THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. UTBEpnTEit - ___ - -, ALL ()YER('O ATS AT -L OFF. I---- -- ALL SUITS AT OFF. SIKATING4 CAPS.., M UFI"1.ERS, IHTEAV Y I'ND ER 1 EA. . Tc r~r ,v~~s A T . O F. V A RIETY A N I) W IL 1BE SO I) C E API~ 1 See these bargains before buying. t WAHA8.KENNEDY & REUILE. AT THE TWO Ann Arbor Savings Banki PATRONIZE zjJ S TAE3LE., Excels] Ants Arbor Michs. Capital Stock, $50001O WEN'S BARBER SHOPt'.EAS Suarplus, $.5,00 o.t co a addeioltietrd (5rganize undrrtth eeral BoankinLace . 4 Esse Hetic Stasi;s. i of this satte. Rieceives Deposis, buy~s ad tlIltelc sills exchanp.eotl the prionciral ctites oi tice, --THE ARGUS - Catted Stts. Drafts etihedcupo properc MAK1Pe.,QJ ~~11 XV. Washing ton ISt. 21 Years C 1J 1). I ACK stOi, he s W. ). t.R 5 , VeP es ., Cha 5 Liaca7aiasNO_ >QC.C TY CH1. ,~'i',cc . T ,c . HCCCsi '.A . M iS M. M. Sea I ANOTICE 1HOT LUNCHES 0. K. B. 1 t'in nth to o aihome withotc xo r c'. t t An(I the very choicest Cancles F^n hiaiccellnsllca- 5e t.o - AT-Siwe 7 ric sthecity. -onaa't co'ei thecosumber c5,30 ______ into , y Imid ame.R. E. JOLLY &C ., No.'261' rar Seuth State Street. tw Stt" iii ST1A7'tii ST~l T. 140 U.llF- 1. ('ALE NI)A Y~ ?snc o ttli th e ne bers tprots-ste a cpilrntd etfcteo qu ifcaioas Do statntra 11 r Taco-., Jaab. 12-.tcOersoaica teir ocie aity. Signedibythrec tias-tobers of the uttit rp a Fia, Tan.13-Hahnesanrtsso s ociety, -0151 versity lie clauimsto represent, stat- It. KEasPF',(Pre ____________________________... a tar aa.. akn SAMS. for Laundry, A. F. COVERT, teal'. in the Business, r L~AUNIDRY, ,)Olt, Nio. ' 4 It raaila105- ARBER SHO P, rBaths, New Porcelaina Tubes. a' ti. J. i-i. 't'll iAN SI . a U otptamicatat ts 17,0t(ts" l Biolz i ihtiact. ttyc to- .vita epostcits. DHassafecty cit Bloxeor oe trt. s. 1. It. BIICLSE5I.,Cashier, o/5y1.''sthtroin- 'Illacsayba. ta-ilestiai'fccmiateelas to b' j4j~ aerte [cc str-Caao1gic lonte-st. Or- FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. SMotoi atdr":rs S.C. A., Ncwbrryihll. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! I5t~. a. t11resCOiclbmetingO. Addare'slay G. 1. Sov,- :sate ditr atroit No'as: 30 EastHuocnbStre, ItowasoNa-s paterais Run."c Wed't.,.Ja. 18-Vt-oauath 'maamtatr;i. L.. corse lisav.iLymancAbbtatlot. Plymsotc i ,'tl tnp that lie regularly attens l tec- tatres ande rec-itationss, aontintttg tat at least live cottas a week at sc-l untivcrsity, anc alas doane cso for at least three intils tprioir to the acnnual gamtes, These ecertificates (if quaalification mutast lbe' presetedtcatto the advisorycommcittee nt ilatert DAODI " 5.55irttatt vening.a SCALSALES. f a sa c ost sNec 6tshcc'c-l ae. [lie orter ofevtetsitfor H .It'' Un'i'caion -oncalcs.(at coa c ci i cit.f-it'll ilay shlll eemne yte 0 aOURTR AaDE Amendments Proopocl. +executive cotltee'ts-. E'aCcctinudlrlclci nt Atlcd ''l'. th. Ititries to thcs' la-i tai S A Sfll &cSon - - thzolctdaeclae ,~ -s trackevenot shall1 be litnited toa three " ni It ha two-ealeadainag latitersi - taaat l~teeisatfc ia PO~l IItoo yardl sash. Trl~~Tties it otall tof the precedttng ?s-yardt eash. IiioUaI flllV11ttad .1 ear shall play 't'htanksgving clay- tat 40-yard dcli. 2d. In 5llcaesofa5iefear first o~th. Entrancee fee tea track antid 'W ahr s " plate the chtamnpieonship remsatits fieliteverots shaltlibe oedotallasr fear , .e >iT'easclseotestanct. awhere itoas the year befeare. tll. Thce Anmeric-an I ittr-ecalle- BO~ m ST FD ,,.EntI ries tea the track oat felst latte feaotbasll rules are atelottest. ev ets shaltltie madee teathle set-re- t Ilt. 'T'he \nmeric-ancInitercealle- Nasts I ti ta~taasa-lip Eic-s- l~res-ries are adeatleit. tecl. Eltit, (sCtplete, I(>sels., 51.41 ces efoeart-hs-dalcassipilealfear tlt-re am cnentdedl ct anty hmeetitc 'Itaekerys, ('omptlete-, 10 svcls., 2.4510111 th .evs-t. of the assoation lby tre-octt Dlickents, C'mpllete, 15 svats,, 360ltS th. AIpriltedalIis.t of alt tile vote tof a aliversitics Ipresets-,tarot- Eioertsui'-aEsscavs, 2 voats., 9vddta w ek'ntc hl i'rescatt's Verat, 2 vols., .; 4en~trietsichalltIts-se-ntowithintwcts ldsaystelta si ce-s tais hl tPtesctt's I"texieo, 3vIlls-f atr hercseipst of ticllr" b e ee gipvteni- ssseaitiversi 50l0 Volumxes StandatrdutBacaks, 48c-eaah.thelogn oteascain l~xsiticoeas- Soet tiielI'reessecretary to ltciithe aaivesirties to 'Ii (Iiet- titr--sautolisa- Hesre ostap. -lt'- attociationa. dst's Ipapter.I - tli. Prtesats-tt mu3s~tt be sect tc (e restitl 1c(fti S'licp I _Triter--Oceanut tfthe ptsstoitee tonight. thce secehry sithinatawoedaysaafter I'ttalIEN-I', rVeuc (desiralhe suite of TWStO ST'QRES a the list is res-eiveit.'IThs- sec-retary- roistis with bahts itethsith hiot water; 22 South State Street, shalt at otiscsiotif' the mebesrostwater ios qitr ca atlt outhasDtvisin and 4 North Main Street. steet. 66-ateta 7stult iito (opposite s-ort Hoase.) protesteet andt all ms-toters of the sre.0 i ANN AR _ advsisory- comtmittee., tecshall alto i , lltt the rIllee"of g"ofnthe cun l o e srom li -S siiN Ii 1IA lal51-.Ni. U9 ~ata1Al ONE I-IN I:ONLY. GOODSPEED'S TIAJLORING -- IZi Illl-II t ONEI y Ills OaNLY I 1 AlII1111,1 loc -I~tI IUSSHE 0-IE WEEK ONLI GODPEDv 1