THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. .a g OR\! SUTDE FRT W AH R -wALL OVERICOATS AT OFF.- -- ALL SUITS AT{ OFF. SEAINGT CAP'S, MUFFLERS, hIEAVY- UNDERWEAR, 'WOOLEN HOSE, G LOVES AND) MITTENS. A LARGE ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. -A-ETYA ND WI LL BE SOLD)CH EAP See these bargains before buying. WA DIIAMS. KENNEDY & RE UL E. AT THE TWO SA MS . Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE --X. ST&E3LEn,- Excelsior Laundry, Ans Arbose Oich. apt 1 Stock, hi 0,oo OW TE'N'S BARBER SHOP !10 El ASt ItI RON SI liittC Serlus 115.o0t.t adra'tstas.'C oy _ sttst ttstls'l ~s ls urgat.derced eneral Banking Lavee ___No._________________ __ ast62'lsrt'st. A. 'CV T. tsts at this tale. iteseives tDepsits, bhanna nIdh~saa. AF.CVE T d'op tells exchange an the principaltisthe I. -?THE ARGUS~s- 'ite SStates. IDrats casitedupon eeroper setiltsatisls. Offlers 10 I05 I +J013 i IN &,lNGIllW. Washington St. 21 Years insthe Busness. CHRISTIANs I Itle rs e., WesDF. HRTHN ice satPSt 0a7-AC 1VISCO_ E ~.CITY LA NR Y, CHS .HSM1K si, TLW P I.TIt.lJ, 'its, Astl.C slttt'., 'bol.t, 2\!o. l T .Fc x it. rrNOTICE! ' HOT LUNCHES 0. K. BA RIER SHOP. P) 1.110 0.1ST [INN I sf the Univesilty i N11h nntt ohsmess' sottltla sbosy tof And toe very choest CandesIN1O rC U-N 1 / ' e sCuctst 'lin )ists, e St's ts'le t -AT- 7LFine Shower Baths New Porcelain i it h .. ttte tht'st''lace tt tssfin(t sosh atd o soosi -. t.i' ,1t teli o u s. it-lstty. t-t' 101 !tosttle "s~ ' 1FF .tip ' si 'o i. . ..I. TIIIN II'sl Slo. f .1South State Street.l=t 'lit STATE STREETO. t 0ol'tIV F .()LN i A SECRET SESSION HELD. ttpll5tl.tttptsttJtttSts, Y 4 IDesaeea a kinlg Ott sstt. ays it- ()To Secure Better Organization teeatiStiittg isaOli Satsoey 55 si a, it W 11 tester Iitslr3l5'Sasit. Among Greek and Ltitn Ieplsit BoisTor Ill' Sna. Joe i'-Jeteroaiss itrar Ssteo Prfesors I. KEMPF, re. 0. i. BI 1ithEi, Casier. 'llnrs .lva L l~frr~oianLitrar Soiet'" rof so s. asa ti tes ItaiSatstrda e atttng. Fitr tttt:fa.iin-Iaternataltsi t ss~ary -- ____ "- tioessod. . A ess oss ttit Averyonmportat setret ssssoii ..L.n OA' aftoE1 C Fs.tIN LiPHO TOGRAPLHS,.. IA.So, state drtll's it 11 ~o.of the prointfettOreek and Lat it FIN P-IOOGAPIIS SoatsfNrewspaper ts Etttteaclhers Sins hedisninntesArbor, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS V re n . 6thtt lsss.ei t e lt e lttt eenmberS.tims is theinitatial SE IL s L s 300East HuonStrelet,.Nessrork saIs t, bet. i'sse., of I I s'ss'ts' neetig odita sris to be heldiddr- St ~N. . "o no n l cit (lrygte ear 11n 0the principal sbjets 10[ ol11,tt'1111N StVE] iNit4 taittltt in the lColleges, a reitit- }i ER AI 4'yY'''' ...s.. ..'.'l.. i tlellell at Saraoga'olast snmitter. Il spUit III 1 1 1( H 101 nte 1's 1uu.1)11 lsha en lecedt o tiwenty o tile tpromlinentit i~ OttRs o i s u5Occed -h. 1. 1bhll, iesigtied, o 1111 C)Qr'caos ett dsus pas o tl.Itthe Il er'ioart. Te mdanagisngieto ia~ 11 E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °ittprovin',g te the prepar- NI XI! A ed~l ifstottr lis totbeeicoen boaIs yet. drONEods 11 ttecoEtry.bit a ' ' OppCortHose Te egsltuc owinseS1r1the sessidn. was secret, tnotiing del- wil easedt rinme ch ite can be stated as yt__of__what___________ I oiay Sl.librar y , gyntasiumt, and itrl'lit-waacopihdutiateitr Dro11i IIUIILIUJ cil'sal ortory withspeciaiappropri- ristdeO)itNaotlhit TALRN -.-- 0TortllO i s-e eohedNationl.Cor-T I® IVG -i ations. nA-ittee. It is hoped tiat maore nit-I I to ieWebser Sotcity remiemtbered formi requiremaentas foradmairission '\ltMss Aliainie Dais, Christmas, ly can be establiashed. Ihere is no ~qqSU IS IIahr''s ( it at pair of doubt but wht the desired resul nr opeta glasses, its recognitiona of Ier Sill be acomnplishied. Represen- B 0 h T 0 R serv i tesina am aosicl wa y . taives fro n Cornell, hicago, an-t 1FURE ~ I . 1 .S no , slate editor of tile derbilt and other pro mainet t its I ON EI' W EEK L t O NI's De)strottvI veniling Ntdews, lesbeta sits swere reset. O S E D Not te olowngI'lcs' secaidbyePret s Clb excuttive -- lee. Eliot, ('onmplete, 6i vols., $.44 comm~tittee tio address the clib Sat- 01D1I. Rockefeller againi r'- SO IThaekeryasoplete. 10) vol.. 4015Jordn DicakeiasComplete, 1o a'ssl,. 2.4 - y eseninig, Jet. 14. is 511i- nemberedlte I 'tiversity o s lal S itt nI. erlonanahEssays 2 ol., .5 lest wili be. '' I los atNeospaper is s 1'itite it'(lratts rs Ptresott's Peru, 2 vll., 'li go ~, b a1 n iO hisms rs 0ltre stota exi 3os, ged.ea '''ent of anotiher nmillionsdolars, 11 .H tiItwo a o eS,6 5 n l oaed risAb 1 Exalni booour Stock andci Prices efftcio'itiy' gaiidedlthe testities ofly- bttls. 10 SNlIENS ShO Beor uyn. te Ilsader thitsiyar, swlnot r- ' i oete le ~tiss t turn to tile Ilaniversity to ctanplete pIoitiont as imanaging editor sf the T WO 0 OS .a hisi course thisi year. Ile ihas secured Heacock Copper journal, and nowy ONE WEEK ONLY 22 South State street. the positoti of asistant ciiy editor stysbeinNLYedek.f heci- and 4 North Main Stroet. Sty eidteds ftect toppsite SaoSSae ftelnigkpbia~lela-editor of the lEvening '1elegraia, ,at t..11 ~J.J A1 AnOR ing daily of the capital city. West Soperior, Wvi.___________________