THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE.,!AT THE _TWO SAMS. ALL ()VEIZ&COATS ATI'-j-OFF". AL!FS UITS AT O'' ALL SINGLE IV,\TSAT ?OF!" SMOKING JACKETS, HOUSE ROBES Aus' article boug ht A'T'THlE 'TWO(SAMAS this week will be sent freCe to 'In. lart of the Unit('d Stalt c. eitheot'yho mail O exporesa, See these bargains before buying. PItI'RCI.'7i SE OU II PRESENTS WADA/AMS, KENNEDY & RE ULE. ir WI-E W~O SAJiS_ Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE Z~m S TA 3LEn9,c Acn Arbor Mich. Caplta stack, '50,000,' OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP! Surpus , 000. ganizedunder theOGeeal.] Bankig Laws' N. 4 OtT Ittcaov Sott 2°.ot~lT ofthus state. RecetvcsI)eptttt,Cuyesad ell exchange on the etttttoal cities of the Cicons] States.tDraftscastted uonrpttter;'t' ---THE ARGUS.% Z "--W shn to. r~~ent11 v. Wasingto lY CHTAitttIAcK, Preat., N~,J0l135 qL 'tt J(J,.INI4 NC. 1). CtARtRtrosN Vice I'tecS, ( 1e Cttac.1tO. HtSCttC, Casltier.U AT (LOWIitttCS. '4... I~ed',, Ast. Cashie'r. NOTCE! HOT LUNCHES r() 1lOY MsTl')ENCof ilthe t' lvo't"0i ofU And the very coicotest Candies si'llf tue(oo'ate0B' n 0c ic. tWe cguaranttee to. -'> T havethelai rea nd fiet ttstiockhandtloet I 0 pric t)ittetty. tDoot't latal'] the acatlit'o' tUT ' 11 RE. JOLLY & CO-, No. '26 4s SOUI~It tATI" Crr tcr'r t ' + South State Stre itet. , ; UNIVERSITY NOTES. % ec. t -Cl'" tettoli i ' lo}° te hortoti on,aeoo Prot. tagg soill c ' 'no atitre s at n-vlittogth a pll. tI'o ta ci.l at tUniversity tall 3 Jan.'28s 9'1, i e-t' t of theP illgia ocfi'y. ilotriAtiei Itc t --- b toLre will toe tttostrato It)lit soreoli- R A N A L Thta Castalian Prizes,. iaoves FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,'loiiaia515 MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! ; Tie ti oiiorous (ils ii oio hell- sotittoe "rax I teey 30 Esto Huon 5 110 tioothie porizs ollereil hb' the 1oryatooette Catalian (it 'g; wsere tolaocedtill the aUCt thtte welef)11S l HAVE EARNED.ANiaiisosf thoe foilges 5severaol(las's ag o''i"eooes . . ,alotl 0ilie j lgo's 100la iomle the tol- s;ici roog i toot: te Seniate hi to frs 005ee .11,10i A~r iinoo' thoe lo 1, 01 0 o law ' le( Ir roos) lou- )ITE To (.' it 01.0 Joo, i " ~ y Ily( ola og, 'omi l n1 re'01 '111/ i te k . . o S Z ~l 11000 ciitOl000(1 e tto woooivsin-'oeleco'' i l e oloi olicrs:les w -Oo Cuto~s, tlstel thoe selcolio to f it thoe prize ileil: t '. I( . , to oc to c Ictint ________________________________________ o riiii c0 ut0s5for tie ICastalianll, oil rtorli o r~o0e, Mt. E'. B haort;0001co'- i 4 ttiis ieor, el eave0112to re l)()rt 000f1111- tare, tt1 . I. t it/er sor'ec'ant-at .riiis, Ii '~'t t~l~fdYI lioss:000 1~. . ithoolc. heiiSeinate has - r- such ai 1quant~ity andi qulality as to io e ci ta lote 01)the ( i'liti- reiquiroeovcry rarefitlconisiclerationtl, eally, theIS'einate twillI tic'Democratic W a w' it , teoirciuakiion bya colcaii o'a smcallI majhority . 