HOTEL + EPWORTH Wil l lie hut -loo feet fromsii entrnce ocih WORLD'S FAIR, Andl offers low rates and superio acsornioiations. Inquiire aliotit it at C ALKINS57 " 34 & .state. ___ THE UT. OF M. DAILY : iaiiii y {e i 55'i I ittle, dens te wsscalled nx tl, W. ltii s set-st.AW xtisis ushoe to Isw isabst before the lioli-tis ilaiys by- the deasths of his mother. cs-ensi FIRST NATIONAL BANK i lessrss. Schlenker, Nichols, (bar- 'trials wo'iN iiOod, tkarrincr ansi Harris slicist Smsith ( ittl 1f. is. Suiiplus a d. its $0, 0. ;st ractis ici u-urisalibankingetiasiisen s-go- I1sirt of the hliditays ini Ainni rtbor. 'hIs i-izachlcs oldilestes ofti credist ic citri i Mtr. I. N-folunsosi, siitrsictor li P. ii i 51CH,1 i'm ljiotanyis sstsisarricdi ) s. ctIto noun 3niece of Prof. Spaldisng, at Evaniston, Psullin GRANGER'S -1Ill.vio (1T~fAT fh1T(~l~fI Dr. Itlunst, of the '92 dental class, the R. Seaso, OFwho is practicing iii Sioux City, Ne sOti son October. '92, to May, '93. visited the denstal dlepartmsent, Tues- wl comfrt of ousr patrons. Tihereoare nostairsa ,D erlt 9,nws rn is mounet,the dancngocroom being 0n the92noeuprn Bil grond finer. Offieeat academ, 6Maynard-st. tendent at Toweer, Mtinn., is recover- Rev. * ~ See tii. -2,orsitas es-Ss.. ng fronm a severe attack of typhoid readin I: pie Retail lies br express oftfvr tions, oi heSBEST CANDfIES i eis cafve -tons5,, atrictiy pure. Suitable for PRESIINTS. Expresso elargpeo Prictn avr ndYl aeo h mm prepsid. Refer to all Chicago. icenHrad ndYlgveoth Try Itone. Address, ' conetintewsdungheolI2o C.F. GUNTHER, Confectioner, crsi h etdrn h o.i 212l State Stt id CHICAGO, ILtLt aIs. iys. room. .espeare,'' inithe t'niversitc cx- its series. i. J. T'. Sussnderlansdtrill speak Sunday msoriisg os i ''olu- anil Christianiity-,''andsin ithe ig on 'The Reccint 1-heresy sof Pirofessors lBriggs ansd .e-Regensts are us sessioss todaty. shsingtoss press despatchies ass- ce that Jamses F. lBurke is n(g the swires svith characteristic for the positioss of secretary of epublican National committee. !t Sunday a new line of work )entered upon by the Students' Clans at the Unitarian church. Mr. Sutnderland will begin ig, (with comments, illustra- and opportunities for ques- the advance sheets of his news on "The Origin and Growth eBible.' The class meets at 'cluck in the main audience tse 'inest 9is ide Of tsus k isas-sised 42 $outh State $treet, WILD!1 WILD! WILDI IS SELLIN\G IlS WIATTEII STOCK AT REDUCED) PRICES WHICH WILL BE A BARGAIN FOR YOU AS THE GOODS MUSb-'T mGO. No. 2 E. Washington-St.. Near lain.