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January 18, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-18

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VOL. III.-No. 71.



THE UNIVERSITY'S SHARE. the money for it has been raised,
-- and invoke their sympathetic atten-
The Bi-ennial Appropriation which a
the Regents ask will Amount tion to it. It is urged in favor of a
to $2 66.300. state appropriation toward the com-
pletion of the "gym," that mnan-
The Board of Regents have pre- t
pared an estimate of the expenses of imuch as the students have shown a
the University for the next two years disposition to help themselves, it is
only fair that the state should see
and will ask the legislature for $366,
ng them through with the project so
300. Tinenmemorial embodyin theabyegn
ably bgn
following general and special appro- . t.
priations asked for will be presented sIt is hoped that the legislators
to the legislature today, and no will again pay a visit to the Univer~
doubt will receive favorable atten- sity, and see this great institution at
tion from the new legislature,which, work, as there can be no better ar-
it is hoped, will look with favor on gument of what is done with the
the remarkable growth and develop- state money than that gleaned
nfent of this, the greatest University from personal observation on the
in the land, the pride of the state of ground.
Mlichigam. The student body would be de-
For the repair of the 17 buildings lighted to welcome the state legis-
on the campus valued at $726,410, lature to the University, and
is asked for r 'pars. 'ould do all in their power to give
,$7,000i akefrrepnairs. lneaInrtreetoshudhy
Seventy-five thousand dollars is them a hearty reception should they
uecie to visit us this yenr.
asked for an addition to University t
Hall to be used for administration The Athletic Board.
and recitation room. Such an ad- _ _ B
dition is an imparitive necessity, as The regular monthly meeting of
the literary department is consider-nI the Athletic Board occured last
ably cramped for want of room. night in room 9. The chief busi-
The two hospitals will require ness transacted was the presentation
$22,000 for their support during the of bills and discussion relating to
next two years. them. There are now about $400 in
Twelve thousand dollars is asked the treasury, most of which will be
for by the dental department. required to liquidate the associ-
There is no need more pressing ation's indebtedness.
than our library, and an appropri- Messrs. Bowen and Shields were
ation of $z5,ooo each year is asked appointed a committee to make
for its support. final arrangements for Prof. Alonzo
For salaries for instructors, the Stagg's lecture on ''"The Modern
legislature is asked for $15,000 per Athlete," in University Hall, Jan-
year. uary 28.
For the completion of the engin- The board is seriously consider-
eering building and the enlarging of ing the matter of obtaining by re-
the anatomical laboratory, $15,000 plevin, or otherwise, U. of M.
is desired. football sweaters which certain indi-
Several small sums to be devoted viduals who are not entitled to them
to the science department is asked. refuse to return. This is an un-
Five thousand dollars is desired warranted presumption on the part
for purchasing an electrical plant of the wearers, but no more so
for lighting the hospitals, than the refusal of certain players
The legislature is asked to con- to pay their dues at the training
sider the advisability of increasing table.
the tax of one-twentieth of a mill on ' '-
the dollar to one-tenth of a mill. In several of the women's colleges
In comparison with other states there is now provided practical
Michigan's tax rate is exceedingly training in political details as a
low. Wisconsin appropriates one- means or preparation for the respon-
fifth of mill, Colorado and Califor- sibilities of life. Campaigns are or-
nia one mill. ganized, platforms are framed and
While the Regents do not ask the discussed, registration in accordance
legislature directly for assistance in with the statute is required, and
the completion of the gymnasium, ballots are polled according to the
they make a statement showing how Australian system.

A Brief Account of Beecher's Suc-
cessor in the Plymouth Pulpit-
His Active Career.
Rev. Lyman Abbott was born in
Roxbury, Mass., in Dec. 1835. He
was graduated from the University
of the City of New York in 1853,
studied law, and in 1856 formed a
partnership with two brothers and
practiced a short time in New York
city. Becoming convinced that he
was better qualified for the pulpit
than for the bar, he studied theology
and entered the ministry in 186o.
He was in charge of a Congregational
church in Terra Haute, Ind., until
1863, when he was chosen secretary
of the "American Union Commis-
sion.'' For a brief period he was
pastor of the New England church
in New York city. Resigning in
1869 he devoted himself entirely to
literature. He was joint author of
two novels and for several years he
edited the "Literary Record'' of
Harper's magazine. He also con-
ducted the ''Illustrated Christian
Weekly.'' This last position he
resigned to take charge of the
"Christian Union," an independent
weekly, and in the editorship of
which he became associated with
Henry Ward Beecher. At the time
of the latter's death Mr. Abbott was
assistant pastor of Plymouth church,
Brooklyn, and a few months after-
wards, he was chosen Mr. Beecher's
successor. This position he still
holds. Mr. Abbott is the author of
several books, including the follow-
ing: "Jesus of Nazareth,' "Old
Testament Shadows of New Testa-
ment Truths," "Illustrated Com-
mentary on the New Testament,'
"A Layman's Story," and "The
Life of Henry Ward Beecher."
Mr. Abbott is a brother of Prof.
Nathan Abbott, Tappan professor
of law in the U. of M. last year.
Four of Yale's crack athletics have
given notice that they will not be
seen in collegegames again. Swayne,
the champion short-distant runner,
is going to Germany to study medi-
cine; Allen, another sprinter, has
engaged in business in New York;
Wade, the bicycle rider, has rheu-
matism, and has been ordered to
stop racing, and Stillman, the cham-
pion shot-putter, has decided not to
return to college.

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