THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daly (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sbscription, price*,, 50 per year, invariably in adane in Icacopie ,3 ents. Sborip- tone may -be left at the office of the fLaLY, at Stoftt's, eith ay of the editors or authoriedtsolicitor. Commuonoications shold reach the office by 7 ocloch . ns. it they ae to apper the et day. Abtres all matter intended for publica- tics tot the Managing Editor. All buines comnticationso should be oet tt the Bui- sesMiaeta. THE U. of Mi. DAILY Ann Arbor Mih. EDITORS. E.J.2. t r co, Lit. 114, liaetgioc tditor. C. A. liesloIN, Lti. '93, Acislt11. W. 77, touc, Lit '95Asis tat. 11allfA ]MtE C0 . SHAW, Lit. '1, Asistant. S, i. Cr. rts. P. (. Lit., Iuinss Maer. %1 V. W. EA1~ rro t. ii'4, Al-isacl A.BI,1-111,t94,JAsdi-ant 7. oti7u~ le 09: e1- .sttl taii '3 H.1B.11 Il lyllllO.1 t L. w.ll011101101 1105 N100111 slowers.'.100011111 Ii UR p~1Arof-r. tie.g-t 700w1e 1110 C.00,000 71)01 11Jgb,.ytstert'Iy. I holiito11010Hotread th 661300;s rot oet l patedivineyDfAILeDIL supof-rwaler fromthe aWauet Wiorks hlig hesteiotoy. ur shaukld0hfv11110ato $tile 3ouriernor tir coutesydel iritingthe DALLeY from ther press. TP111 Daily Cardinal piblises tie challenge ftr a deate and makes the folowing eitorial comment, from whicieh it seetms arragements may he mate witi tiat uivrity dentls of ttheUniversity o ihiganlil ferait ouersimediate1attentson Theii U 110110.onc11and'Iterte 1t tanit be lege meeftntg is 911111 toiblotelldt 99 eachilsieety 'ppit t itn0110a.1commit- tee 99h11s0 liuty it shalii be to repotIt theletlege neetllg wett calet. Thett appear to le toaniy caeslll t tieaSt Taegesoelt of te fouest which would be for the best interests of botiniisti- tutiinsl. Thse imatters will require some time. 'Therefore we0 lige ta the work of ivestia tng these propo- sitions be begun at one. ALTHUGHo the regents have only thrown out the suggestion that $40, - 000 would e very acceptable at this time to complete the gymnasi- um, it is to be hoped that the legi lature will exercise its liberality sufficiently to place that building in a condition where it will be of use 'to students of the present gensera- tion. From thec out-look at present, the state is the only source from which the money can be had to fin- ish the gym in some years. Of course there is always the possibility of a big donation, which is always a very narrow possibility in the case of Michigan, although Mr. Water- son's liberality proved a noble ex- ception. The students and alumni cannot be looked to for muauy thsous- and utore, even should another ap- peal. be made to their purse. The only apparent way out of thec difft- culty is in appeal to theT state. Thle students base shown their interest ill a mlost practical svay; the neetd of a gyumnasiutm is a crying onef, aud carries wvitis it its 0551 reasons for existencee; tile condition of tlhe builing as it wvill stand iincomo- p1 leted, is entirely useless antI ho- moiliatinlg. 'T'he money iinvested wviii he w~ithoult retu~rns. Th'ie legis- lature will probably never find the needs of the University smller thtan at presenot, althougho they are great enough. The DAILY earnestly Hopes the legislature svill tukeclue cog- nizaance of the existing iflets, anti persuade thtemselves thaitilhe great- est institultionioflcarnigon 10tile wvest shldtt have a f111slcd gymnas- ium. BUSINESS LOCALS. A sinle Bathi, hot orIllidfoir11 cenits, lit tile Pootollite Bariber Sillp. P'OLJIEMISjulst Iloith of ttle lost- ofto.e11110 thle best Ihacks, caritages, and11 horses ill tile fity.Iry 111111 tf Leat-c ordiers for the 1t e cin it the Pitutofflee 10116Optera 1H0use 11051 stans "r0so "Rchan)-re Wr te 7e~q, or. LIKE FINDING