THE U. OF M. DAILY. .-C.of. are M. 1 athlees should bear in mind ry O D Y A N U C l jta they now hare something more Y than local fame to sustain, our rep- That we soil cheaper thast the cheapest in MEN'S SHOES, RUB- Publiiahe Daily-(ssdaya exee rising utation is set dosvn with that of the IlEIS, PUMPS. ETC.: LADIES' SHOES, RUTBBERS, be tlica yea, by whole northwest. In the spring SIPR.Ec THlE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION training for field day, the athletes OF COURSE. stTRS ill have this to hear in iniiotThe- - E.. , iniivoY lit.'iitt1insagingir sditol% training niust he not alone for com-48SO'r 1A- WtEV t,'. A. tirsN Is xI it.'5l31s5~ 8 0UII M IN STtE W. . lLi ,, UtV 95,tAssisant.ii ( petition sitdh local contestants, bt nt S. a.CiTtal '.it'. LitBuinessi aliagiiO1 for the athl etes of thse western oni- O W. . liiV iri,,Fx i't.,Assisantnvsit ies, whticre rapidly forging ~ ~ L TO'___ "iV. tV.i t, ti.4 s i i r I ITNARY. t A"v{i o he front in athletics, aind whirls o F. Ai1t in Sari 'SiE t 9. til(cu5o0et sC N, 'Iii. twe1i .D.8ilocata "iiwill5sonareplresentatives t et sfAT WAGNER & GO. IL.5 13gamiiioii 'i4 ; H. i. Webieri'94.S Norn(anN lwers'ir.ti'1tIC I wo runite worthy of our metttle. c. reetiOP Vi lute weCareNsotoaccustomed1toTailors and Furnishers. NC.iK. L itna rin8. J. . Ayi'i'iii . Wi le w r o cutm d t look for defeat at the hands of our Ietr oeo n opttrtersl f ,11tv; ix the ear by sutiscrili- the footbiall con test this fall shotild Michigan Railway. leg . . 'o i . Seit ve as a gentle reminder that they are !~Teme Card i eff e it nayNsov ti i,, I srili lie ilrereit at yur roost for thearno Isyss they seeni. oiitt tm i eiAt remiiiiiierv of the ivsersity year. -tdnt'Rgitr N}itiutentsv Regitster. 1'(tw te next sitxiveeks theliardtestINo). M ilad1xr s .. 1).x. Thec register at Newbnerry Stall is Nr'FasĀ°' r AnniArbor Acei1',)'noon worki l of this seimestcr still lbe lsoie.!No1) MalndIlsegr 4 1.i, prbbythselmtst conitiletc in te s the LEAvDING-SCcHnOr.n OF USNSS 'ag o.11.1a{ntigesir Snai)...5.10 > Ath letics Ihave gu' iin tar toi th1Ii7ssatnoedisittliteg;suieiior tork;els u ledradnat ciy t ia d it is to lie fotuntd in the Ot i5ii112asetastos al airedree yirom; diliy licturs;arayneenytitiiirecepyiiis; of a moe intelectual the aenitie.year;aiicoarcialgadualtsri at;Nit.?. tt andmuissaaeer.....I3.a si nre iitlle sa iair. reatding 17t0i1i. 'l'e addsresses o0 1 t.eind; sotthCairadutes alt secreavpositions;.No. 4. M i adExrss........ts .pm Li.teratry societies, ttthe ress (I h,l teissiarl t]u"l,%.geenis es- .tuoai.liyvasa lnpi't v ateisslfi Em'rsV itaIn itel t 6.a. br sita assek tweeias d droes s ans No..o'. 1'rot-.r(unsiiationiu ---_.. I ni andtt sarios aso i tat s o i ke the se swere addeeilall avddresses ont P. S R . 5iAt5T.Fraa. leet ttndatrdime3's. natttre trill hare full tstway fty their q Daily etissiiv. trr Oh ___ he 'Stewrard's httoks, aitttthose still F8 $2,00, $3.00, $400$ Tiiiatis ol nand aw'esunsitireenT'iod:Ia .\'r the hicao out Iihiltthse postoice, so that the narneis of First Ctttss anditWaittrited'ihiTlednlssay, daily,, eeiit Sunao. 'rbahth Claroan 1hla ealyal tuetsap0r.I o-very Wit othiertrI.atiailyvrebeepSuday. delphila attmi mteetings, lielilltritsg it1.t'at lid1t.I o- j ~ S tBENNEs'fT, i. .s. OtlitiNitoh, th oidytietuetiuto '. diter to keep tilt correct, students Dotyr & Feiner. G~ea. Pava. Ageet. Locaitigea -h-hldas te usto o . o iesirl~tsoie.aals~-osi iict it trirs a 1,; ar riueti titiortchnge o wtas brought ttp and discussed. The opitniont was vunanimotis that somie place should he provided, prettuiti atity ini the Michsigan uiiitntg, wrev Un'iiversity aluniu, students, and