'Iloc egosla- thcetnames of thio artists werec sholly tis'a tiouuty'sillIcono~sideor sotme otftie T ffl~ 0 oukiosi to the comititee tttil hilts looseniinghefore the '. S. *INST O F oaftor the lnial choice seas tmadeo Setnate at its regular tmeetinogs. It BI0w0lKlthold'lissoisessbolloeach Pweeak'o1 whithilsla1011111: itsay eioi. isto I Note the .ljllossitg 1rit'es: I st trize, At r. iHadtley lBaldwovin: I ' _-. - (ic. Eiot 'Oc~ttSIi olt 51440nd prize, MIr.. If.'. 10 yrhofl; trot Notice to University Students. 'hackerys, (Cmpilete,1iSvs., 2.41),tori/e, At r.a(Io. A,. Dawosonl. Int ad-l ' 'oe i'ti iigot (CetntralRilasOy' 1)015' Dicoketns, (Ciilete, h 15 l ", f0ditiotO th e 1abo1v0ewe'consioder arrangtog Ilsell a studeinlts bolily, Intersllt's Essoays, "2vols., ;rountdlitrill ticket Ltociiallrts ci the flt- Prescott's Iteru, 2 tols., Mecssrs. T.I1.iFiergusono, C. A. toiitigconntc'ltingt'lices, vioa..(ihicago: Prescott's IMexitI, I> vols5.,ii itaonandcci N hI. illa n hcg oten liosCnrl ac0o Volloes Stainiard hooks, 480 each. " .Itltats, Ja'hckst onvillerSith Easitc er dtrci thtdtoostpecial an oorbeIer-WshtOIl) il o Siticotto Slt.~t :xmn u tcki.and Prtices noItotrtio 101 ~~ tliOli 'o~glt t ExonotVon. illa I, II 55. S. Di Irso os, Louis, NMissolri inc'lusis'e, at onte oaitt Before Buying. , dllon-thirdi'lowtestfirst-clasCfre. Al. E' C ''ivThe tickets arte' no1w0sold anli alsol 'iso ec I.. A,1.1:, tihose fir Chicago0a1d11Buffloi, anill ii TWO ST RES t e goodi on ali Cast exioross trains ex- 'ouiittec'. cept No. 19) otnui-No. 20. itememboer 22 South State Street, - -t" ____titehe Mic'higan tC(eta ti.5 the onlly and 4 North Main Street. 'lTto rE .-Very diesiraibie rooms at lie tihat can. furnisih youtfirst-class, otppohite Court; Hoee) Tihotpsitn street. gj'CtiItodh.ex-gult edhge 01l'lllttnilicdtiloytot tte lowest ANN ARtt, Irates. Excelsior Laundry, 1,110.0 or Gmirml, itttotoi . o od;Blldl and dltioered. A. F.COVERT, rp 21 Year's in the Business, CITY LAUMTDRY, IM. M. SeaaholdId4.fc-tith kt" 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Tine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tdubs. 30E I. ttC'aoto ito Stcoo5 J. . .I rit'UtA 1 1( 1 . Caopital, $50,000c. . hs andl P010.r1olits, $10010.. Doars a general Banhing hueiness. lays it- terest on Savsleotits. Has lafty Deposit bte rRnc.' tc RKEAIPF, CPres . F.i. B IELt, Cashtie. Blank optenSatuirdav eening. 100I.1.4tractooto tret.o SPECIAL SALES. 00OC N, hI E 1500011_0 0 010 A.0 G" OODSPEED" KOO 111] 25 OO ONE WI' l;1KONLY. GOODSPEED'S C ON(G11iSOSlit ONE WEEK ON-LY. GOODSPEED'S