e of, e4 VOL. III.-No. 6 5. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 189>. PRIC, THfREE CENTS. OUR ALUMNI MEET. the toasts were of a general ATHLETICS THE THEME. Two Interesting Meetings Held naue cossine i(proa The Northwestern Inter-Collegiate During the Holiday Vacation, reminiscences of the University life Athletic Association Meets Q of various of the mensbirsiprseint. i Chicago. (in the evening of Dec. 23rd the Those responding xere in the order ld icisigans Alumnii Association of oflass Teainiuat meeting* of the North- lfllpoRTSR Chicago gave ifs annual meting '62, Rev. Daid If ovjy western Inter-collegiate Athletic As- [ERIT, ICH.~L~ and bainquet in the partosofte 67, Dr. Albert 1E. Foole, Ret, P. sociation was held at the Grand Pa- Grand Pacific litel, which wais't- B. Litneri Geo . .aris. cihec litel, ChicagolDec, 23rd, o tended by over seveinty-fise of the BSndr the elcin of officers anid the con-b faithful sons of the U. of -,T.Prsi sideraion of routine business. dlentAngell swas present aiid gave 'tf li aie86 II.tG.Clevelanild WW.rfi ose of his characteristic xseeches.~rpeetdth .o . r Aidresses sweve also niadeliy ii licDr loii. Clevelnid piesiding lver the nev- 9 ni11m V. loses, Jlian, A. Edwtard Andrewes, Henrym Wadesilt HililardIAlx . Anidl.li itetdfoblgalobe Rogers and other Irominent iso The cntestedepotball allieesb 90 JsehI. Haixvseton os itle t attoo Meripoitaii Styles hers of the alunmni as.sociation. twiseens Northixesterin Iuniversity and of i, i55 ar-s Soes iii fOe o t.a par less tani President Angell respoinded to the 9 ilr .Mcs the University of Minnesota, to "s"A 0%irit, ea r CooiiO toast "'rie Uiiversity'' iii a telling A STATE ASSOCIATION FORMED which the former excepted, xas not msanner, wvlile fDr. Rogers gave a --- aloswed, and the football cliansion- *aH F F CP PltclScientists Meet at Lan- rousing aidress ons"Athleties, in sng and Organize an Associa- ship xas awardedl to the' University 101, 13-iN5 w uiosii An. which lie advocated athletic exercises tion. of Minnesotalth thiee reiaining DElTfOT, bMlc.Itb 'iN for students as one of the best unieisitiex being tied for scontd ineanso for equipping tlentisenally, Thelone cheriised desigis of place.~ighnlon1G Straight Qzi. morally, indl physically forthCs eork foirmine a state associatioui of loliti- e nunsber of amsentmeints in th NOI olie ferteiaiie slsiscal seientitisas reahizedit a meet-cnhusu ei rpoeladCIGARETTES. of life.After te banque'''hic-an-tiettstiller ptiprsd silts sas a letided Siiiccxxess, iqos eelby is edi isi ltfertllos tacitunisver sity for cotsid- arc .,sdung toa alittle all whoii 'tteneded, the 21anniua it iihsl sebsusfi- are ronitiolnscharet fort-he o-ilt-li Kno 'to elndothieis atti stas hedll 11110 5 tioio rutne usnes. l'i'ins iimvln slel\iiiesrii'is'elected iresident fis r hI15N Itt i- i~ o M is- I notrht ns tesssaxhl nfi sitegoenor'sttaelorins.t w'is elC'tetr i8le . is esi fliltIote rloilo stetc iscussediloing tolwsrd the hetoeryr Pthe tisuing -yeariisnl the ireminsoii solo e'ilt ott-i elattthilhs-lt eott i~tlltit stifs Ishs a fssssatenuded by miti iitile isdeitfe nficr tcc'pnsfi iit i 1n41 1 i -et , Pr isitieol prfeson hoar ntrstd na O- n tl ii a o cear--liet hteadtquarters i ti--n ss fi, weire iiill