THE U. ,OF M. DILY TAKE A v.KODAK I1 F2OqQI5&nAA I &C \I EM~i WIH OUmmai -~-IS SELLIN\G_ MahoganyCllutoid bound odgr', CHKRISTMAS. ONLY $14.00. D F3 A SA k7 D on't forget that box of (JI)Ot.LATES a sro ELLOWS r x Pv,,oi'trr. - -o:. ' CALKIN '7, - 34 S. State. Isc;r t a t tet , ct Every Une W ortn X2.50 to 64.00. UtP STAiIS. MI.OORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ADCORNO S Ti ATE AND tI[Ai 1iiMSTtREETS. I301.,=DAY G-OQ:DS. ALBUMIS, BJBLES, POEMIS, STANDARD B3OORS AM) SETS, ETC. ETC. STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO) SELECT PRES- ENTS BEE() lIE GOING HOME[ . Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Lowe as the Lowest. I 1861---1892.-- Call on Win . Fulde, the FtNlEtST IO (K C1' Tailor, opposite the Law B~uilding, ott 011Moda, ) ceiobee 12, ae-willi talouor aid Annoel Exhibit of ailiday (onod,, wich, as William-at., first door west of State-at. hcofre il tnrs competiuion, both aasatien, extent aid variety of stock. Cieannga,repairiag taniipreasing done netly. f [htotr iteie inods may barn a roest 00ti thle eaiwo~. sibieost, acwill, ftotm bee. 12th baits boordernocpciaos-. All toakist a-class. GOODS toDc. 10, elh andiesanod nustthe fnllooeinoitpic~e, HOLIDAY GOOD Stiek and Fine Mixed Candy, att - '-Sc tper b.II TF YO WANT TO aoieS Mixed Cream Candy, at - - - 12ce." (toad Chaocolate Catndy, at -- - - - - 14c '- 3uy . la~x O(1oo~t Very Beat Chiocolsate Canidy, at 2)- - - I '3NTc 1: ( 1'c o 1 w 1 ,si; AMixed Nat,at l.eclier lb.,or 2 lbh. fot 25ci. i arhave some iReairing done g0 0o weinvite an inspetiof oursitock. 14hp., Ariiogk, 36 M.,is Street 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.I BROWN'S DRUG STORitE. I- UNIVERSITY NOTES, i' 1 ThiiiBoard of Regents meel ts- Will You Look clay. It is reirioredl that Mr. Lloyyd will At ilfls Sow W itidoc-' It fells lie married during vacation. its aowi story about Yesterdlay, tic. Mack exasmised GUITARS I the whole hsomieopattiic adepartmseist lfli- lateria Msedica. PRICES011oh Van Nortwicte, a formser tT. PRICESof 'Iit. ball player, now at Pcincetons, TlE ANN A1itl11OtCRGtAN C, woo bore 'Mooday and Tuesday. 05 oisis ttla tiet.Miss MI~able tHolmes, '9=1hi, has ±IHIAN gE T AIL been called to her home isn Saginaw, Xj 00lowig to sickness of her msothier. ie soabble slitvisod) Novembsetr 20,1892. tAST. d i hiSoabT. a in. lii hree Ithousand, six liondredt and N.s S.Limiced------ aars s atie-5 OT ---- seventy-seven volmnns, 308 onbouind N. Y. L~iie--.- P45 N. S. 5/ositiel--- 9 r9 pam pllets, and72maswrade Niagarai bolls 5l n2 maps:wrepadMe ii.t. hicagoa Extress. 21 to the general library last yeas. 0. N. Expoes--. a l8 f,. It. tExiress--- 8lni x rs_ 5 C i Ngt; i 9 (a. It pe s-5--100 Paic Expo~ress _ 0is OurInclibrary received the follow- 0. W. R. iiEis. H. W. ItnYtS,- Gix11. Agent, Chicago. AgO. Anii Arboisngl additions of profesaicinal books FIRST NATINAL 8 ilodrinag thse past year: Taeeical li- FR T N TO A BA K brary, 559 volumns;s law library, OF ANN ARtBORO.