l4e El. of It§. Waip. VOL. III.-No. 72. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE REAL EDUCATION. Rev. Lyman Abbott Defines the True End of Education to be Character Building. The usual large audience greeted Rev. Lyman Abbott, the distin- guished preacher of Plymouth church, last evening, in University hall. Mr. Abbott is not of preposes- sing appearance on the platform, but his audience soon loses sight of the speaker's personal appearance, in the deepness of his thought, his attractive style and eloquent utter- ance. The lecturer said: Living in a world outside of academic walls, I may without egotism, accept the invitation to talk to fellow-students, respecting the real meaning of education; the interpretation oflife itself,as seen in a large and comprehensive view, not academical discoveries respecting learning, but learning and life together. The constant tendency of man is to idolatry. It is not the pagan alone who puts the image in place of a god. The tendency of mathe- matics is to put a chalk mark on the board and call it a line. It is my purpose to show God more than an image; that life is more than what we call learning; art more than fiction, and music something beside an instrument. What is education? Is it to grind out Greek and Latin? Or is there some goal to be reached, some end in view? The young man goes from his college education to that of business-the practical learning. An aching tooth will teach patience bet- ter than a preacher. This is the benefit of democracy, that men can be taught better by blunders than by superiors. The foreigner lands in America and in four or five years we give him the ballot. It is be- cause the United States is the best school ever organized on the globe. Education is for character, it is man-building, and life carries it on. We are not born to be made lawyers, doctors, or teachers, but to be made men, to prepare for life. All edu- cation is worked by its power to mold true character, the only thing in the world to live for. What we suffer is a small matter, what we are is the transcendent question. Mathematics is not to make book- keepers. It has a deeper signifi- ficance. We learn in it accuracy, that two and two do not sometimes make four, but always. We learn that we are in an exact universe. God's laws are not like Greek rules, in which the exceptions outnumber the illustrations. Human freewill itself is subject to law that guides it. We study Latin as a means to an end. Literature is a gate behind which is human experience. The true study of books is to get know- ledge of our brother-man. 'The poet sees what other men fail to see and puts the spark of humanity into his vision. Why is history to be studied? Not to learn something and recite them. It is to trace the progress of man- kind from the cradle to maturity. We are just beginning to know that we are singing creatures. There is no art so pure as music. It comes straight from heaven. Noth- ing disturbs it. If clouds hide it, it turns them to golden glory. Science tells how to make machinery minister to our life. Machinery is the world's brother. Nature is a book in which there are great truths, and science is inter- preting the truth. It tells what the hieroglypics mean. Science has taught us the unity of the universe. Philosophy is not to know the opinion of men on absolute ques- tions, not to get acquainted with scholasticism, but to learn what are the laws that bind us together in fellowship. 'o teach happiness is to teach selfishness; but to teach virtue is to instruct in manliness and courage. The end of all study is to live a nobler life, to have more love, to be nearer to a loving God. Ideals are realities. Education is to get at truth. Creeds are good for nothing if they do not help us to think. Democracy of learning is for men of every race and clime, and even for women. Education is life, love, and God. The Jeffersonian Society will ren- der the following program tonight: Vocal solo, Mrs. Knight; declan- ation, A. H. Upton; essay, E. J. Bean; oration, E. L. Johnson; biog- raphy, "Gen. Ben. F. Butler,' W. T. Webb; vocal solo, Mrs. Knight. Impromptu discussion: affirmative, A. D. Rose; negative, W. T. Aggeler. Debate: Resolved, That no limited divorces should be granted. Affirm- ative, D. Lockton and C. B. Blakey; negative, S. J. Hall and M. R. Todd. HARVARD WON THE DEBATE. She Defeated Yale Last Night at Boston by 83 Points. SpecialTelegram. BosToN, Jan. TS.-Harvard de- feated Yale tonight iii the annual debate. The question was "Re- solved, That the power of railroad corporations in the United States sqould be restricted by national legislation.'' Harvard had the negative and won, the points stand- ing, Harvard, 1,485; Yale, 1,403. The speakers and their order were as follows: Lawson, Yale; Vroo- mran, Harvard; Donnelly, Yale; Stone, Harvard; Cummings, Yale; Warren, Harvard. A Marvellous Voice. The Boston Courier of Nov. 13, 1892, has the following words of praise for Miss Marguerite Hall,who sings in the Choral Union course Saturday evening. She seems to have made an unusually favorable impression in her native city: "The friends of Miss Marguerite Hall, who expected great things from this young lady on her return to this city after several years of study [abroad, have certainly had their expectations thoroughly real- ized. The two recitals which she has recently given at Chickering Hall, have been a delight to all lovers of music, and have given her an unquestioned place among the foremost singers of the city. Her program on Wednesday evening last contained fewer popular num- bers than the preceding Friday; but it was all the more enjoyed on that account by the select audience gathered. It was distinctly classi- cal in its character; and it indeed contained some new numbers of un- usual beauty. Miss Hall's work showed more emotion and express- ion than in her first recital, while her singing was marked by the same richness and volume of tone and beauty of technique. It is marvel- lous that she should be able to give, as she did on Wednesday evening, fifteen different numbers in succes- sion, occupying something over an hour, without any signs of weari- ness." The P. G. laws have had no lec- tures this week. Re H. FYFE m& C 101, 183S-185 wnorw>ArnAtv., DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. qiiehmond Straight Qat. M No. 1 CIGARETTES. ar Cigarette Smokers who are willing to vay a little moarettepriceS~ - charged for the 'ordinary 4, a - trail Cigarettes, wiltilfied TesHIlANDsuperior to air ethers. The Richmond Straight Cst Nos 5Cigarettes are made eromathe bright, est, most delleatelyrflavored and highest eest Gold Leafs rown in Virginia. This is the Old and Original Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year 1875. Beware of imitations, and observe that the firm a e n seloe is an every package. The ALLEN & stINTER lBranch Of the American Tobacco Co.. Manufacturers,mritichmond. Virginia. Unquestionably THE HIGHEST GRADE OF FRATERNITY JEWELRY, And the Largest Assortment of ARE 'MADE :BY ROEHIVI & SON, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAtI College Flags, Pins, and Class Buttons. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND mPORITER OF 55 W. ~E'ORT ST-, Detroit, Xichigan.