THE U., OF M. DAILY HOTEL + EP OTH0 A5 1 A. L. NOBLE Will be but jun fet from an e----ISELN trance to tbc WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY $ ~ Antd D R Y H T A Z 1,3ofers low r]ates and supeior; irrr I LJi.o ' s INPRPRTeI'ONri.t{iT i\T $ 7 about it at W ILSEY,Evr On Wot$25 to 4.0 Cf1LKJNS', - 34 S. State, 1iLSoutitae Stot, c P StAits. EeyO eWotX25 to 40. MOORE &WETMORE BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET XitANDCNET: OF STATL AND Wi lii STReeTS. TEOI~jIDAY aGOQDS. AI i',IS, Il IlLE.S, POEMRS, STANDARD BOOKsS AND SETS, ETC., ETC. STUDELNTS ARE INVITED) TO SELECT PHES- ENTS tiE FORE GOING H1OME1. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. - ~AQ~SCall on Win.. FHlde tie F1N lSTl'STOC'K OF Il l .Jlt2n -.Tailor, opposite te Law IBuildig, ont On A ,o ; "rlI % ttAt- vei cwi taa our 3 d Antttti i tatt ofill S i i G,, t- c, as ,c illia st., frst door -west ofState-st. ti-ictt ic rAA aocpe ti L ttas to priee calct cii caity of ctcia..Clattng, epaiigagsdpeesigidoet tiety. a t Jjiltcrieciiiic c a veir t u caet tine atttc ltat la ciii cctast, v ill rom it . l1_th Stits t oriiccstjtcity. All1 et s 5cc:di t-ctas. 7 0 1 '-it sel aldt c adntstiat Llie t Iibaa ricep.c- HOLIDAY -a GOODS Stick attd Fine Mixed Cady, tta t ie rlb IF YOU7 WANT TO Chottice ivixed ream n dymttt, at - 12c id (odtoonlttetate Cattdy, at -14 i Bu y CiLr'~O oo1 Very Best Chitteosbte (andyat - du icV.TILlt(iiiL'-tilt \tic.N c: cS-: AMixed edNuts att l5e terit., or 2 lbs. 1tr de. urhaesoe ep aciigt(011ctot W'4einite ancinteptioo Ciou clck. VI . T~ ArOwd36 Mlain tret 44 M ain Street, South. D E A N & C O M PA N Y . SI WI S D U J I UN V R TY O E .S T F O. 1~O NS11UCSOE ~ VEST OE. The Unirsity Banjoc Cllb re- gestersgaino r obe irof. 'Taylor scill nitamnet hisis5esue egamnbfM og 1yy3.Nll You. 1ook lases tocday. who has left te Utivesity onac -- fDr. Clas. Mack retarnccdtester- count of te eahi oi his fatter. Vt tic Show MWindtow? It tels cay front his easternistrip. lProf. Johison of te piharimcy if Toui ctititel (if a itn itcs11wnhstorv' about Dr. Gibbes begins his course ii departiieint, cwithit. corisiii assist- (piractical patology this aftecnooi. ants, put tp sixty thosatd boxes tofIrtcsSi, tcimsSt.Oe- GUITARS iiie vrious denmonstrational tour- sunilkownls,"i durinig the lolicas. ANti sec. in the nedicateartmient, bgii . i. Sioiw, crio cilatcress the PRI CES. this ceek. Press Club Satartay ecenig, oicoitat sitra tllttg I out'line, all It N cilsot ,o igmtllstudetles reimainiin stowen " -owa -ewpaper is'Maiagec, ''is i H t = ciNii 5'1 itORicAt CO. r1cchliasan oty tersaid to le a naticve of this cityIlie tontStaffo'trd. M. Stafhrd is Gdissecations -ok. has frequently beeic here oii reiltr- ryT~~r , It is reportedi that oiie Vassar girl tnlbsns.igtm lii i ist iiii ct Priofis hsitnalti, nd 'tin Tbl [k~isdNocaceSt. itO paysfier cay by tmaagiim a (lye Pof. HllantiwZcet, goern- "fll_ Cecaac eia s Its shiopalocated in her room. nettmtmiiicaiut eicie Iwr xliires - a 0 1Pcticc - iieuty seittu ililystctroit Saturday ts invesigae e tie fiet:tsfgraemocf totlyl is asurcd. N. . :U, ,uitd__ N- . ittat vs; 1 ) .1ur p n h oia si N .tisesa _ttic 45i N.hi S - tc tea slaua, mnd')ec aio T 'irtolesiani astroncomicai teories of iaaafr r;111 p111 . Pennylvani, and pentcaportio 1I.".tprc :s tn tc 4,c-- c sof the timae ini h imtig wilt turkeys~ .ftice. ?iac lreuimmt-____ t an ctilt-c - s i Pt i ix 1ir - i , ltli fsch .o . iidii sc'astronom ers froim oiler arts of tie if ttriiiuc f t crc-utffti o . tdet swp iut 3ncarSccoi.cicl-itultit.mimany lDavemnport ic "Cleopatra,'' stat rl eirstl 2$tt tic$rc FIRST NA TNAL BANKt trecDtrito ra ilaca inhse,iMom- Allie reguma Weinesa meet- ___________________ aIR T-ATINA A NK.iloti. e-timg- man last nighmt'ie S tC a OF lh,-it .Sitt-1ihticandttiOR.Pit ,sisaiI-.I.lsicl, is, tool ie -resolutioma to the effect that lnone WI)J~LD \UUD! W TLD f -st I- p-s-ohl tit t iu e. i-tic - ia, hoilidlayssecourse ic misectian. -it-bat miembces shall ie allow ts eni ic V I U V IJ V II ts i d ciht he-sotul diii. macau e: t 1 i , c.n s i-i, cr-c. sittfitmackig a sjeiaity tat micol- ite assoctaions readimng roons. __ s. w. Ctukiiaoa~sh ,iier. tai juisprudencce. This is undestoodh to be a measre IS SELLING HIS WIT-Ea'Rce CGRAxNGER'S !tProf. hiemomoo's openinug licture far sef-protectiom ilinviecr oittie on"hakeseare'in tieUiversity pety thieving snatch has been goting STOICK AT HEDUTCEII TOLU D Xi etenion course at Detroit ccas on tiere lateiy.PRCSWIC IL SjIAN~ spni Tuesday eening. Te Unity Club is miakimng eteu- Itt BeasonHOtobs erl92,tomytetd198. bU o . le ndIanosire preparations for its annual ban- BE A BAHGAIN .erctpovstion has been made ta psmotu the c'omrt oftcute patons. Theere no stairso]Clos swill nmake their first appear- qe to take pace at the church FRx-uA cmoteut, the uanting eom being on the yeeigo htcek grcund floort. Officeat acuaeciy,6Maynarlidit. anre of this season at Codwater, parlors, Friday vnn fti ekGOD end 1 sa or3 ~ ll, icl., Friday evening, Feb. 3. at half-past six o'clock. hnt-cueOi) C the A EST CANDIES in Ameritoa U T O Put up in elegant boescandt has granted a charter for Princeton professors of the University and strctppre o e n bCreo ThPhDetThtfrtriytoshvbenxeddtohe srcl Spre efooteswoaeassigtecu M UTPESNTS Eapessetao College. This will be the firatohrshaesaigte cu p ~ repaidaRefe In ni Ofea o hi ih etre.n Tr i nce- Addiirife f ~ chapter of any fraternity to estab- thsyear wit papers,letrsan 21 BIIJ et1 1mblishthere. iia eeig.N. 2 E. Washington-St. ear Main.