- t'apitol,gbll),000. Srplusandraistis, $30,0i00. (354 columns; rdental library-, 52 vi- Transcst igeneral bibankig iiiessor a- 1111115. sign osc xcc ,oildi,letcersoftatcredist procrd fortrveer arod. P. 11tACi,i' rs. I cc aml copies of the Chicago S.N. r ~ahsax.Ucasier. Inliter.Crease, containineg college GR ONGER' S naevs from all the principal collegea IN of the country, wilt be distributed SCH U1b O D NLI P at the postoffice, Saturday night, to SCIIOOI toO hA1 ,UiI. the studenta. Get a copy. 1thtsSeason, October,'9,tMa,93 oUR Niaw HALL is centirallr iocated and The executive committee of the es-ery rpoviasionastanborn sade tos pramote the comeort of asur patrons. Thereare nostairs Northtweatern Inter-collegiate -'Ats- toun tt, the dancing roonm beittg oithe~t groand ftoor. o seatcademy, ti Mryard-st. ilecAssociation, of which IH. G. bond $t25, $2, or $3 50 farrborn- Cleveland is lthe president, wilt meet ple Ri.; petail Btiotbyexrs of at the GrandPaichoe iao thett ESTtCANDIESPacificriotel, Chcg, Parit eppie.Soguttable sadFridayat no o'clock. IBase ball PRESENTS. Express charges andtenswlbecsirdad prepaid. Reerrto alltCicago: enswl ecniee n TryGTtoE.Addfectiner the football championasip will be 212 ST .F.UTE tateStetio aardd., Vm1 CHtICAGsO,IL.LINOIS. aadd Pros. Aiegell will examine l-la STIA F 'FO R D , clas in International Laze soosn after the holiday recess._ Stuidents of the School oef -Music moat apply to Proof. Stanley for ccc- If I-tz ll e ni-ciiiied oftf Iine tificates entitling Iieonlireduced railroad rates. D~res-s Suit, Ilisinlesa Suit, Over- 'the .School of -Music closes the 24ith of Dlecembeer andil begissaoter recess osn the ctl of Jateuar-. 1.00- 01o51 OFI ill -llii~g in ours line, call. ' asonstwill 1noegiv-cilonech oforthese days. 'Iodlay's l'ree Press constains an interesting write tup of Handelas ''MTesaiats' from the pen of lhred Ireland, of Washsington, D). C. Board of Regentls meet at to o'clocke. Their principal busiiseass will be to make out their " budget'' to sendl in to the legislattire. Thesy trill also consider the nmstler of light- iing the buildinogs anidlcampuit5sewith electricity. Thec Webster Society imet last evening aned elected the following officers: iPresidlent, CG. It. Albers: vice-presidlent, E. A. 'Filk; secre- tary, liiir. Clhansherlaiss; treasurer; O.J. B lruce; marshal, tr. P. lsckley: critic, P,. 1It. Troy. The lawo students litre finished their twork in Bllackstone, sndt wilt begin work in Anson, on Contracts, after vacation. In.Isis cloning re- marks, .Prof. Knowlton took occa- sion to conmpliment the class for their thoroughness and the inter- eat manifested in the work. The " Messiah " tonight, at Unsi- versity Hall, bty the Choral Union. oti Sloifl'osol. r. Stafford is ' agini doinigIsisitosn c-sttingad theo finest grlde if wtoik is tissured. 42 South State $treet. ARE YOU IN NEEJI Ofa Suit or- Pair of Trowsorz! Or lanythinsg ini sis line ? If ao, I should be pleabed to have yous Call and Look Over My Fine Assortmenst of Goods. I can quote you prices whsichi will suit every onse. Yours respectfully, G. H. WILD, No. 2 E. Washsington-St., Ann Arbor.