pirofessors coulil register sait make thlemtselves atS litimie. The itdeas is a good o sne. hrobialty iter halfttt thse l'. of .1. stusdeiits trill v isit Stte fiur at one stiesir alnothter. A placef shioutlhe ftrovidiett, 15ssggestedt, whetre tisiting sttdevts tcotilvd mhake iheadqluarters, whlere apptoiitmeituus could beotaite, ansi twhere, tlut ibt- less, mnty friends ciouldlhe founds twho srttoul othecrise lie missed entirety,.It various trays the pro- vision twould he useful to University people. Tlse idea shonuld he follotwed lup. Ar rim meeting of the Westertn Inter-collegiate Athletic Association held is Chicago just previous to t'hristimas, a considerable amount of imoportant busitiess was trannacted. 'The ftootlball cliampionsiip conttest twas tettiest just as inilghtt have beeti expected. The lbasehall schiedule atid field tiny' date are of most imi- Iportance to Silcigan students. last seasons left usswtitli the has- hail championship, whtich tougltt to he kept this year. utue 3, te date set for the field day evetits, trill for te first hose shots our relatie strengths with the twesterni meit. tU. addresses to the general secretatry or niake a note on the hook for Stsat .. . purpose onthie library table. _____ - i And reader of "The Daily" is cordially invited to atte3 Importantto Class of 16.,n Ir- w . n hw ~ i. and -- SHEEHAN & COMP'ANYS All membsters whsnti ltenid tss take arintecnetfothofceofclass irator antI poet nitst tnot for-H L D Y B O S L get to register their l< iuts, eithetr' Irihac, Jaiil. i1 ,with f~ S - 1,.t. \Xi~ o vv.usrthy' Nictesttoos fotte i'Li'mtstlottvv. - tsi tti .t ti The University Booksellers, - State Street. Net onlr in rtttga, btt itn altlsitter taewly as sail, ear vartaty is richt asd rare. In fine jewelad Rtags and Fan- dents aecanshoari t u nsurpassed at' srtmeant in DIAMONDS OPALS EMERALDS PEARLS RUBIES IN SESLF Olt CO'tMBINAT'ION TUCIQUQISES vCLUSTR . ETC., ETC. WvATCitES titrtO s tave tur mosat swsichftlicare. I isasuraaauto proreiss ontih m ost pyrftet timepiecers thv swortd praodutes.Itttitditionttotalsithett ramsitimssakes we-askistieit tetitn~ to cue ownispeialvtnF. G.5 S.,S ut ' movementasi. 'The iost pis etivait-s ailed motvemtsex 'tant. AVENU5E F.G. AND STATS TTT STRETITH, ll DiTRdOIT. S ONS & Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. REN TSCH LER, fNiiiie itiserted in titsclumti at tierease o g a h r oe 10 aents tire liar. Speiariiates ft oeras F L. e tmer, adexteeiners ftunisha'red ytplig at A sitigle-Bath, hoin srcold, for 10 1 o it-NEtStifrAlND SNOitRs t r cents, at te Postoffice BartberShsop. ___ 4---__ 5-20t 0GRA.tTD OPER.A FOUSE GRAN-D O PERA HtOt'SE. ANN ARBcOR, ONE NIROlNLY. __,Thursday, January 12. EdxiiniArdhen, the icur~lesqute 'ietor = DA ? of merlodramta~ti'rotmanee, still atpieari itInieiuirstiue Mtielodram, at te (GrandtlOpera -louecn iiii S t TA vhday ereiing, Ja~nua~ry' 12, ini his highly A L ; Scesuplyo illineet11Eagle's -Nest." Mr. Ardenis t is 'v- sasisted Sty .N-iss Msariotiilmore sitd rosudedl tyacontsstyof exeellenit play'- AirSt. Fttnk tise. ers, inludiug sitehieever artfsts as5 ENTIRl.E PRIODUCTION NEW. FrankIiih osee andviMiss Marioni Elmore. ''Eugle's Nest" ftstmounttetd itite most - Sutmphtuot usiatier, the stage setftigPice: - - 35c,.50c, alW 75~c being both brillianttaitdbeatitifuol. As Seiats oitsSaieratiB1F. Watts' aseelrySto. it producttiont, it stanvds in tee lx. Its te role of Jack, Mr. Ardein is seeti at G -.~ d 1 his best. Duritngte progress of the G play a tiutmber of mussieal speeialties IB S O N ire introduced initsts naturtal mtaenerO RA amS as is resutit of the eotmplieationts of Wr thse plot. J NO. 12 W. HURJION ST