THE U. OF M. DAILY. W . o tbird favored alumnus is 'Wlilliam "" .toory )unblt '-8,1)now the weflknon edtorof th~e Detroit Publisehed taily (Sundatys excepted) during Free Press. 'Mr. ( uinby is a meem- the (ottec y' ler of Alpha 1Delta iPhi. Th1e tihree THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION biographies are aceontpanietl by ltie Susteetptiottt erttei$'.itsttpe rear, invariably etgr'aeoogs. inQdaooeeStne epes:enects. Subscip- 'The irmitenpiece for IDecemtber is ttoss amay' be cft attthe ttttftce ttf the DILY, h ) n.I. 'olle tts. 'h at Stoffhet's, ceo any'ofth te otitttt'n fl . .E catr 71Se h authoreieedi ctotro. fraternit eltatt is also representedl. C'osmunicaea tttionthoutd r tach theie by ' 'Ie eustalpage is tievoted to '. of teoclock e. xt it they'reeto attpeartethe text ptay. Atdress at)lstatter ittentedittr putbtica- NSI, totes. tion to the Masan ttEitotr. Ailttbusnes LIKE FINDING MONEY. Bty (ioitg to AWabr & Miller's and sacve form e.5ce ro tnd755on cery tale of Shtoes as we tusntreduce ottr stoek to --tmake room for Sptrbng Goods. Fine Footwcear iDealers, 48 SOUTh MATI.N STREET. AT WAGNER & C0., will sell NECKEAR At 1-3 OFFr"w IlIUM JIANITAIEIY15-21. nesittnaetr. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. E.. t oi,,% .te, tie t. 9, MxsTsngttin tttte. (,A. tttntsttLits. '913, Assitatttt. NV. Pt;, itt L~,itt '95, A.itctst t '.t' ct .t.t. t; I T E .tt .A , t.'94tAecc Stttc . t. . ccc c tcc'c. it. tt.ushneNatctctt. \V, tccXV . : m . tt. 5 tLt.'Asitt . B.tettol ttc'9e!it1a.Iit', t tierees'it t t 1 titt . at erestel ct ie nn'trt otf the tressC('b is invtoited tto at- expeted Chief jutstieeFaller,\'ice -____________________________________________ ylPresiedent-elect teN'eosoit, Consgress Toledo, Ann Arbor and North, ( onWilson, of West V irgintia, andtt Michigan Railway. Ptentotn 7IeAillatt, of Tennesseetto le liresentt at thteir anntotal batntqtet 'ftoCtt cttetStctit tt t Cardls are' out actnottuttcintg tte ,' ~ ".""""" ! tmarriage tif FI' P.''" ll, e itc I7. -'mail ttSqtt ...A'.' ..t . '93 to N: 'I cci li.Wetxl NenwI trnt, t:" r> totnnlan ''enoo......ossesai.Otcc tiJs ltty o n t to) tttttti L A IN eCOOLtetOttBUS E SS. tottttag r' 10. "to Stl io CoudnnI. tri to ne?....ttt...e1()ok" 1cOttttct"'"oec.- onncati i 1 te. aiI1"' eel let T en a. cawcil 'u' ie e . to etttt Si0 3.0(400 $ c' o tOtI Netttt 'totI b l USINFS l ) t LO LALS n )tC it T ots, tntCit-nSatudy ning ueceptions ten te eetm;toorrw ve- lY toorct'mttore stuntscltttltitsg ing, introott is, tlatw biilitig. it Cogetiher yttttcast get tetDaily Interj cc ~~ceantttftteassallutlasy. is ite ttttdlttt olItt I it o Iat (it a fsee sattple cty of tt'e (_'lietsgt adidressesItrott)isnmny- practiecal Itier-ceeaxn stte tusillicetonight. ttes'stttterttttt t tce tol tsit IbotllltiNi ,- .teresinleictlt'sutite ctf newpaerme o th sat, s t'ttttttx withith htetedewilttno'ttt';rl still be pttssibtie tttttbtaitt AlI arte' statitoll"tI'y bolt'woit lt ant tld ittsietiit In 1 ret't tttece ~tv n tt t'tltr 'ltttltire att 17 sothltIDisision Inv ~ itedtob teettoorweT -wte. set. 6-ti in", wheter I ret inttertlet in' oEcry stltetiit teret'>eititt t 'ecitI encSlotlir ct t t-ortenot, toi Itar MIr. \Vot ON Ictit' oitttttt nttbsc'titte'fr'tth e i0 ti't Iter cea, h bstptpr ulihe. And reader of "The Daily' is cordially invited to attend SHEEHAN & COMPANY'S HOLI DA Y + BOOK A L EC WVe' i ttie'ilte Nine- IGts m.fte t'Le'acs ot n' The UnivTersity Booksellers, 'tt,:taeic'tntsi ar tospae etuh et tt'Itopbit t tItloniton(At Coettcin tet te' ula tle ittnt r. - o I toStlIn eea crrc titutctlet Iettt ('oetentestls ear ciwIslet nreO awres bncg midelttostuetts of ioStite eltr'5t'tetIito tule etand ntot b ~e rcle'e te'ttrnthcotiest T'l C ooeritt}'Magazine for lce Inteetin nittccconeli otrittett tbiogra- ptctes oft)hr1ee. tf ite C'niversity 's prominentlt lut tt ate gfiert. 10)0. Donttt. ickeitenn,"law '6c7, istotte of thte thoree. l.It 1)) itts'of is a moeno- ber of the Chci lsi fraterntity.lion. 'T'homaas N5 itherail Palcoer, presitleot ofi the World's F'air Colotobian Comyatissioto, lit '45, also a Chi Isi, is thoe subject ofl a shttrt slketco. The E tate Sti-e V "ic'kt fold >arr If.( 'n the gcmShe i?,,nrc __..Thn,. 311) ;rr. i ------ - - -------- II Jeelyattaweour'retis rchit a'tt DIAMONDS OPALS0 EMERALDS PEARLS RUBIES IN SELtF ttt TUNtQUOISES ETC., ETC. tVA'Oti-tot tttt tt s tcvcce ()tn-ctost iNvctcfice.''. ti -tttra tttt ttprttcict' onschemoti'erfct otiloicteceicc t ossu sat ow teettttF. (. S., S..4 tCo cccot's'sscct. ttce'ctosnt rfcON-al ccnceot tmoteet; tain1tt. A V MN i. SMT. D ETR1'. S ON'S ~o01o ~ & Co. l I.£ I~t; ide~sdttit' Inerd)eO).tIt N ' hc O Lti t'" Itiro. a P'tliteI ecralIl-elc: timest'fit. s tt ltii ot he hat i ry ce te ce t') It theotIt it A JB"reroin in j ''hur ttth e i£ t ,I t a g','' t tot'lo Ne t he ti cc tctcti'e"ittillrti retd''ctty itti'- le~ ':h-e Bri ltN' m c. 5 e. s, dCtI ,yt N1) d )iIt el tc ' Iisitteno ! tic'R] H R FE , -to- d saotrc. 'te si o I nti Bar otleyCa px el' f ei t DirNAtilay aktreon easi ility ticci tijlotetetof. 'itte; IdlKa t t c i lt abr. Os iat apt eatd atL0cc)) l hc the Grantd puera, Imut oat tiletcee. Misse ndtfe cais "<\I er toiteil h es ' nwtwoc1uiascy' ci r ' actresslof abirlityst ndyex aultye.sctlice G B S pierformtanceewsaiSslt'faetory. 0 N. 12 W. HUR~iOiN'ST