THE U. OF M. DAILY HOTEI PO RT FOR QFR1I AA0 orecat bi f\. L. NOBLF W1ill be bst 40o feet from ao enI- IS SELING trance to the Moalsgany, (Celluloid boundedes WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY $14.00. Andl offers lose rates and suplerior LITL FELLOWS IN PRCOlP0 TIO,,.1 CALKINS', -" 34 & tae.; l WILStteSte Y, P TIR.I Every One Worth $2.50 to $4.00. MOORE&WETM OR,' BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 1 ASND CORtNE:OF -STATE AND «WI II 11SM5RIE-*S. I-O01ID-A--Y-G-QO:DS- A f1 I+US, JIAlLS, P1()1Ic, STA ND)ARD IlGOE.S AND) SETS, ETCH., ETC. STUTIENTS 1=1.IE INVITED) TO SI LEICT IlES ENTS IBE OE GOING IIOI\IE. OuSJoek will he found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. FIN ES T C)1K 1)1 IN '1111 (IT 51 V O(N ' .S1,lAT 86-- Q Call onAWi. Fulde, tile a 0-. ...i.~ 11125. allor, opposite the Law lBuildinig, oin 1)'ao °I'D e~r1:i veS'lmI ca ou se lAnnusS al 16 bi i' Iid'u." t y l S, mabcblasWillialla-st.,fIrSt (leeor west (of State-st. isr sI( ill 'listance ( lalalilisa, MtasoSpn i ice, esienl 51id1 aritylratw Cleaningll'Islirin llnd pressin lone snetiy ii t ourL' ittile ~ind Ismay Ila ea Ileet ima al leSastSiws SblS costI, asNill, frm Dn 11b SuSats toaordcr a spcialty-. AJ sack fists-clas.. 11 D -. 2115sll candisandintatlthelolsllowing pries Stickh drni lie Mixed Candy, at - - - s c perIll. ZYO WA T O (AIsi e Mixed Creamn Candly, at - - - 12c ' 1 ATT (+0011 Cthocolate Canldy, at - - - - - 14c ' ' I 3uv 1 j Ver'y Best Clsocolate Candly, at - - - 0lc Mixed Nutsnat 15c. peralb.,01r 2 lbs. fbrr2.-c. Ij or havso nnieRepairing lonae nosto We iIniteanspecs taon orstnck.I 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. Ar 0 36 Mei. Street BROWN'S DRUG STORK. - UNIVERSITY NOTES. TlejlirlnsL aetli ia prf1i otn thsqlli//2ill Stepilel, today, insteadr of W ilYoxoor lass at epa lectulre by Prof. Grif lii. TPie (Sc- Prof. Ilempli returnledlfloll W\ash- der nil sectionis is She samte as In first At 11111'rS ims' VS 'iidoSS! It iE i1s .55101Scity, Saturda.. 11110'. it I'S wls tisce about F . A. I lilniey will lie the lext Lo I eci'iilcOSI ~ 11c-saain ioi Vale's alesven. lecloresito tine seiior slid tost G'U1 TA.R S Ms Pal~aine Weiss, 'o)2lit, sfpenit graduate lawvs oii 'latent Law"ir'nl SNIS IJ5-at'.laansld SundaSy inl:=innI Arbor. tine llnwc suiz.'. lilialthis afterinooni st usc l andhitlumn511fiiof the .I-.fSCll of \N . ho~ld thneir annuaisl binuet to Prof. I1. C'. aiinis left for (lohnls - ' 111311011i SlO. orrowna igit. I toptisl.tnS SCI sity,Satiurday, wnhere :,lSog ailsret.Prs. Ansgell swill15551tImeet his be saill renmainl till tihe close of tine IGHIG N C T ALclass in Ilnterlnationl lawas, 'Tuesday-, semnester, dielivering a course of tee-- as hle wsill lease tile city'. tures on tine Science of Ftinance. (Iine a l oevs iedI) Nii. 11111(12N, 3(S2C *. t. neca .Mc. Thnere has heels conssidlerable Owaing to tine absence of Prof. Alail-___--. 1 2 t'in'ncsSpecial - 3o dasfomtw hascur hc l)ay I.xt-s sass-_ 1 T8':lInipes --8PS7trou~ble about filnding certaina loo~ks Aasfon oeatn etr aii sv. S, iisIi d - -- c 1 Iial.