THE U. OF M. DAILY. W~1. of W~?. TDti p. Pubisohed Dilty (Soedays excepted) during the Collegre yeatr, by THE U. OF M., INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION EDITORS. F.1 . toT'rkC:ti, Lit. '04, Managitt Editlor. (', A. toxtooxo, Lit. '93, Assistnt. W' t ES, lit '95, Assistatt 'toAttcx'TL C. SHAtt, Lit. 'lit, A."i-ttit-. S. WV. CUttSS, P. Gi. Lit., Bttsinest Mttttgetr. WV. IW. lmt:cottFcS. t. '10Assislttnt. A..BALto, tDet. '534, Assisttt. t. A.' Nanny, '41. %V. Evanstto?'9:. Hi. 13. G'moe'. I..WI. Sttteer.'4. BUSINESS LOCALS. A sitigle Blatht, bttt or ctld, fttr' 10 cents,lat thte Pttotdlce IBarbor Sittp. To IttNT. -Very desirable rottmsi at 25 lTttttpsonttriteet. (allattd tex- A 1e17tt'cjstil~be Osuite of Imornltl, «itit 111 btoxvswisIlttth ot atttlcold watet'. Entqulire :it 47 So. IDivisiotc-st. 57-to The T., A. A. N- N. Mi. Rly gives ntotictha111tty will sell redutced rate exculrsont ticets to all poitnts inl Con- trol Tratfit' Associattott, OtcluldiliJy lb~ Latke Shore &ti' hiof~lo dout-c R'ICY, to WE BOLDLY ANNOUNCE Thttt weo soiell caper tlattnttoechtettpest in MEN'S SHOES, RUB. B3ElS. PUMPS, ETC.: LADIES' SHOES, RUBBERS, SLIPPERSETC' OF COUtRSE. T 48 SOXI' l MAIN STREET[. 2SAEO5ZE'L IOT 'O:' r- I mV or ELJ Nortmatt lowers, Si. ItitnutAt. 9 I ~li ~ tt t tlta'ttttt. t'.N. Soteeo, ' I3. (I. K. ettet.'.5. Ijit. Arnerit't. Holiday Rates for Students. Tailors and Furnishers. Mtattie I,. Mctcitrlatd, Spei.t~ ^rna nav"Pus~sr~i~o rov08 ...o.,. T ttdentoof tile U. tI'11'1. tttti the ______IStatte Normttl Schtool at Ypsilanlti, ire- 1__.L', R' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North setntittg proper certifittttes, the T., A.Mihgn alwy The DILtY stspendosipublcation A. & N.N.Iy ilollxcrot j1 E5MihgnRlw . today ttntil after 1110 itiristtotIre-tc oto to all pdio itt Nicltiganttt. otttl to all pointts onthie littesttf ottr Toleoh ltte otttoo ---"-~-o .to~ ~l tell. Ltconnectionsl, except lte I.rtke Shore Deatr fTan-a a r u.1 A Net Itit Kwordofttpraise for the 07ilt i1,AtIi-t fortte totttdtrii p > Itec.cto~tttAto Tine.'lh ~iese Mcce cets ttt ietscold I~ec. 25 , 2?1.24, 2o1t1 too Iliato cttttictccoc. aiii tnler. i lWelttt e sl tiey tll Cl shy limitedi tt rettttnt ttttil J. t 14, fttr 1,#- / " / a , tw 1 M icnExtttAtttts . t.... '.740. u 100140sl~ , for Ntt'tttal tnt'ltl..T'ickets Is tte LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Ilag- Nt. 1411. Pasxengceer stoyon...11 t of .1 icltigan are twit of thItorost at- tttti c1c tbuidin;tnnetea-certs;tlaratledaetitt s wi111l 11)1o t o (111outside tit' IcraitI'o f go cts c 1t:1:tstperio t ; e ll uplit e st'dsteaingt', - -i trattiv e andttbest etlitetd tollegi 1111- tte ('ettlri l'raffic Asstocitillio . IV 100rto d i' -lttctt OcSturday eenre~oceptionts;itt 1it 'alt tiebos ottt (open the entieea;omecilgdtsingettNo. ". ad iltd tot toeoeoct'x....113?a sel l1,00mlebok g()~ (i11 racSdemandt;ltttshtortd graduatttes ot ecepostiotlnds; li4t ti.cetb' . 0 lications thtat tttco tmie2S tot tfthis table.---- t.ol i 1 - tNo.Oto 4. phc..rot- to:: 'ie ad Ac'cltttr lc ....... It f-or$20 als a amil I~l(}{ 1I31e c}O 1i.-I. F'expes 'e toooasodrweicncotdentsstoo flccidetit t mc. cli (nd is; o Stdens ho.11.G. Toldo ccom1atini.tr00 .tII -cc-dint,.t.S.iv. oft-al s (le)pric. ca1 Ikeolcotiotttcoooolotto week, tddt'ts No. o02. tassetger iSundato' cttlt --- ) I).Ito G EN.N A'0 , ,( en . . tR. CLEART, Pre8. Cetrael Stcodat-d'Time. *Daily' excelpt Su~nday'. LoST nightmloctert again ill ts- -_t - - ( '$ ,01 3.0x, $.0 5 Trains lot lnd to'.' rnsbetteentT'loan(.1, tratelitite folly of thlose persions wito Cheap Ecuorston to Canada. via thte F V $2.00 $4.00,ws Oosstoo only. lledtet'dkttot. T., A. A. and N. S. Ry. F irot (1;5al ass101'vtrtnted in I'ratns land (10010 betw-eett AttttArbot tn0' insist uo evn the tall duig_- 0)rTledo only, daily, except Sottday. the asot part (If every program nt ll Ott Iecember '21 1,nd11 22 theTiC., w . It. ItENNIST'l', It. S. GRIENIvLIOt, A. A. tttd N. M Ily'. 