Co 4 . Wail n VOL. III.-NO. tf. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUIARY l16, 1898>. I'RIOEl THREE CENTS. PRESS CLUE MEETS. utterly fail its purpose. The pioof WOMEN AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. G, H Snw, tat EdtorDetoitreader was described as a very ii Mrs, Angell Addresses the Woman' - s News, gives the Journalists portant functionary.ViWeie it not League on "Woman's Eixhibit atPones ohi Ponesfihs eagle eye andr ias ivc in- the World'a Fair.oh Tiii initial address before the helc un es id Ile iiietin", of the Wo man'ssue" IMPORTERiS ne i rasie rs Cu f i rious blunder nmigiht creepito cI_ ieon Saturdayatronat }f OlF J C IS. 'niiersity of Msichigan sass made b he columns. o'clodk, wassuwelt attended, it lieing DETROIT' MICH. .lI.Sois, stale editor Dietroit irieficference ws madiiiie to tie i the isccasion of an address by Ms. \ei5 aturetay evenin" in the law bvr ntecnpoioion h Angell on "WXomnsEsx huisitit the ouuieti" It s s ahapy iciiisbusiness departmient aindtoI) lthe -World's Cotlumbilian Ixoposition. tane tiitth tomoiutfi nlclianical Iseitures of a paper. lie re .'tt ; tisSessoisstpresidient o h Idressia"gItie cIsb sthoutitfill ts i is such a varie'tyof sworkiconneceted Ieagucinii ter usualt Ihappy nmasner 'racluate sif the t. ssc rsissi isl to j Siwithi atpaper thsat use find niti caof intiodcedciMrs. S isgellft scsis o's ione sihiiicwas prominsentl d ialsaussotiittcf the tioarid oitliidy Iiianiageis. sectswith cltiC eioiirnissii shle ti5aisIatiis itii'S it ciiAfter exlpressing' ter tileasutre in beian at AinnsArmosum ,Ir.Snoss is a ieii tfeiei tOilsisoi h ieable to agaiiniieet thmeswomnof itthe ii ics ot the itliss omtc90,suit serv-ed cI'iily isceti iii-e,1 n he wAcni i 'prs , edfr a ao-ct i U UN sin tie otl Argeinasit boaril. Initill- " ire i usorimelour" "'s na charming stay iproceedleeltos Ireseint iii" theic any amiateurjoirnialists cecita in vcry attractive feathires aboutmayitrsngfcsoceig preseint just hose a newsnpaper is inn, it t is indeed a rare pleasure to the depeartnaent of the World's hair S1ir. Suiow gase ctteraicec to iiaisy see uri's osvn ideas in trust, ansd conducted by svoiisn. interestiisg sat instrcictisve factsti5cr iib pacngt at Aiioiig tie ninny swoinderfcil ;leanest fromaithe "canary cit actual audience.echansges swronght by lbraisiansI experience. IThe nesespapser if to- In closing swords MSiu'nowe de- braswn in the list tswo years, Sirs. itai is a tproeducit of evolutions Its scribesd the jonrnalism of to-day as Angell said that one of the most cc- fusnctisns is that of a tuirveyoii of mnoinl N esws is inot nesucinless it imarklable seas tshit the goveirnimuent lis.Te crepoirtsr is a gathuerer of 55 tie truiti. Ihe day ssill comae had recognieds the esquslstl of mewori a prdusceircit rair lieu oissi "uly iians switlescaipe swomiei issths iien ithcappoiintmnts Is the asverag eusetrupotitans tailis, 'puibliscitsyisisacciuiit ositlsealttiorosit iossnal. I rttiesthat wefrdf dao i iinoflbr famiiily. tiesre nisst liesisoe un'i'itten leis- la~ic isttoliirte es treee' mi c {Seerait aiscaleat si cir srs 10evof this frs0iea1 fa 55n' slcatisis ,_ha utesoii"g estsit ofthe Chiscago Iste'r (se)(i, c sIandS.spirsaps svousldleer bteibroughttote for soisety ~iodaaic: cisitir.J.N'it rs, Irnise s isthi teitlsts-Isit.Shticetics ieadi aisteiienst of uson50idii i i 555 iur" Teleram. thec "cierat omisssoii amid5resolsi- in, itescritisis the compslle te coat ASt the bussiness maeeting sftethiIoiss tasseit by