THEU L. OF M. DAILY TB Fa aTh 1A / . L. NOBLE Will be but .oofefarIom anen i ISEo TR5!-IS SELLING tranci. to the 'it i o sla iidboundtedla-, WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY $14.00. And ofters low r]ates and super (or 1. ,;59 os I PftOR~TION. 12E.RBY IIIITS A ()1, 701' acco oJd stion s.Inqunire. 3~ IL~D J.7. .II aotit at WILSEY, .,,, * CALKINS', 34 S. 5tCite. 3iltSaastse Steet, .very Une Worthnx$.50to $4.00. UF ST A ItS.1 MOORE & ETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 'A D C )R lS I COF S T A T E N D VILL I I M S Tr tE T . ., L i, I S33tl{. ibi 0'i~s? 1 MX I X.L> ) OOKS AKI)ET1SETC., ETC . STUJIE-LTS lifEINVJITO1 S.ltELCTI}JL. ENTS 1.EVOIE GOING HOME Our Stock). will be found Complete and our Prices as Lov as the Lowest. 11I i N 51'STOK1 1 ' f11 .Tailor, opposite thse Law Builiisg, aOs t3 ii L Iac, ),, ii> t , yie sill masiasert3lldAssatl IEhiit !' lDi~cs i dal, t'si , -h Wiiliaos-st., first (sto1r west of State'-St. -sit t~c til tiaxees ipe iiaa, both as to pri ~c xCant. si esireuy os l.Cetnis,repsfrfineandipressigasse aatiy, 'Ifiat o t itterensa y l tr eSCusa Wees h tlsa s ~itfi si-i ssibe CAe will fonSDec.12th Ssits ta rraises ci~altyr. All scarfsta-class. toD,,(. 2thscell ecandies and ntsiatst h fe llisiag Pics: HOLIDAY -GOODS Stick atisillUea Msixedi Candy, at - - 8ctper ttlb.ouWANT chitsice MieiCreasimsCasiat ---122 LIcYUWATT (foosi Chocoliiste Clasdy, att - - - - 14c - V'esryBest Cisscelate Cansdy, sit 2e--a 3-Y OOO IN i iN 1I i l 5 t1C ( .15 i Mixed Nuts, at 1ti rle ., its s a or2.5.i ot avxs es e ltetairing dane goa to 144 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. itA~~k3 anSre BlIOW N'S I)RUG STORE. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Atamein ft Law 'S,---jolhn CGrant visited Ann tors last night, .. W~Jill You fLook Arbor yesterday. elected msanagineThexmatoofheFsmnU.AHllrsigei. At slur Show Wilidow' iftoil s :glee Chits siltltie held Satttrsday at judge N. AV. Chei it' sillwn illr'S sholt 2 1p.Itn. Jain. 23, before thse C. Ii. L othlrops, ofl )etroit , dilt (is .Reinislicences GUITARS ssot lectuire yesterilay to lise 1'. G. Durisg the War.'' AN~Tnsnsior lawes, to prove a very isler pR (;ES. There are still a fewvciithse F iire at illtiam~s Cc _hit \ NA 4IltttIt txtit N o. class casies left. Ilsey mat~y be seen thse $50000 chlapter :51 suth ainsseet. at 33 S. iDivision. Phi. GThie State Agricoittiral College at 'Vate's tine wvily RtO HIGANU" N Lansing is appatesuty to have an- trip,~ starting Mlarc. imTbe(e sdNovsabts P181a other siege of dyptiheria. versities of t'ennsyt' ai5s_--_---_ 5 icpest l 08 Istrutctor ttaii is considerisig an Johns Hopkins wi N.e S, iiitd---- -0 IS:)fai-_t- 1,aoffer of thse principalshsipsof Grand Teear kso te N. Y, Limsited _.i(t I2Ns. 5Limsited__ l5 sitllth~sP Niagara Fals 5p Its i R)tapcds high. schsoot. Ms aiev1p tt. N. rttae5es_. , tExtres 54$ ilisilop Vincent wiill lecture at theRais iisore E.. It. IExpres__ _50I,1o'acifi ~pre'. -Ii I .t . .chusrcs, urnter the auspiices offothcealsdrf -4). 