VI' 110' 5bi-
will be 1tranco fect froim an enl J ~ S SELLING
trneto tile
Mll 155', C eulod51bound211.4('
WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY V400. D]1T -/\IK A j7
And f.ftCi S in wratcs', 121(1 5111 rl}r LITTLE1055'. S IN l'ItI'llORT'lIIN. j 1DELBY LLHATS AT.k)C'.)1,7i
iboiit it ItWLSY
J .--rv-4nri ' m ±so vv +n 0A nn
CALKINS . -34 S. State "34 wo ti state sr e ot
Up PSAIts. I
.very vlie w or it ipz.ov to ipz±.vv.
I-- 'l1 111O>111 T5 AND 111 I I~Il 511 S
ill i)_1. ~ x D Ifi ) l I .. ANt) STS, I' )'... , ETC . ST j_)tENTSr W iN VII rLi I' )) S#11alL('T 'iy I
LN's L 1W C (1115GOIN1101111.
f t ,. ou d m ipe e and our Prces as Low asIte Lo sve t
.I>' s i'--86-82 alon Wm. rFule ~
Taii_ r, nlto iite tile Law t liii itl c ni
1rwo ,will 1111" e o ptIitioln, 511th1as1to1price, ete n dli ariio~ieelstoc'k.
'Th Ii itl 'fiends 11a, Icila c a ettiina thl ii osi bleii , cost', iii 'cii,, Sc liiiDe. 12111
11nU a I A LrU GOODSStick sinl Fine Mixed Candy, at - - "SG e11) i.
Choice Mixed Cream Candy, at - - - 12c
G' ood Clhoenlate Candy, at - - - - 14c'
lery Bent Chocolate Candy, at - - - 2c
1 111 1 Ill' C ITY t' 1O 1, 2 T Mixed Nuts, at 15c pee ib., ori2lbs.ior 2;Ic.
Weinvitean npection ef'ourastck.
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY'.
11Wi1iinii-st., hint door eistof Stalte-s~t.
Clein, epair'lsing 1111 Ipressintg soneisnat3 -.
suits to oerI d~la specialty. 51All orkirst-class.
13UY 661azra 01001
ohase soe R lepairng doe so5t5
'Win- A rx~oh , 36 M in Street
6L s Wl 2%"1115 litS S.SLPO UNIVERSITY NOTES. A. J. Baumhiart, '93 pharmir, tins .r'.Jru
i been appointect assistant to the pro-
1 Ncsv classes ini dissection lscgiis
WilYoT oosfessor cif hygicne, anid linsiciargc of
W11 ou LoK wrk nxt wck.tile wori: in water analysis.
0e,1s ~s liiI(~t I t hes;nl i n\'i.s i 'tc Thiere arc atIpresenst one ii inlireldiif s0111al'e ill icliee ci' fa fill
it. 11 ll'Sor lboili zve u ssos etscc. and eighiteenpuipiis iii tie school of
Mliss 'annie locker. lut '9f, 11,sio iii, iitn ii aiiictii le05 's itliiIIS Sii O
'hIaARt~s be iffoile iaitl txs s~i for tue secon~d semester.
11 j ~~~~recovering. N x u dyeeig .i.(o et
Ai1r.x ouin elol" .('hr's
'r. Ciark, stewsarid at the hospital, ,'tochat o ai b- 1y ' 'il011lne {al
PRI0CES. ssru rclr Iftenii 'lorii oInIic wislpe l fe lT'hire I ;ospelis: 11 1 111tiie l 11 :1i
surdaic tuefy hear.dr 'gTicGopl fSatan, The Go~spel (If
11i1 1,: N ARIilllOR lli\ is. 0 (., tue hol Itl 1 laidatos. t hel'( Fooi., andTthe Gospel of Christ.'' 1111 Staffiord.ii . Ii~ Sfhl di s
In plaice of tue tectuire by 1:Rev.
er.I ~ " ~ystei rday 11fille ofile liathccut u f illis ess. AnaHSa 1 1w aisnouncedtttlnit
___________ iis ilct ti 101 1it iIl l lil(IilfI lls (1115 '1 anr1d
I 1 1iotenlcCilib fot Saturday 'evening.1 ::. N
t1 c n~ " tcc i nr5 I\Vatterso00nihas becii securiecidi"
1}i : tt - iss Shi'is"will d lieS h r letre 1110- hilel iradei }1c I 'll is assured.Ti
olecture nidci tile 111212111es iif the cb ar'I
1"" 1eIl l rIy tiacibry ' so'
01 1,111c 00 Il _l ll Is '01rv5wllIsoon rec iveta - ,-
1 c.t. sdo'- 1 _______
! 1 oI I I IIi"i , Q fr n
ani lritl i cliiiel, el ilxt cc i y 'iIleisleoc I 5 E G 11 \'.T
London.'_ lot will coitain twol;l ' ''tatC1i0l"3If
I (. of 1). .2i1l. 'errsw oirhi.agRo1f1,
C i~{ \i'Ic. Lii' 'largronetsicrNieiiorii. ol loofitiltet.'iicersity
and i zerCertStcceCoci, STOCI AT (I, a)d, t)
"YCIlii ilb z l i11oioti e h .C.A iifaeanu e.ou ~ u A
d'i,'l''TitTiesDIetr111t1lent iaiiettpnsliiite th
ety 1sat C Ilie einsa. Tleneaeaoti7 'ndepatmcnepaidtwctyeive dllar
eneladSer. tieeiia~ld~lyIll'IlCdst~fo th peasreof akng oissc-of 1v ito . rsti m oth, .as lfoios
do spcialt wor assed ma Jan.te forehlothhniternati wonhal rRIE GOODSL
teason 1 lionbdurin ttheMolid ys.bece tary ngfr. thMol t yetrto a2
o~;NE. HL, scetalylbs tesand! A sebero f h omoahi tesGece'ed'aes
cfr rv soneh' pucmaetSurintabe the gh to codifyil htve 1num1e
p afr o orpaos.ITaerar osta C ORY UA
grond floor . fcOtHaaEEy,6Manadsct.or, prelafo r em fat akisalay dfisec ro.- tsgTprsidntofChcaoS
<WUJ chC, , icri)ea}hrSam-perio yern. hehliUs.Jniversty V. M. C. InernA. i n o-2aWl ~ n nS. Na an