consgress concerining oft nsail of ais avragie repornterlie adess, the advisability of giving a the boaid of lady iiinagers. ttught lieshuoul be at heast suip- banqumet tsHenry Watterxin, oia the Thiss boarid first met iii Chicago is liest siths perisistenes, tact, ad oecasion cit hits visit Iso this city Nov.,m1.89i . t this iiieting sue average amiouiit of cledk, keen in- i netsonthi was considered. Thme hsunidredl suetfifteen scomen o'ere' tiutin,iii aeeutiate knossledhge utftilain seemed to meet the hearty preseat repicsenstiin" every state and liusuansiatsire, ainitan.ieasyisisreel ppoval of those present. A cons-territory.SiA. cry interestin" aeeouint asse graphic style. rittee consisting of 'Messrs. of this meting wsn ivena shicha 'hue proscess sit seteetionsa s ica5a'SitM itH.Cutchieomu lit 9'1, Wt. H. s sehhs ss pehudie er scritbesh as one of real imphortance,, IEsans, last9; and 1E. C. Winianis, forgotten anid future friendlships aiud of great severity, in swhsech5 sas appiniited to camvass the clitb fornmech.'fhe obteet of the boardh tlueacpenclsestsin its saork sw'ith aIaned"et nmore definite infornmation. as defincd hsy i ' r maIsmierthe gets presietent, is that "it usa effort for vemgesice.Thue variocus ariciles It s to be hiopeit tha t scichi a han- tepoito fwna nect imiust not ointy sueaik for themselces, duet eain be aruanged, as it is seldom ia every direetionia ntellectualh, as itesos of nessanet sorks of literary' that a tounialist ike M\r. Wiatterson pahiilathrotpic, hiumaintrian, and muerit, bcut thsey must meuet the maunu- visits the U;niversity.j industrial.'' agimng editor's idheas osf polticv asnil It is probsable that ainto rnie- Ance uhn fthesucceedI cstseiamsc. - sork seas given, but enough to shows elpeianem ig of the chub still lbe held next its vastiproportions and time unlimited Nose coimes the difficult task sit Saturday, to swhich ath mnembers amount of perseverance expended. wvritimsg an attractive, a startling~, a are urgedh to be present, as matters Of this work Mtrs. Angell lass done proper heading for thme various arti- of vital interest still come before ther share, being an activec sorker headng nust ay Har Ion several committees. des A te metig.The address wvas ended by the yet IHear yet It in thme shost sin- --- f-- answering of questions asked by dow of journalism. The swriting of All active members of thme Choral members of the audience. At the heads is an art in itself. Union should bring their season close of this nmost interesting as well Trie introduction of an article tickets to the rehearsal tomorrosv as instructive meeting lime women must be interesting and catchsy, night, in order to get single tickets adjourned to list parlors below and otlsricse he ostuniue ead til fo tie nxt oncrt.spent a half-hour in social talk and othewis th mos unquehea wil I or he nxt oncrt.the singing of college songs. 101. 183-185 WStunmn)mAV., DID ROI', - - MICII I A-N. q9~m.nOnd Straight Qot. ru CIGARETTES. Cidli uts Sstme sinus 'srani sci ii tusmues iiiti amiss isisi mvivt ah i chi msonsd Straiegit Cuist i lii" cucs fro5'm thes brigiht- Ch,. t ti camiuu y fui avirs a nd isi ghet cost ci GodSeam gcrnuuiSVirinia. 'hissiiihe Old anu'diricuiaidItrau'iof ciri-it Cut igarettes, aiind suas I nuusheims cmi iufl'hum S' r)st. Becuarfic i uimiion'~s~5ics.can iuuut Suie Unquest iou FRATERNITY JEWELRY, ' 'iAsm i tiec.Limgest Ascmrimuens t 1 TOE IATTEBS DF;'i 0ir, - - AICItIm i s'. P. J. ]KINNUCAlN, MERCHANT TAILOR A.ND i moibigr Detroit, Michigau.