MONEY. By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 5oc and 75c on every pair of Shoes as wve must reduce our stock to nmake room for Spring Goods. Flee Footwear Dealers, 48 SOUTH MAIN STREiET. W AGNER & CO., will sell NECKWEAR At b FROM JANUARY 15i-21. Tailors and Furnishers. Is the LEADONG SCHOOLOF nietbulildling; niceteachers; large nttendance; good discilpllie;011p0riowok; ellioupplied reading 000101 "daily lecturst; Satrdaseen~ingreleptions; oethle entieear; comercotilal gradalotoengroat demlad; htheiand graduatoeoalltsecue poitos; la:rg exp~eses 2.tatos2.5poerswekin private foml. _e0. Fo awfCAAOGUEansd Lst ftudesob cake postiionsofruo eoekutoweek, adress P. R. CLEAIOT. Prs.. F8$2,00, $3.00, $4.00, $5 I Fist Chits and Warranlted ll 11 Esveiy Way. _ Doty 8& Feiner. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Carditntoeff-ct Sunday. NoN,. thl,I - Detatur-erofl.Drainsat AnnsIArbor. No. 3. Pissl'oAnnlArb~orAcc-ol'. 12000111n No.b. SMail and Yfasoolger*....- 425p.II lie. t01. Paslseger tlunday ccly)i..t...110 c.m N Gd SliOING OTH No. I6.'Titledo Altccloodion 111111 itta. i. No. toe. Pseg Snay onl')--1-111100p.0111. C0e11001 Standard Timo. 'flatly exceplt Suntday. ETrains 11011 1 ad 100n 1111twee'roleollaod Oosotonly-. tledllod Fase. .rais 11nd111 Irun0 bitween Attn Arot-itni Toledoonlyy,111exce11ptin. clher tratins dily 0 cCeet Sunday. W5. n1.BENNETT, t. . G 1110D Ge.O a.Ae nt.'ooalltAgent. 7I Tm S = TT And reader of "The Daily" is cordially invited to attend SHEEHAN & COMPANY'S HOLIDjAY +m OK + SALE, Wte bave tlho Nicest Goods foi-tlio Leasi Monoey. The University Booksellers, - MSate Street. Not 0111y in1r0111, bt intoalldottor Jewely0111011., ourvrity is riebchai DIAMONDS OPALS EMERALDS PEARLS RUBIES IN SELFl O1 TUNQUQISES COMBIlNATIONt ETC., ETC. CLUSTERS. WvATCHS iSosoy s 11000 000r1m100 watchfl care00. It isouoraim to procure oly tile Iiot perfect timepieces the woorla produces0. Inadditio to all the famousl makes we ash special attentio tc 0110 on specialFi. G0 ., S. &Coo' mov-ement The melt perfectly-bal- anedO movement extant. WOODWARDF AVEONUJE F.G AND STATE M T"r STREETTH, D ETRIOIT. SONS * . &co. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. RNTSCHLER{, _10IEK SLD 1CEI oModjeska 10 comning Utti te (siuiI g a h operaous exi t 11bMndliy Inigit, allid CttfNl'lt OIAIN .AND0 IUi.os~i r5. to the rank1an iliie of theater gio-rs this speaks escinaes hait se3 a'"U FE A H -S golig 1tolpresenit Iis a seconldalit coil AIPPE A IO sidtIn ft~l ot s sli n 11 eery11o1e itt ANN A11 711 051ONi GhT. lies interelttifonls 110a11011ptiltctioIl tha 110nll- othei irtists w91 lisi 1ttthis IOND.AiY, JAN.23. city. Shakespeire's gte-at tgey oft "Macbth,"l hossever,95wiii Ut the bill s T- anld assh-leIlls neveraer ied tin1this ]1 04O )D V 2JS = -.\. A-pliy lieebetoote, heotm~llig swillbeoa treat lIn hlet com~panyslloNi h iea~d- 5U'POiITEO l3Y ed bty MlOtts Skierslit ilso 101110 MR. OTIS SKINNER A. Laite lid IBitRogersItheo vb testAtld heon coemspany Illplay-ers is 10 artistic represetatives of the old legitinmate presentat1ion If schol of actin~g InowOinithe Osupport of M A :3TPr ainy star. Ml. Lante sluppoitedl iotoro, McCullough, Boothe, ]Barrett, Charlotte Mr.JhnAs Lady Maceth. Mr oh .Lane 01stoaebetll. Cushnman antd, ini fast, nearly lall the Ttor tnder directicn Frank Ls. ucrlcy a0002. Shtakespearean stars of thle last hl~sf J. Oluchlor. century. PRICES. $1.50, $1.25, and $1.00. " - Snalo of scale begisboiday morningat Ninety-five canes-All lholders 0B. F. watts' Jewelry Store. of '95 canes muot leave them at ( Zp y Arnold's jewelry store, in street, G . by Thursday in order to have "'9" 1GA11' engraved on them free of charge, as PU VI per contract. COMMIlTTEE. NO. 12 W. HURON ST