0ill sell exctursiont E D t enr e.Ps.Aen. LclAet order to get out ahead of the crod. tickets at o110 fare fttr lte lroundt trip i-D t enr l't Pe.Aet .(0 to It invarilyoliSils tat part for tbooe to all prominent poitinCtta'nalda. 1110rnat'aeP itc ott ickets will be good golly 1)1n regular t . who remain ad is a traitto thetrin1o aboveeshtteo, and for leturn high sense of musical appreciatiotn ttttil January 10ltht, ]8W3, inluiveil. in whlich an audihernceoften Forinrmaiit-allon1ickt agets.2: self. Itt excptionoal eases, or when - - - And reader of "The Daily"~ IS Cordially invited to attend, the program is unosually prolonged, Holtday Eccursions. SHjEEH-AN & COMPANY'S it may he all rightt to loose eatrly; 'iie litigit (cetttral 15il) soll ex- ht thte latetiess oIf the hcor shtouldci ell'iot tickets, Ilec. 241lit, 25th, 31st., , ~ . have hlad litle efelast .Sd t t1 oItol.(l ttiniti ,) \ + Jo\ j, thehal ws dseredshmortate1 in il 'stor tlrinnied State .,exceptitny 10:30 II so ' i Td iiotn ate o ne 111' 110atdt.oone- so:o. it l i lie m re o sid-t irtd first cratss fare for 01111111 trilp. We' l 1irctlhe, cc) i11(0firte L as Ioo' oration for lte' le lcs 10i t 4of 'cl1ers, These t'ticket-. 1111nof he 0(o(od1oilmiii11 the cause0 of 511n1unp)lasant 1011114 litilns 2o11,5,,t>, 1l, I dcr of tmany-eneirtimntoisxwill I _-________________ The University B osles - State Street. .xarticle i tileDetroit N\ews of __- ''(c.1, 128 PACES. PRICE, 25 CTS. R.ENVTSCHLEK, Saturdiay evenmin~g ioldiy ,ann~oncedNili a obewtotOl thlaltmhere w (t cecidicdlcoolnes I tl i (1011Ec iltPt 1 h oog a h r existinlg betwyell reolet elAngeli o tl ntt~,(~ I 11ote anid tie me idll'boardl. WeIwishl10 Jetoety as1wellour0variety is eolrich'(INI a1.nIdONt IIt (Qss diitinctly state that thtere is 1nottte ldate n how1an1 11 ntst aetIStd as aA GRA'NDflD -j D 7i T n slightest basis of trmthltforthme article. sr1inti11I ~. Itt ON SAE- O Ul~J1 .LIDIAMO Presidenmt Angell has invIariably OPALSNOS aided theo paper in any way possible, EMERALDS Y E D N ES D RY T Tuesday, December 2 7.. r PEARLS I h o efclmllbidn 1G ,l and has lever exercised a censorshtip) RUBIES IN SELFt ,h XCMIAION llwmoboldited',at mlito l~etisd, as the article tates , in any way. AWe TURQUOISE IMor . e~tol, 'il t ttthe OetL'tltl sdAttttm (md. do not believe he is Opoposedltl1-o- ETC., ETC. cMoei ellr~.AanS. InteGetEgihadAircnSces lege journalismt, anld at least boo - 4 - hoW RL.gan t H'r Ilever given thte D). t'reasott for tGRINDS AND HUMOROUS VERSE TheRAN WOR !+l , Ag asnstte he WA'.TCHIES sltoys av oro otnalecest sOtuI' IINcsesAheIoldtthasown.t tttlttt such a belief. As ~far as tis paper wIt-tht cee.Itiou(ttaita totOoe Are 1110 features of (te book.1,'m otooeoslm'tl , tt 101n 1s concerned the Newvs'artitcle was Ittnly the Iot- pet-teot timteiecsthtlIeT enieyin error. 'fle tmatter re- tfam omk't'eoasItt cltlltttion~~e Aii it hgso tmlm l IQ~"Jt. ent~rety toltur t' spcitcal F."U.0 .5S o 's IttOlS ltll 1 tI1orolmo cluts, fit o fulli- ill itt totttm er tRainot eatmv tttt 911'A ferred to by time writer hail nothming 11o0eent~ Ilt~t. I del Itwtde ralet ecttttt ctatumlitt. Th ot1!jC 11ftn n''vleSadto do witho the presenttbhoardl and atcdtovemen tit extant. gg',lmlfllO ~Pree: - - 35c, 50eand 75c. wons evdently written wIithoult dute IlA~Dthe lust cover' desigtt 0v01'tsed. Seallsctt tale at P.15.toewsSttand. knowledge of the facto. While we AVENUE l F.G.TAR1E' ONE HOMKE FOR are sorry 1o give further publicity 10 s~xAif h SMITH, (IiRISTMAS 'to sltowothte people GJB~tSOI[ te matter1 we feel that itn justice to ItNtTROIIT S NS wtt o.lO olg ntiot ourselves and President Angell, Ihis &CO let (110111 rood the grinhds on YOU'Pl TO R PI~ statenment is necesary. - _____IL._________ Ild yourtl friends. NO. 12 W. HURON ST r