--- ---9 N. 5'. t,ilriil .- S1 zi . 5.12nzite ipsIi S left ill the library of late.lhe sas to give ilefore tine Inland Niagara Fallsii elieA'1.. O1Ias21ale hi3.asbelahest a. il.Chino ilEpress. 2I19 MissNllealrkey, 9li ,s Lagethsevening, hsbe ot I. N. Eslmas .. 5 i8 6.Ii.t. Exlpness _-5 48 .Sllantx E~sExt. 8 05 (Ii. Night EM S9 051 been confined to lner rooml for sesveral polned alnd a nmusical will be given {r. It. lsE i'ss ___0 4I i Ili5Iapiess sI o1 . (ti 15(1.5. xF. S. Is-W I chals ona accounlt of illnless. instead.r Ca. Pl a ..lgC hic5 ~a. oAgt..5lA lanrill'. Ir. Iin'rtiTfhotta ~- 'ie Adel plii startedth ie ibali rtill- FIIr A IN L B N sas, sister of lDr. V . S. Carwooll, fl tosward thne inter-unliversity de- OFI"ANyN ARBIOR. seas a visitor at tine Nomnan's teagule, ibate, Fridlay eveening, iby tile dcc- laivi, 1111, i ats 11(1 Croisin$30,000t. ;SaturdIay.Sio~n of Messrs.1ilibricige andli(Sal- cia-a excns i Sol' sd, lettesfet'.5551iaapreion"I 'Charles Kenldall Adamls wil libeliraih10 reprcesent tile societyill ~. ~. SI. (1 AC5,5Pre'.Ini forSally inaugurated as president ii tilo(cal contlest. lS.-.Ntie Uis-esil- ofWiscnsi loloc- Mr. Motapoke to tile convelntioln So N ;rwevening, of V . P. C. IE. Saturday evelning, at U"fLJU F J '105l last nquizzess in Stepnien on the Congregational chlurchl. fe £11~L pleading w-ill be hleld tinis afternoon, gave them on me1 good points about GRANGERSS ACADEMY. the sectifons reciting ilth e prsonal saork, and shnoaed tine great intesaePpls May entra Ctntearlcl (Sc 111111 (irot te dt inI. lotfice order as at the first quiz. good done by sodahvork-. .Ind Residence Cenner Ent eilie TeY V .T .meighl SSMYA~1 T.,-ANI1.tIo Considerable discontenlt has been TieYW.C ..oeenghl Si Mvxt~ - xa ~~si~t.expressed by the junlior mledics be- in McMilla~n nall Saturday after- send $1t5,1$2. nor1$1 50 for Sam- cause of their exclusion from TDr. noon sans of unsulal interest. The h.flT the asllocAxot meo Gbs postmortenm of Friday. question as to the effect of the ym y Pat up in altgant boes and 'eatnino tdnsitr moderate use of alcohol was freely nai trictly pure. ISinl orChc ttninofsuetsitr PRESENTS. xrs hresdsund hrenwhnrr prepaid.efer to aildkCicago. ested in political science is called todicse. Trenw ooay Try lit onte Address, Itebo f ' members were rcie into the i.1fW C.F_ GUNTHER. Conecteioer, tebo fpolitic as bibliography rcie 2WIW 12 Stte Sret eety i h irr. Iuin CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. rcntyplaced i h lbay Ini. STAFFORD, If You aIcvel c-it eed f1afine Ifri-as FulIiit,1isiSCas Soil. Osvor- cot o ltllilia' illol line.55c(211 Atl Stffordll. Mlr. Staffordi is againloi hirsi oiS n1111 utItlin~g tald fiso filleR gradte of wock is alssurced. 42 $outh $tate $treet, WILD!1 WILD! WILD1 IS SELLING H1115 NWI2KTEII STOCK. AT REDUCED PRICES WIIICII WVILL lIE A. BARtGAIN FOR" YOU AS TrrlE -GOODS MUST GO. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main.