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December 22, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-22

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MORE SALARIES RAISED, the following resolution, which wasI SINGING THE MESSIAH.
unanniouly doptd: The Choral Union Rendered Han-
The oard of Regents Continue Resslved, Thlat in view of the evi- . del's Masterpiece in Fine Style
Their Policy-Homeop Matterstdis Last Night.'
--of the tUniversiy of Micigan for tatngtlsECoaRfii
Goes niert dentCdensand amongofthe IlIPORTAS
The meting of the Regents sas systematic stiudy of the English 270VIies elslerd Iandl'sgret-.
held yesterday that the hoard oight Bible, se, the -Methiodist preachers, est oratorio "Thel 5t sa'' at U.ni- DETROIT MICH
ttend the 'Messiah''its the esven- request that soue more adequate versieyliall before an auidience of -
i. ASSiStant IProfessorT.1C. provision for suds study tic usde iiiao 2 o ul riesr f3
Truebhtood ssas rised to the ra-nk of the the curriculun selciv nsrunsents assisted undec the eye
tai p1ovsis~t ia fttc-eri ~v c of Willetnnck, of Dtroit, swho
52,00 J t 1-Itobson was gien 1 -~--Qa -
th dgre f 1\. .,an te ue- The Oracle Boycottec. officiaed as concert ]W-aser.
the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Ti vl'c fi Isi iI i~ esoloists werec Miss Etitabsht
tis-isifvu thmoatvoi dpten t I Tieciditors of tie(raclev rcport \A I Dooitte, soprano; Mrs. Marrshult
that indcatioiis shiosw a losycott ton1Pcsec ontrdlto; Charles A. Knorr,
istenin"g it hiDs. J. ,t1: iiid ). 51 hisv sc e- it ~lnvsaii oritieSs
tt}s-i Ao tiit*part of four ad.probablylcinoi, sd (corgec ftssor-ttlitolmes, l 5- ior lss vIv : Iic'r vi ii
15 nrht wosok nopIOsi fveof thec1trrg-r so-cailedit I ad -as. ro. Stanley tticreu Iaii:Aimslsiv rem:ic-er
isto thypluatyiof Dr.ttlietz. 1 aer ii i
isis suiiinlviousraireaav enboigtis.by vssoiies ( latIuioii conivuctiroffci-ted
Twvvbvassofintai-itc tanltdemthnlstraatirac
haebe ogtb ebr fi htcpct ihhsuulgaeR .anatoimy iiere sthorizediiat salaries earlsfritenity, but tirosophs artanabilhits.11 8-3 V)M~m&
not to exceed S200. not respondings to the sale. iii the Tiv soilkif thy sooists inth DERI, - - 31IIAN
tr.cti ed atss40 alloeanisvein- say tt tthose vf the otter fraterni- evitatises anil arias, s wl seeill
strcto a oo an adisensngties icye. iThe board repots a sale the quatet, in part 3 wseyccinde t-hriond Srali7ht Qut.
cteik at Siroo of about 60 copies for yesterdlay, I i spanNotss.Soltlt75
i5 as votevl'tr. ibbes for a somiething out of thi oin~mary, s0 te recipivnt of long applauveCGAaTTE
thiv rool si sSt h ii 111the "boy cott"svvems to hasetio bauticul boqueits of roses atsr I 55 t iii ittle
e -iieucriii laboitiiioriy for iihioto- , ,n 1 sloth prst C~i i ce
iatilivisciicv oippliancevsivi.i ) . vI s -~i is v iillinid
alt:- -salv t thec box soffcvlto bivuiigiDaugtvr of /ion.- IIHer parts Iflx ii: Isv:ovi is
uncioii- oitiiivi itil 1 1 lvnigh lt lso a-it'coD-i ts emdto aford grss allrtuniyini i a Siceviu
Ikuithr's rpoisisi".tore, sia \ 1 liii thisisfor tdispla i tiere a d q u alsit1 I ri~ isvs'iss 5-h-
11 c sil1 s, :i ivvt s's-,s o'cl-oc-k-.t u
tlero es M i te t ftev i i Tihe arat-isti--'-o-ri:sicii
I °-;its acihal Peaieias cipss's---'.
