tt* of 1n. Wlail. VoL. III.-No. 6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1892. PRicE, THREE CENTS. are designed to give the mind UNITY CLUB. breadth of grasp and general pre- paration, come the seminary courses A Literary Club Second to None in --i the City-Prospects for the . s isich speciatization is soughst. Season. A Great Change Introduced into Text books are discarded and for This Department. them are substituted the general This organization has always had -- - literature of Political Science, and the name of being one of tse best A Daily Man Has a Talk With Prof. statistics, the raw material of econo- literary clubs in the city, and its Adams.-Nine Men are After Ad- mics. From a wide range of read- program this year sustains its repu- vanced Degrees with Political mi0.ra. this sutranization Economy for a Major.- A WordH1ingthe student is forced to con- tation. Ills a studeist0'ana I About the New Instructors.-Both are Graduates of the University of Michigan. A complete change has been brought about in the department of Political Economy. Its scope has been greatly enlarged, new courses have been added and many of the old ones have been revised. An as- sistant professorship has been cre- ated and two new instructors have been engaged. The course now of- fered is as complete as can be found in any American college. Prof. Henry C. Adams, when interviewed on the subject, said: 'Yes, the work in Political Econ- omy has been entirely rearranged. Our primary object has been to adapt the courses as far as possible to the needs of all the various classes of students. We place in the first class those who desire to obtain a brief, general view of the subject, such as may be had in one semester's work. The text-book course in Walker is designed to this end. In the next class come those students who wish to enter more fully into the work but still confine themselves to a general knowledge of the subject. For them the four lecture courses, known as the under- graduate work, are intended, viz: Industrial History, Elements of I,,) litical Economy, Unsettled Proh- lems and the Science of Finance. The third class consists of those undergraduates who wish to advance so far as to take those special stud- ies known as the intermediate - urses. The fourth class comprises the graduate students.'' "The changes in this department look toward the organization of a graduate school. It is my belief that when students have completed their third year in the University they are well prepared to enter upon ahigher plane of work. That which is most valuable in an education can not be obtained in lecture and reci- tation courses. Above these, which 0 L LA V - Ll t 10 1 kJ I , VL V VI struct for himself a clear and con- sistent idea of the subject in hand. The advantages of this system are two-fold. In the first place, the knowledge that the student gains is thorough, and he makes it his own as he could never do in a lecture or text-book course. Secondly, and what is of far greater importance, he gains an insight into methods of original research and becomes ac- customed to the handling of un- worked material. "It will readily be seen that such results are not obtainable in large classes. Personal contact between the instructors and students are in- dispensable to the work. With this in view are given Courses 21 and 22 in which the graduate students and the four instructors meet one even- ing in two weeks for the discussion of current economic literature and legislation. To bridge over the chasm between professor and stu- dent it was determined to appoint two instructors on half time, who, as they are candidates for advanced degrees, belong in part to the stu- dent body, raeher than appoint one full instructor. The changes in the course have proven emenently suc- cessful. There are already nine candidates for advanced degrees with Pol. Ec. for their major study. Five of them are for the degree of Ph. D. and the others for Master's degrees. "Every student should specialize before leaving college. Whether his subject be Political Economy or History or Literature or Philosophy or Languages, matters not. Let but his investigating powers be given exercise in the proper field and the benefit derived will be enormous." Assistant Professor Taylor is so well known to students of the U. of M. as scarcely to need an introduc- tion. He is a graduate of North- western University, has studied at Johns Hopkins, and took the degree (Continuea ouhSpage.) i I and a number of the University pro- fessors almost always appear on its programs. Their program this sea- son has not been definitely announc- ed as yet, but it will include the fol- lowing: Pres. Palmer, of the World's Fair; Rev. T. G. Milsted, of Unity church, Chicago; James K. Apple- bee, of Boston, on Shakspeare, Rev. H. W. Thomas, of McVicker's Theatre, Chicago; Rev. Jones, of Chicago; Rev. Calthorp, Syracuse, N. Y.; Rev. Snyder, of St. Louis, Mo., on Dickens; Gov. Ashley, on personal reminiscenses of Lincoln; Rev. Anna Shaw, of Philadelphia. From University of Michigan: Prof. Russell, expedition to Mt. St. Elias, Alaska, illustrated; Prof. A. A. Stan- ley, musical recital: Hrof. H. C. Adams, on changes in methods of transportation since the discovery of America; Prof. F. N. Scott, an illus- trated art lecture; Prof. Reighard, on heredity; Prof. Thomas; Prof. Demmon; Mr. Lloyd, on an expedi- tion to Norway; B. P. Bourland; Prof. Packham; Judge W. D. Har- riman; Mr. E. N. Bilbie, of Detroit, musical recital, and various others. Season tickets will be on sale next week, admitting to the whole course, et $i each, at all bookstores. Augustus Gaylord, lit '95, spent the summer on the continent, trav- eling the entire time with his wheel. He visited many points of interest and took many fine pictures with his camera. The first Prohibition Club meet- ing of the year was held in the law lecture room, at 7:30 last evening. Officers were elected and arrange- ments made for a mass meeting in University Hall. Other important business was also considered. The president of the club, A. W. Augir, who is also the secretary of the National Inter-collegiate Prohibition Association, delivered a short ad- dress. When youwantthe Latest Metropolitan Styles in Shoes at 50e to Sa pair less than Ann Arbor prices, send for Catalogue to R. H. FYFE & & DETROIT, MICIt. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF 55 W- ~O T S-, Detroit, Michigan. R.ihmond Straight Qit. No. I fgl IGARFTTFS. Manufactarers. Richmond irwinia. zLC. mSTAE33LEP.,r- Coal!I 11 W. Washington St. R. E. JOLLY CO., -SELL-- aS AL. TUI 1 JeTM. m = ! AND ALL STUDENT'S SUPPLIES.