HOTEL + EPWORTH (AT CHICAGO), Will be but 400 feet from an en- trance to the WORLD'S FAIR, And offers low rates and superior accomodations. Inquire about it at THE U. OF M. DAILY IrO m Hs""AA PAN TA LOON SA LE A great big 1D N A O NS L Magan, Celluid bn dges ces 200,248, 278 and $3.28. Styles are good, qualities ONLY $14.00t t th ti f i LITTLE FELLOWS IN PROPORTION. W\LSEY nei r rectation and serviceable CALKIN2', .. 34 S. State. ssouthstatestreet, - - UP sTAIRs.! R;Y A Y A E,. MOORE & WETMORE BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND CORNER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. T~T AND 8~- ECO TD-~E-AN1 .=OOls.. University Text-Books, Medical Books, Law Books, Dental Books, Students' Note Books, Blank Books, Stationery. We have a large Stock of Keuffel and Esser Drafting Instruments. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. ___ ___ Call on Win. Fulde, the FINESTSTOCKOF-81 -Tailor, opposite the Law Building, of On Monday, December 12, we will maka our 32d Annual Exhibit of Holiday Goods, which , as William-st., tirst door west of State-st. heretofore, will distance competition, both as to price, extent and variety ofs-ock. Cleaning, repairingand pressingdone neatly. T hat o Little f Cends sayay vea see tieatke least possible cost, we will, from Dec. 12thS Suits to order aspecialty. All work first-class. ^L D __ G ODSto ec.00 tbsll candies and nuat thelaollowing; prices: HOLIDAY : GOODS stick and Fine Mixed Candy, at - - . Se per lb. IF YOU WANT TO Choice Mixed Cream Candy, at - - - 12c " Good Cilecolate Candy, at - -- - 4e "3uyg an g1 am CQoo] Very Best Chocolate Candy, at - - - 20c44" I1 TIlE CITY NOwN ON SA LE AT Mixed Ncsts, at 15e per lb., or 2 lbs. for 25c. or have some Repairing done go to We invite an inspection of our stock. Ario 5 36 Main Street 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The senior Tits will hold their H W DOESTTIS 2TIT The total number of instructors at election on Saturday, 2 p.m. Every- \ iV You Look Yale is 185. body wants to be out as the contest The Yale Princeton joint debate promises to be interesting. At our Show Window? It tells will occur March 15. General superintendent of Smead it's own story about The Glee Club sings at Bryan, heating system was up from Toledo Ohio, Feb. 7th. yesterday, to find and remedy the GUITARS A new class in dissection begins defect in the heating apparatus in here. As we do not wish to carry AND work toward the close of the week. Newberry hall. over any winter goods, we siaL PRICES. Modjeska will appear at the Opera President Agell was present at ea ter d es THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., house next Monday evening. the inauguration of Pres. C. K. sell them at greatly reduced prices. 51 south MainStreet. C. A. Bowen expects to be able Adams of the University of Wis- to return to his work on Friday. consin. $35 SUITS FOR $30. .J IGHIGAN ENTL The U. of M. World's Fair ex- e$30 ' " $25. Tun Tbl ieevsei sleI~er25 se. hibit is being prepared for shipment. President Adams, of the Univer- $0 "$5 Time Table (Revised) November 20, 18.12. sibitOfsWbecgopreparedhfrsshepment.o EAT . . E .sity of Wisconsin, in his report to All others in proportion. MailS 4 25 Chica sSpecial .-3 0 Prof. Taylor will not meet his - Day Express----:: 5 30 Day Express - 8 27 the legislature, will ask an appro- ES. Lied------ - 2Mail - .t93class in Agrarian movements today.pration of$2Z for immediate N. Y. Limised-5 5 9 5 N. S. Limited__ 959 5500 Niagara Falls sp'L.11 27 p. i. On resignation of Miss Buck the a, in, Chieags Express.IFS1q use. D. N. Expess-.5 5 G.I. Express_-_i5a48s Pi Eta's elected Mr. Goddard presi- employing s 1T A I Atlantis Express._.8 05 Clii. Nigkt Eap s as05The qetinof epoigstu- S,-v. __ _ 0 I?__D4 G. B. Express-_15 as Faciics Espesslk aS 1 27dent. qeto F..RT.IAeat, ea AA be Class idents for guides for the World's G.P.&T. Agent, Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. Class in science of rhetoric, begun Fair is being considered by the 42 SoUTH STATE ST. FIRST NATIONAL BANK the study of Lewes' Principles of trustees and it is more than likely OF ANN ARBOR. that it will receive favorable con- Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Prosfits, $30,000. Prof. Demmon delivered a lecture sideration. Transacts a general banking business, or- in Detroit yesterday, in the Univer- ViJLD -ILU! eigrn exchanrre sold. letters of credit procured TPrenialrm teeoth for travelersabroad. sity Extension course. F. BACH, Fees. . S. W. CLARKsON,Cashier. Dr. Lynds surprised the senior and junior medics yesterday morn- ing, with a written examination. Class sleigh rides are reported to GRANGER'S ACADEMY. be current diversions at DePauw. Pupils msy enter at any time, tkeir quarteran starting ras the date s roadmissioa. Offce Ninety-four and '95 have indulged. and Residence Center Entrance Dr. Martin has been unable to at- 6 MAYNARD ST., - ANN ARBOR. tend to his work in the medical de- Send$125,V, or $35Cr Sass- partment for the past week on ple Retail Box byexpress of account of sickness. the B EST CANDIES in America. Put up in elegant boxes and The time for the examination of strictl pure. Suitable for PRES TS. Express charges candidates for the Freshmen Glee prepaid. Refer to all Chicago. Tryit once Address, Club has been changed to three C.F GUINTHER. Confectioner, 212 State Street o'clock Saturday, instead of two. j CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Ife UeVL)IIU U1111 1 11 Presbyterian young people's meet- ing met last evening and selected subjects for devotional meetings for the coming six months. A good deal of grumbling is heard in the library on account of not be- ing able to get books desired. It is rather difficult for fifty or one hun- dred students to read several chap- ters in the same book of which there is but a single copy in the library. C. K. Stewart, '93 homeop., is entertaining his brother from Day- ton, Ohio. IS SELLING HIS WINTER STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES WHICH WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS THE GOODS MUST GOS. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Neare Main.