55.Itus.i H.a. W. IlaceS, .0 rk lt tf.:P. T5. Alzot,fficses. Aet. Anin Arole.j the I_,pworthi League, on Jan 27. V .Dae i FIR T ATINA I 'ife '93lawvs wiltlnseet today lts lege to accept a tiosi FIRST ATIONA BANK consider thse pulrcilase of HureIs of a tlnmher cocopan. Oll'ANN AlBtl. ''Cr Caa,"C .5rcli lt c~i.1,5. ilsinl ra ctice,'"'onitile co-opl- i-red L. Jasnette, f pt It'.l 0 si-lsad ris M, 'Trnat oeral baaingse Sie~s'solr- erative pians. Dt1itYstaff, has w tai; 'eha ei., etersciedi preicaCI I'. II sf-al, (road.i-es. rnkFele, tr ln s story for the Golden s,9'.Ca i. lzis.hcliasie. ;rtary otStudents' Volunteer Lassd, "Roland Alskney's wciii sptak at S. C. . ., next Sunitay the first isistatinsent m og. appeiar in tils coeea 11 LI OF A UI I red J Chamnevfornmerly Tile Detroit high GRSANGE, R'S ACADEMY. medic '4 a enapitda-wilt ioid their aisnt Ilitis yenteriat any tliseItshe i icC sist in sarting f(rsihthe 'Idatof aisi.'iuis. O lStantsurgeon eni one of thse Detroit tFriday, Jan. 27. ia Reience Ce'terEntritce 'hospitals. titerary exercises at t. f' MA 'TAIDS r., - ANSN Al.tvoll. l}tiss M\abel Ii. Rouse ilas gone to house in the afterno' sed it, t~ ~It 5 (irSa-Chsartotte to attend tise Wioman's tion at the Light Inf tile Retaifl saxisy espress of State Press Associationwhsich con- the evening foilowe the 13EST CANDIES iiiAmer iea. c ' odybhseeecie r Put ap is eleant boxes ad vanes in that "iytdy hs xrie r strictlr pure. Suitable for Grrd afresetie h neeto i PRESENTS. Express ehargeet MissGetueSnodeeraedheieesofh prepafid. Refer to all Chiicaga. !a.I. Trr itleece- Addiss, a numbier of friends Saturday even- school scholarship ft l. F G stalae S tet ting at her home on Wi. Second st. f versity of Michigan. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. . Briggs seas .~JI lIJIJ..J tditoin ISplace of- cecr svill fpeak :Inlanit Leaguie, f il tr1. of SAi. ( tajring sf01-k wiill soon1 te It is expected lhtre. As Nve dai nott Nwishto ci t'l :resting address. ottge iesroyciover paltl- winte r goods, we athll1 house of Signia sell t hemt l ~ reatly retdued prices. ;take a southern X35 SUITS FOR $3t1. Is 29. The unb 41eLitp i 15. calia, Virgisnia, -itt be ltayedi. Alt lothesiCiSilpropatlionl. Vlates. g. lit, of Grand urn to cohlege- fthe year. S -F 0 -D 94,l hias left cot- ( 42 SirIDSc s-ct; STs tioni in the office __________________ ftrmierly- oiithe ;ritteis a serial WILD! WiLD!, WILDle Evit Genus,",I of wvhichi wilt IS SELLING IHIS WINTERI snumber. STOCK. AT REDUCE!) school alumni PRICES WHICH WILL ial reunion on 'T'iere wviii be BE A BARGAIN tse Detroit opera FOR YOU AS on and a recap- fantry armsory in rl OD eby danecMUg'GO ieDetroit high .nd in the Uni- No. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main.