THE LU. OF M, DAILY LLU FS 1ITS Y01 HOM oWT YOU NE :2 NIA I ! IS SELLING- CHRSTMS. ONLY $I4.00. !DEIRIBYHATS AT $173 Dont forget that hox of irriot A 11isL 1itE tto s N iiOt'i. rr l FEL ",I xhtiro.either. I S , CftLKIN',- 34 S. State, lsnW, ILteStet, LPSAIS Every One Worth $2.50 to $4.00. MOORE& WEMOREBOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET MOO E & ETM REAND CORNER O STATE ADt) Wit ItiSTRiES HOLTDAY G-OOJDS. AI.BiIS, 3ll tlES, POEMS, STANDANlID BOOKS .AN!) SETS, ETC., ETC. STCI)E TS 11 PE INVITED TO SELECT PIES- ENTS IBEFOREGOING IIOME. Our Stock xil be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. 1_ Nfa i --- _18 1 1892. Call 0nbWan. Ful de, ltfe t' E SilTait- ilrii, opposte the Laps tuitdiing, Pit OnA, iii t, ri t, i^ r itt aourr 3!,t Anuatltixhibirt o i lief t.o , i.wji, a-r-Iii. ttt firs tdotr(lOWeset of State-st. lirf r ii t i-i-ri o xiiriUrn 't'"Ps', 05t01 rd vt vo sti 0 rrr . W 5 ra i o orn n rcessng one neaty. ritet tr 1, ier torr -lry rrr' rI i-e t rrattrr' art rr rbctr w i ll, r n lett 20, oiistoo~ err ily.Alwokfrtlaa HOLIDAY )ic. 2lt~~b ie-llrniosd ts troitrin trin - HO DAY: GOODS Siktcand iinettMixedeCany at Sn p 'e r Ili.ii ]Ou WN1tT TO (tooutChclt e Ctit anrdy, it - - .. - ir V ry Best Cootte (airiy, at - - 'pp" IN HEc555 NPs o Nr srtrn-l'Mixedt Nuts, t tlaice l., ie 2 ts. foti. so ioictepiri, done go ir we nte ninerspetiirriofru, stck.A r Ol 144 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. AroJ3 iuSre f3ROXVNS IDRUG STORE. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Tr tp fte .K .fae-S''J iFKORD. .I 5, '!lie office at Newblerry talttas a ntyhouse have beers decrated witi WV l l U LO~O.K nesw desk, a gift frorn tie S. . A. tte woiris'Ite Creamr l-lrrloritim' (_ IV. iatterson, tlaw '9a, row and tte steps of tteir chtapter tiouise At iouriiShowiseVirdose? Iifrtlls a sir i N 59 h iebearte tleendt, t rIcerainiEt11-! If i(s cit l need of (1 i ne h m irtr bu ity, 1iorori o. . UTASIi ewatsr so sr sre]' tiburedt lteek ! esinedri ir' 1il sin iiofte~ A N Ii C with suliphtiirci d N5501, itir ul i neri PRICES. Oivi et tColege'at ltt hsa i ire nrrthe laoratory, i rrr d aai i*(05trV ivtllr2 iii'culineAN A eliOGA o, et teRv.1iladG Ser It r. Irios says tier' tos eegtit srirrut -ari Sisesi-L gradurate of Vrale. sill nort be aireter. oin Safilid. Ml. Stil'rd is GA T f $ e 1kF.Iheowlarnd, forerly swithr JN. Ivair t'sse, lrs-ifI. I. _______________'9 t4li, s orn tirenewe board of eri- Itrvelainrd,mieric p It J. I. II rier,arrinin isriwrirtng an Nri riser~ei 'i i vo be r s'rr F~ tors of tire Eriro at tlivet. larw '94; and J. 'tV. Parker, lit 's rsrsn clig ai Ua _3 Chan ptil sr Tie osubjects foe tie first thesis rill spendritie holidayt ini ietroit, 1 grrl if -I Al . inr5 - 0 0Aai - - -' i r edA in. city mrissiorr sror:'unerle is rrsO t0 srrrre. N7 t'e iir r i-ri.s isrir i~ History of Anciernt lrilosoo.engagee Niagrir mrilsC5lriii ttp. n. lplis'hasve beers arrrounceee. tie directiorn of the McGregor mis- p. N. itris'-- 0. i i e ; 'I'ie corrrrrittee foe tie ' lre- sor os' rr-1i rrr tr li « M r, iinaorryroratoricali corntest consists 'tireSireshlarnsttat tir louts __.__.___________________________An ____ Or Aees-ieee1icosnrrcal Science Associtiorn is rirotl- 4 ot tt t F IRSJT NATIONAL BANK laygeer. irg rreetirgs tis 'ear, bust tht thrie____________________ OFAs AlAstudents iii semiinary historytie Si"AN ttOf.'ie rmarterial for tie reigbior so r - isA T)R l lT '1 f ira iria 10i Srnisi rn ' -rros 3 . - t p reipt itse an S ost graduate sturdents, anod the pro rgg'jri ! uuuu Ilusl irHss asbenpu" n hae nd sIi <, n e rh"rIi, idl rrisi c rtpriois inn' fssos iii history un ipoitrca ~l U I U II 1 L L irn -s-i r oiti. -rer ' pnrri rireirrttistis sril ie hublAishreed aterti _o raeera~wrd. 7nlc~'rsIecoraormiy are rmeetirironceinirtrio Of .a Sit o' i ii sis t. r str tn's ii ntitr~s.weechs, foe tie ronsidleratiosrr of Ar \rangemnetsarac beig miae fire political science questionsr Pair of Trowzors! GRFXNGER'S a grandeleapi year party at GagrsoV I (iaier Somie of lie jarnior larsestin after ~I f1~flfl~' [12 'fl hal, ott I-riday es-erin. Ahout tie ecture 't'esday to discuss tie Or' ayfthig ittn} iri'nie? f so, i.) IJCtUUL U'Ut.. sixty couperill rdbe iresent. fesbltofogiirgaIoeof aroidopatcioIao -t 1th Season. October. '92, to M'at, 93. faiiiyo raiigaHueo hudb lae oIaejo 0111 NEIYo11A., to conaryliceatedlandII Cardi are out for tie wedding of Repreentativs. A commititee ap-C lan LokO e eer proiti too benmanic innpromote tne lLsi od'1 ueitnetiC l n oko e cmt o f en rth ons.Tnng room incto 0tasspeitedetpointed by tesenior lawserto con- eomounttorteOancngrot . o iry n ardate of scitools at lIidian LltoMs groud flor. ffie atacadmyG Manardat, t l ydia fee with the juniors stated what was My Firo Assortment of Good. Sen i 25, $2, or $:3 51 forSa- oowi at Owosso, Dec. 2h8. propoied to e done, wereupon ac- I can quote youi prices which pie eltai ANIo xprceiof o Prof. A. A. Stae 3gg, of Chicago loir woo taken to effect a permanent will suit every one. Put p ic elegaSntbeandUniversity, wlldeliver an address organzaton. Tecaimnwas 1ousresetfully, srclpueSubefrPESE NTSExpress charges at University hall, an. 28thoauhredt acmite 'ryitonec. Address, "The Modern Athlete," illustrated of three to take further steps in the G H ~ IT C. F-GUNTHER. onectianer, 1*. .*W LD 2r Sa eteat g. 1bappointcnviws mttr CHtCAGO,ItLIOmIS. b1 trotioNieso mte. 2 E. Wasington-St. AnaR Arbor.