THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a general. and complete line of Vigil class cloting. Young Men's made up with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the best mechant tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. Ann Arbor Savings Bank 0. K. BARBER SHOP . Ann Arbor Mich. Capita1 5tock, $60 ,00,In connection, Surpius, $10,00 Organized ander the General Bankng Lasts Fine Shower Bathe. New Porcelain ot this state. Receivea neposiss huys asd Tabs. sells exchansee an the principal inies at the 301EF Washington Si. . . tTRaNOwYSKi. Unied dStates. Draets cashed apon preper .. identification -0ffcers CHRSTIaiANMACK, Pres., ss t seti' s W.tD. HsARIAN, Vice Sees., l 1 se .ns e l Hnes. E. HiscocK, Csshi-se.________ N.1.J. FKice. Asst. Cashier. C ital.$5,0(00. Sursisl 5and Prssits, $17,000. Doessa generalBanisnlg business. Paysis- to retoSvi Deiltposts. l-letaieiy D~reseit loxeslior Reint. it. K FF, Prs. F. H-I. LEtl, Cashier. 'iBanks sssovenlray evesning. PATUONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! x.® ; \o4 Fe'sTIlURONes (ussesi THE -- TWO - SAMS WE ARE AGENTS FOR Yohimas' Ilats, Sitvfermpaii'sfats, AND HODGEMAN'S MACKINTOSHES. EXQUISITE FURNISHINGS. PEIRkWNS GLOVES. WNishito anenoinstha ist 'weae iii.s o t )t the IRlea dy Id Clothing i1eissssss aind substitiste . ?tc'rclisiit I' si s in cid line Shes. On accountiofithsis echasngel we slisll stll sill ounr FINE BOX OME1,t'OATS AND SUITS AT ACTUAIE COST. Csl1 and E'1X1I1i555S'. I KT -"THE ARGUS,-- 1FJNE joy 9 4 I AT Lisle P'ICES- AT THE TWO SAMS. iF N D AL WORK IN ECONOMICS. OPENINGRECITAL. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS.,--- A Notaule Msusical Event at New- MILLINERY AND ART GOODS !sof pie, 1). at \Michigan. " Two years berry' Hall Last Evening. e30nEasHuonsteet,. ago lee took tise place osf Prof 'lelrtrciagvciiyts r- I Adiames fosr oesesiester. Since S isA-cE iEREc ANsthen lest h'sslte ltchair of tis- fessors eof the news School of Mu ssic ENVIBLE tory aensiPolittilScienccest Alhionte occusrredi last eveig cNebrry HsFRsISeFOR : eS ve. Collegt e. l octor's thsesis is a I isall. Thse buildling was fills-si io O ssYour-sasee finishtd work Isandsi c sreceivei thset soiTC~~rUF~ ovrfowigeven thse standlsng was S .Osier &Soentiovrlocc iedngeimrsso mogltstmie ssssntritiss iit h OPP.courtH~ous. IMs ooeley, a sonseof Jusige macic tupointhscu-isenoscby leese Thonsas (Cooley,"radueatedi froem tite newly cingagedi ierformoers was sic- ftr' . of Al first as 'Mi E., then as A. noicienal aend as some lsavee'tirtssesl WBar. H.le has since stuissdi in Gee- it, accordedi with thesr asthertic feel.- niiany anei Italy. In the recent cecu- seeslee 1ha11ciharge of tile statistics of BOO K ST IJK ~ sireert raiways asde bisthietd an cx- *ceediinglinteresting monograph on tile suet.Ilie is a canslisdate for the degree of Phi. D. Mr. Dixone is so recent a graduate of tine U. of M. as to he welel known Special Discosunt ons Law Books, to all readers of the l)Asi L. tlou Medical, Deital aind All University is a candisdate for the Ph1. ID. de- T[ext-Books. ThlIrgest gre Slldols' Nobo Boot!" iege even ibetter thaen the perhaps mcore noteed neesicians whoe are brosught heere endser tse auspices of our Cheoral U~nion.i Mr. J.- Erich Selnieaai surely cwin tier whcole audience lee lastineg admir- ation. Mr. F. 11'.Abiel changed manlynincds over tos t1ecadmniratiote of his chosen insrumnt as well as strenegtheening its popeularity amsong the formier frielnds eef tier Violin- cello. Mr. S. R. Mills, perheaps, ou5tid~ the other performers in the minds of tile listeneers, for hieswas far ahove their expectatieon, as expressed biy some of thosse first to think of our new Scieosl of Mesic. Mr. F'. Mills did not fail short of mleeting the re- quiremlents of estabulishing a sound foundation for tier violinii snd en- couraging others to puersune its study. D~egree1 of pert ectioij irn Tailorizg, IS EXEMPLIFIED BY OUR Qorrt~tpfleIflg D reppsuits, OUTFITTERS, 15, 17n, 19 SO. Main St. in the city for 25 cents. Agent for Keuttel & Ess'r Mathematical Instrus- metts. tnder prices on everything. 3TC RS: So%4th State Street and Main Street. (opposite Coart Hose). Opening Social of tine Students Christian Association to-night.