THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. AT THE TWO SAMS. ALL OV : iCOATS AT OFF. ALLG SPITS AT . OFF. 'SMOKING JACKETS, HOUSE LOBES -- ANI) A Ful. ,11 1" () --- ~T ALL INGE PNTSAT I. Ally aitiole bought AT THlE TWO SAS this week xwill be wriit free to any }part of the tted States, eitheor by mail o1 expredss. See these bargains before buying~. IOT PURCHASEPIPYOUR PI5IT;,i-PV'Nrrs WADHAMS, KENNEDY d/?LYLE. .. .. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE L -_i w STAE3LEn5,z Ann Arbor Mich. capital stock, $50,,! OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! '. g Srlsli o.Ognzdunder the General Banking Laws No. 4 EASe HURoON StoerETCo of this state. Rteceives Dleposits, buys and sells exchageeon the principal cities of the -eRTHE ARGUS,3-.- united Ststes. Drafts cashled upon proper !f 9T W sigo t ilentification. Olee res. 03?o ~]ia D. . lianasts aN, Vice iPres., 0ctos etc - 1 tiAS. E. HioCWic, Lashicj-A ______________________ AtotOTICi!r, HOT LUNCHES y 't)Ii -ERR S' ri itix' of the tO core siy oi ..o SO ichigaotolto-o homtetsitlhot ao lof ouroo A'solthe very choicest Candies tne lhocoote lHon flis. SWe cooroolteeto'-1 th agstadfnstsokan oet( CC ' c/ y'tpiin the city. Dont foret. the stoulbee J 1 1L ' andl noea R. L.JOLLY &CO.,N?1o. 26 I South State Street. 4' SOUTHIS-rArE SiREET ' '9 ii .m r it I (r! 7 r ~,IF' ' ~ UNIVERSITY NOTES. ,acksooivillc & South Easterni, 11111the r f abashiiliroado, Citicago to St. C 1. W. Ricktetts a1n11C( A. liowxen Loiiis, Missosiri inicisisive, at onie1an11 tite-thiril lowvest fitst-class fore. tave talkenl the agency for a Worldi's 'These tickets tnd also thse~t for fair entertaitnment ibureaul. Chicatgo andi Iitif lfot will be goot. -- - -oii oilal fast express trainso except iR.. - DThe J t l'riversily of Pennflleas Ie- \. N d'o. 20. -R lemlebersta A VD - cced to have a saltariedli rltllager to tite illfli hitllPCentral is the olyi FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Ifwmatnage tte vaiousOt lletic teams. ghlt odge' llceoollllolbtioltat tiel owvest MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! Sit:dce tile ieathi of t'oi. A. .. 11111- 30lEast Huron tre Parker, a gradutate(of H arvardi, tile Grand Opera House. hooofl t c5 0laig tie ldetio l- 1t>tl s i. oi.27. .. ,legs - ral irtate ill Ame1iatas it-taii 1P hnighl tofth1)0111tills shiiws t~tt 11111 i.riN losgel irtetUnilesiaty of Penn-lhe is lsust l)pto thne pltancetoftiPt(le H Y(itIITRAM,)) syivali.), Ir. .11511Fi thianltI ofItie ll tr i'alceVll ellorha oi0.tlicllrl' riass 1f Ps , tin h pt oIt pr ioiels i tt oc E ' homtine lb sictionblnc 101r11owdi l1 of Pspeciittors. \Whenllthe joclkeys S Y jv ri ty1)11'''s 111111til caim a I tn: ou ilt 1l t'i sen i te w' l lt. to_ lie athe odtic auti r agn:wssenfo htt h James K1 1 ilahnoiltfahiladlphilltfinigg.l ilill)a 1111thelatdtiatd o' ..iUI.UJ ILIU*lialilltoughlsielo'1)st seve'railheats, was Irtth lasso0181 o.tilt'ex iicnr wten1th1t all ita11sed51 )ndler - --lhe II Frk 1 1 cJreel thne si-le. WhIet) the lqualrter-po~st was1 Nose ork ill aisty rellcledl tile 1interest of tel okllllers I conltainted a sketch If011 e f tl iot' ll) 111hegiti tol g.