ous.) Americaii liteiafuie and of the best Mr. Terry. All are cordially in- 7 ~ J E I AN A BO . orcks cii agricultullscience. Some vited.__________________