THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'C. of -rM . lLug. Published Daly (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price$2.50 per year, invariably in adevane aingle copies rents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stofflet's, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'clock P. M. it they are to appear the next day. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business communicstions should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Arbor,Mich. EDITORS. E. J. OTswAE, Lit.'00. Managing Edtor. ( . A. IloNeSIt, Lit. '3, Asistat. W. ENListLie"55, Aeisantss MoRaRrTEAb~ C. SAW Lit. '94, Assitant. S. W. CIoriss, '. G. Lit., Business Manager. W. W. twEDEMEYtR. Lit. '4, Assistant. A. BAILEY, Ijent. '4, Assistant. LITERARY. LAW. F. A. Manny. l93. W. H. Evas, 'it. E. K. Tutle, 't J. D. Sitae, '93. H. B. Gammon, '94. H. W. Webber, '94. Norman Flowers.'96. MEDICAL. TOMtOPATHIs. C. N. Sowers, '93 . C. K. Stewart. '3. J. R. Arneill, '94. Mattie E. McFarland, Special. The Edior doe nt old themelves respon- sible for the opinions or statements of corres- pondents, appearig in the DAILY. THE ARO U" UL NIN O OV. IT is gratifying to note that the freshmen are still making efforts to secure the organization of a glee elub. Success to their endeavors. OWING to a combination of cir- cumstances the proposed under- graduate number of the Inlander will not issue until later in the year. LYMAN ABBOTT stands in the front rank of America's pulpit orators. He is doubtless the best representa- tive of his profession the Lecture Association could have secured to fill a number in the present course, which is made up of men repre- senting widely different fields of in- tellectual activity. Every student should count it a rare privilege to have the opportunity of hearing Mr. Abbott this evening. THE item boxes placed in the var- ious halls, in which it is expected notices will be placed by professors, and all items of interest contributed by the student body, are seldom used. The DAILY is always willing to publish any notices pertaining to the interest of students, but the pro- fessors and instructors seldom make use of the paper, although it would be an accommodation to students. Everything of a news character is always appreciated, but in all cases we would ask the writer to sign his name as evidence of good faith. The boxes are visited at 5:30 each evening and all items must be in by that hour. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Many of the college glee and banjo clubs have already made suc- cessful trips. Miss Joslyn, lit 96, is suffering from an attack of malarial fever. Mr. Hildner entertained his class, course one in German, yesterday afternoon with the singing of several national German songs. Tomorrow evening, at M. E. church, Shirley Simons will tell of his bicycle tour through Scotland and England. A boarding club on Thompson street has formed a unique plan for learning the news of the day. A Chicago daily is taken and members of the club appointed for a certain time to report on different topics. The most important are reported at breakfast and others at luncheon and dinner. Notice. Ninety-five canes.-All holders of '95 canes must leave them at Arnold's jewelry store, Main street, by Thursday in order to have "'95" engraved on them free of charge, as per contract. COMMHcITTEE. BUSINESS LOCALS. A single Bath, hot or cold, for 10 cents, at the Postoftice Barber Shop. 58-25t POLHEMUS, just north of the Post- office, has the best hacks, carriages, and horses in the city. Try him. tf Leave orders for the Icter Oean at the Postoffiee and Opera Houe news stands. 70-10t FOR RENT,-Very desirable suite of rootis with bath heated with hot water; stationary bowl witih hot and old water. Enquire at 47 south Division street. 66-6t "Rich a,, rare were the os she wore.' -Thos. Moore. Not only in rings, but in all other Jewelry an well, our variety isarich and are. Inafioc jeweled Ringsad Pen- dants we can show an unsurpassed as- sortmentin DIAMONDS OPALS EMERALDS PEARLS RUBIES IN SELF OR TU-QUOISES COM5INATON ETC., ETC. CLUSTERS. WATCHES always have our most watchfulcare. It itsourmaimetprocure only the mobt perfect timepieces the world produces. it addition to all the famous makes we ask special attention to 00 own special . G. S., S. & Co.'s movemet. The most perfectly-ba- anced movement extant. WOODWARD F. G. AND STATE SMIT STREET. S DETROIT. SONS &cO. LIKE FINDING MONEY. By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 50c and 75c on every pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to make room for Spring Goods. Fine Footwear Dealers, 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET. WAGNER & CO., will sell NECKWEAR At - FROM JANUARY 15-21. Tailors and Furnishers. M-E 5 Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Card in effect Sunday, Nov. 6th, 189. Departure of Trains at Ann Arbor. w~r f iGOING NORTH. No. I. Mail and Expresse.. .. 7 10 a. m. No. 3. yassgr Ann Arbor Accom*..12 00 non 1s tbe LEADING OrBOOt OF BSCINEEB. Sag- No. 5. Mail and Passenger*......... 4 25 p. m. nfiteNt building; a snine O Fteachers;B attendance; No. 101. Patsenger Sunday only).......10 15 a. m. good discipline; superior work; well supplied reading GOING SOUTH room daily lectures; Saturdayeveningreceptions; penbo eentire yea; acommernl gradates in est No. 2. Mail and Passenger*.........11 32a. m. dregad esrortaOls.ndpgrae ecupsipvtios o m4. Miland Express*.........8 47 p. m ,ig expe nses uaLe$ n d Linprisatewha No.6. Toledo Accommodation ... 7 00 am. cake positions from weekto week, address No. 102. Passenger (Sunday only)...- 7 23 p. m. P. 5. OLAS, Pr*4- Central Standard Time. 'Daily except Sunday. .S $2,00, $3.00,$4.00, $5 Trains101 and 102 runs between Toledo and FL 5Owosso only. Reduced Fare. First Class and Warranted in Trains Sand 6 run between Ann Arbor and o Every Wart'Toledoonly, daily, except Sundav. N Wy. Other taines daily exceptSunday. E E D & Feiner.W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWCOO, * e.Pass. Agent. Local Agent. And reader of "The Daily" is cordially invited to attend SHEEHAN & COMPANY'S HOLIDAY + BOOK + SALE We save the Nicest Goods for the Least Money. The University Booksellers, State Street. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. IRRENTSCHLER, LEGITIMAkTE DRAMA. Photo grap her fhe production of "Julius CIesar to be given tonight, Jan. 18, at the Grand CORNER MAIN AND HURON STS. opera house, by Mr. Charles Hanford and his company, has the reputation of being one of the most perfect Shake- GRANDE OPERA OUSE spearean presentations now be- ANN A fore the public, The play will be presented with the same scenery W ednesday, Jan'y 18. used by Booth and Barrett when they gave it the best production upon the + CHARLES+ HANFORD + American stage. Mr. Hanford was for years a leading With theigsprodcBOinAREo T player with those great tragedians, sir CoAo acnd essayed the sanee role-"MarecJL IU1aa .L1(AR Antony-with them that he now ap- U I pears in as the central figure. Mr. Hanford as Marc Antony, supported by To all who have a fondness for the E. R. Spencer as Cassius, Bennett Scaplace as legitimate drama, Mr. Hanford's pro- Owing to the large amout of scenery used in duction should not be missed. this production the curtain will rise promptly He has with him a strong supporting at 8 o'clock. company, and in every act the play PRICES: - - 50c., 75c. and $1.0O. will be staged and played here as Mr. Seats will be on sale Monday morning at Hanford has presented it in New York, B. F. Watts' Jewelry Store. Philadelphia, and Washington. This will be the first Shakespearean produc- tion of the season here, and it may be some time before another. The cast comprises Mr. . .R. Spencer as "Cas- sius," and Mr. Bennett Matlack as "Brutus." NO. 12 W. HURON ST