RAD TIHE BILLE.Wsto-i Foot-tb atough. it scecii -v , prs ir Q 1 i ri
i,:Aesi riT t cowr no as adlsaiiiIgI-vus--as i i :-of Ii41 i i ,v -s Aeinrooii 1'ir~iosi .
Methoist Prechters IResove That Anewv depitv uremoin alettivs will ict________________
its Study tie M~ade Elective Ie ulilvtI I ivby:the t; iiversity of MissIDolittle.
Te virchestra wslsfully ut: to U quetou by
Pieniisyltaia fosotball manaigement
The Methloidist mi:nistvr5 lit in diirig the Christmas holivdays. The expectations. The rendtiuosuof the TnHE HuRET i'-. or
th s(it llls11Svio cnnsy vani n spaks as folosss of atrlsminyn atoees FRATERNIYTY JEWELRY,
th enrlchrh DtseMri ell received. The sork in the bass Ao ~ aetAcucm i
teCnrliiirhieriMothe Iproect: rnecilatiec ''loetmet o
ay movrn ig, ount listened to i ''.It is propiosed that a series of Irctiv, "Fr, behol, vdarkness
taiievby Prvf. . (.-Wagner,sho foothll emsh lyv s'titasishall cover the arth,''swas reimark- N OVE Z T II~S
uoccupies thy chiir of civil engie-I-thrugott a numiber of thy south- able. sRE imm ivB
in,, t thu S.'tatveUierity at iinI crnistatvs, andtla ddfinite rrange- just before the "Ilailelutahi cio- I
Arbor. 'flue Studty of theEItg: ,Iinmeat Ihas beens made for "gnses tins,''Prof. Stamnley tunodt to tie RO H
iblev ill the U nivemsity of it:: ti- mvichmonv, Charlotte, N. C.,ir aumiiemce amd saivd that the first titme Dryriesr, - its-::u~.v
gn"wsthe profvsssr5tieniv 1t.ItI lmminghiaiim Atlanta amdhN ie(Om-Itis oratro had tuen rernderevd in t1 _______,r a a: ~nro,
-'am surpised'hisihearersh i-I-ti-c i-Lndon, theiking who was in th
the lage nuber o studnts w teas froi hso: aitiehie tiep aumdiemce, instincively rose to 1is J.K ITf, I
arv itvvrestdmeimbeurs of Bible scll begmu omn Decemberi8wshen feet at the sovrvs "'For the Lord P .IIN C
classes ledh ty several of the prvfs- i huc varsity teamuu sill eas-c for Cod Omnivipotent rignvthu"lrof.
sors amnd laymenui of Aim Arbuor. Ihe Richmond,shere they play their Stanley reuiested last nights ausi M Ri-A\~
first gane. The foloswing amnes eyce to do likewsin usrspct tim the1 E C A
saivd the tdoors of theUn Civersity sill extenvd through twvosweeks, until liusam hi ctmumt h
cs're opens to all comers, Catholic, the last sate ins Nesw Orleamns, when lnsadtersniet h
Protestamt, Jesws, and infidels. thue teaos will return house anti break horubs was maificently rendrd, 1 r17.A.JOD
While expressing a strong personal training for the year. This winter anv hte sistom vf Prof. St-muiy
influence for the establishmvient of a tour hiss two main objecs. In the sas seen.
first lace, it is a slight reconition Mn fteadec eatd ANti i~sltIoir'
char fr lssrtctin i tue fighiluon the part of the University of the
Bible, he had little hope that an ef- unusually successful labors of the uring the rendition of part 3, this
fort in that direction would be at- eans during the past season. It losing one the gensa of the evening, :F'1LT= 700 =1E2- IS,
tended with success. will also serve the purpose of bring the "Anmen chorus. The audience
The attr ws te sujec ofa ig th unveritymoreimmdiaelywas proably the largest the Choral
The attr wa th sube beforeing the ids ofeimedinateUnion ever drew, and Prof. Stanley 55 W FORT ST,
spirited dehate, the consensus of SeouternSe tha d fn wouldher and his fellow-workers feel highly
,opinion crystaizing at length into haps, otherwise e the case. satisfied.D tr t, D ihg .

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