esisi su I iteusedi niversities 's folows: s Niceeiresi lie-oiellott It andIsis tot tttinlte l elifilEon(omyli5 sandilul-ldiedicl- r enii i tR~rn !ovlisoni fIh l'.o M cnai s dent, Uive51 rsity tof Pt iscetisiis it c - .121ii iii lee proessrs, law ersban ers oftheA.oerttttit1'lttuito t., sestile anid reiseswold ctlaitt'nccs tg l iess IittlSbsic tt~iti eiNoistiwsa esii tansd SCC- 1lio fati it t. hIichnnigisi, Prbil a iheihiire vleg~isltorts, etc. tar st- 1ivsis cifssfy- of Mit it eialiiti u fitisoIs as lae everal interestingtpalers u-rc 1'e fliotwinsgseleofbasT- nquestionably itifein Ihc olnvso rsierstathdiiincluing paptrsfy Judge ball games (fi teseastsniof 'c of till lilt 10 liAtE11 stec icei i tetisig er Cooley, oil 'Early ITanking in ftheItercolicgiate Athletc Assoi- FRATERNITY JEWELR weresletdfrteenuser t c Nih - - ,-Prof. Wfahlo, of Abion, ationsof thenrthwitest sas a- IY on. "H'osi Se tr I t ifistory of the Nationial Bhansk rantgeti- Adtttlhtitiie.AS~tcttfl -aIt ~t System,"- aisdiMr. I tiurclsuan -of WiiisonsiissttsNotst-stsss t ."'J ,,rI JF ()isthse cs-cisiis of Dec. 0~thi thw IDetroif, oii"Repsai of Tax cli State ,Evan'ston, Apriil 2. 00 il 1 was ishel at tiecrtoetns of the It- iit iil ieltns--Misnesoha sitl isfssisn, 't R ETM Q S Ll Cibiissalbscstssatc A short conistitutionsswas adopted, Matison, M5- ROEHM . fit it th 'lsiadeistiaSocctt whiicii sates the hpurtsose of the Minnesota iwithi Nortlstsestcris -aht ltflt, - itctttt.x useAlissss ofCic ITatetit te jorganizfation to be to arosse a gene- Evanston, Mlay6. Ot sgiit.s~t tt 1i515 Iisliisign. - ral iterest in the euestionis of the Minnesota swiths isichigas at Ann Probaiblt the most importaint1 day, to arouse free, unpartizansfis- Arbor, May 8. trasatin asthipssinofacssin, anid to britig together the Northswsestern sithtMihligan, at P. J. KINNUCAN, resolution tos the effect that as Midst- stholar anse business ban in te Ann Arbor, May 3. gan is thse pioneer of co-educational consideration of poitical questions. Northwestern sith Minnesota, at MneplsM R H N institutions in Anerica, the alumnae MNmbtrssreeaemitith uponthesp,, atVE xOH N of the University should be made approv-al of the executive commnittee Madison, May 2. sehconse guests at aih future re- and thse paymuent of tise fee whichl is Michigan swith M~itnnsol'i at TAILOR.. loions, three dollars. Minneapolis, May 26. The election of officers resulted as Judge Edward Cahill, of Lansing, Michigan withs Wisconsin, at folw:was elected president, and Prof. F. Madison, May 27. AND lItOltTHlt si fiss:M. Taylor, secretary. The next Michigan with Northwsestern, at President, Geo. L. Marts, Phila- meeting will he held in Ann Arbor, Evanston, May 2. dephia; vice-president, Rev. P D. Feb. 2, and illis hoped that amem- Wisconsin with Minnesota, at FINF S2 iOO IL .TS, Iightner, New Castle, Del.; secre- bership of one hundred and fifty Minneapolis, May 30. tary, Lawrence C. Hull, Lawrence- will he secured hy that time. Inter-collegiate Field Day at Chi- 55W.'301r '2- vinea J; teasrerJos" Lwrece- The subjects for discussion have cago, June 3. ulN j. traue, osE.been selected, hut no definite assign- Wisconsin with Michian, at AnnL Haines, Philadelphia. ments have been made as yet. Arbor, June so. Detroit, Xiohigan.