-oltc.Whin'tiheicghint failoo a 11111111101 ~on\lracer 1begami to5lhad thle sma~ill ast ) ahirls gall's gosaunHn o.N.lricefu1 favorite. a thrill of laprehlen- Dicin11o0111 It relates a story oil a sioni was foil by till, andl uoaiiy faces l iero~w wih.r ikno grew sorroxrfll, hilt as the goli grewv *3 ~ ilt ii~ll hr. iifkibl)1l l e iss 1110 she smade a graiid burst if N. OKtllr Con tpuis witht a frifndlov ser a speed. their htpes swere revivedi. As B th0Ke. 0ho11011111stretchl was beintgineasrotdthe ove af.111) H iis frienttl wonltisee el ilusilslil was at foeserheat, and1 'Not~e the hooxillg Prices: younlayiandv1111sltlsfo] tlty led her whienl till v illilousjockey,xwhlo 11a11 Ito) tle '' ts i attempteto P1wiiltile race lby foal Geo. tlo, 'tipeotheol. $14 aitar. 1)011, asthey caliled means, 5as1 capltuiredi a11101 tedlolui t 'Pliackerys, (Coiiplete, i1l xols., 2.411U11him, twas itgreat favorite n1101liy the pun~ishlmenlt 110so richly sdiserved, Dlicketslompildete, I15 xols. 3 xi.6O ti aast-I- illirs ad11)1cheer of slatisfaictionllwxsg1ii Itllesol~sEssic, 2xiith .0 his lPS c las tebtthe ill in y ali. 'The little flvior ito hcll' lirst, l'rcscott's Perul, 2 vols., ~74til efautiful little college totwn of and1 all xssaoiiot, and11 madlcknlown .95os.,t-e1111saltisflactionylony hg 1r1nd1 lo1d ap- 5Prescott's Mexici avls, P1011oh, 8 ech AnArbor.''the auccount s51)iluse'. Oulr rslit') raci'kwilllbe 115111 lt-it Mr. 1Dictkinso1 stutdiedlhre ll tem2- 0 and011 1101xvllgreet tPhoto xsth lExatmineO our Slot-Itand11Prices " 'pleaisureoldllithey tmalke a itr n Before Butying. yeadrs ago0. I '1at1. -tlt Notice to University Students. Holiday Excursion to Canada. TWO S'rOR S: - 'Thie Michigan ('enitral still sell ox- 'The Mielhigant C entratlRaiilay ha~ve ellsioll tickets to local poits ilnCaul- 22 d South State Street, arranigeid t1 sell stuldentts holiday, sldott Dei. 211. 21, 22. time limte~td to and 4 North Main Street. roud trip ticket to allprso h o-Jn 0 5:,a oetfrtfr o h (opoie outHose) loiwing conn~ecting litios, via. ('iclagoi: tomidtipt1.'These tic'kets 11re0111 Excelsior Laundry, and1 divered.0 A. F. COVERT. 'P1111 2] Years in the B~usiness, CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seahboltt 1o. 4 N. FrulIh t- 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. ;31E. Waslbilnglstl St. Itt Rs.lTOAN Wsxvit Copitl, 1$50,000. Soepluo oan Profits, $17,011'. oes a general B~anking busines Pays in- terest son Saving Deposits. Mansnsaoty Deposit hoses for Sent. it. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. tSLSSER, Cashlier. Basnk eses Sottorday evening[. E SfIr/t2,E. xWashllingtonlSloet5. SPECIAL SALES. . 'HNI'OIIo I)I1,:7/' 1 54t lNIr I N DlII {)1 1 P ONIE\\ t J.O NM TAILORING - ONLE'WEIEK ONLY. GOODS PEEDJ'S SHOE--.. 1101 AI:IKlN15'. 1~ ts SAMPLES5101 I ONE WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'S1