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December 21, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-21

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_________A single IBathi, liot or cold, Ior 10
cnts, at the leostohijie Barber Sop. That we sell cheaper thon the cheapest in MEN'S SHIOES, It 13
Published Daily (ndn~ays excepted) during 8c-2t BElRS, PU'MPS, E'r.: LAWIES' SHIOES, RUBBERS,
hi'clege year, ly A very derable suite of riooms, withll SLI PPERS, Er.
bth h ieati'il with hot saer. Sti ian
THE U, OF Mi. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION iy owls ith lit and cold water. OF COUR SE.
E, ie:t ±.l vso -t 1-L 7 ''T' ''tsrplnprc g:iei r2.yec ar, invariably the ' .TA. A. L N. M .B'y gives
n adnna a i'gi al' s ,ea .su Saii- notie thaiIthey will sell ireuiced ats c 3 r~a" 'x Er
liois imay be lft at the olibce (If ile iisi., excurslion iii kets to all pelnts in ('enl- i so r' AN ST E .
ni n.oiaicc, awih aly ~'itleieiii innsoiteiliTrulli' Asseiatinn, ic'bli7iisthi
ltith) ria eii slieiiaie. l , oin Shari I lihigoa aI ,o~ ent ithr,.to
('iamaiatse hsil ac h 5c h tndiet~iliding certificates. A M L i OT' O>
oa'clckr . a.if thiyarc io aiiiiar thr irxt H-oliday Rates for Studnts -__
la. _iirE l iic itiidiagna 5=
in t ti i fa iagag iditor. All uinessia onLUstnens of the C. f 4. ani the'p Q.& C 7u
ciimaianieh iosns siiiild li entiitoiithe iiiil- Stain Noriial School at Ypsilaiti, pme- AT W AGN ER S~C.,
ees Manager. reitiiig proper certifiates, the T., A.
THE U. af X. DAILY, A. & N. M. ty will sell excsrioii Tailors and Furnishers.
tickets tiiall poinits i MNichig iiianti
Ann Arbor, Mich. to all piitscii the lines (oucr Tleidi
cinnectiiin, except the Lake Shore Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
EDITORS. andMliglin Suthecrn ilway t oes" icia Riwy
9ii esiii'is'IiLit'1 'iaiaiii.liiir l(id si-tlhiii'l fiii'ifur thl e i'uniitri1i ljE S'( 5
o. cnivca. i .1Aasa''n. Tikets to e sli D~e. 2'3,28.24, andiil
'dna a ii ii . xii ci ii "it. lAsci il limited to retrni uintil )Ili.'10111h fr -"'. V Piecr tetSuaN r t~N+t
a is'r ' i'sa' 1G it., puiness MSniager. 1.ofi v u t tlueit, asol aniltil a .;1 , -.r.3I.iiil, 11 #'. Dei a rture of cii~5 'Tr iiins A in l ili 15
w, w SV n i ii m l aetii "i is nt iiilusroi fu r nm al stdieits.Tickets li" iaiiiiJiIii i AiiLIa
I .ii' s ii'ii I aiiiL r5m.ill.lie lsl I ali lts iI i lccil e , s/L( itr
Jtn irrii'; i.W fr$11,als afaimis'ly illi nmile onki er p.0 " ilv( 1 i v nsciegec' .ur1z A Mooni
nili sr i i ~ i ieLg'N0nnor c'nianaa ing. Italh..ie c~inlay Dvs .....li 15 .in.
f..k. te artS, 1:n~l\W011 _1 e11 '' ii l iilinkli n chcteachrs; ae ii (ainic;
ai-tf alS. (iti( I.S -- llili-\- i'ii .ueu iiiia oiyci ea uia ecleptcionsii
sCoeis P aosi~nsto Ceiana . ,via te nti h el iti i c cn aecimi gavatsigeatciNaae ;. 11i " aill i n oCneigi'.l... i".nf.
:vnee u .xM Kor.T., A. A, and N.vtyl . , ilceaauliii},aiedg loseaicnsecriiposiiiiina; Nit4 uMail andiiiilpsc*- . es . { iii
11___",,,___________ic_____$2__to S5 e celin civaefi1'
____Nw_;_________a_____of_________w_ a:reisiIi i I,. 'i'ldii .ibeu'aeiieeiliiuiii. . ;Stlil. i,
()i Dleemeiiiec20. 1, atillr. 'r till 1. ., ye saaaan ro e a e ,., adiiesi 'ci. 1ie.f a cuigei r iiiida i lm _._ '3n.
)ss I xi to a tvpocir'.phliirl errll, A.A. 1u4 . iul . 2 )01.1 . ilsnil rxesce'iei .w . aR. x r . cilrlilSaad Tei.
the 'Twso Saris' advertieenet ini tickes t one faiefiic li1e 'euuiuuhtrip'Dialy mccp u ndaiy.
yesterday's issuewssi iiade to readil tii ll prominenii int ils il ('iiada. I $200, $3.00, $4.00, $51 i reas~aanI sea 0 riiii bewieiiien m.a,
.1flh ueii ol-tea otis Tea ickets sill le god ging o e cgisac OwossoIol..'ua' id'ii icc i a iiiabl.ia
traii.n iin miove sates, andI fisr return Ftirst Clac n sui aU I ,iiilin l ed ay riyecp ud
of ( fril!! /lie'olifl!!i/ri~ rs ) ' uiitil Jalniiary 1th 1, i niclusibe. hN I Every Wayip ilher rm iiisdauip xet~Siiiumiam
- - -___ - Ciscr hifl'Onlthio ll ion ticket lgent. -E i wSi. ii.iihNi T'r, It. S.( FtcbisD
'lii :plamsadopted by tile fresh- 5) iee 27 Doty & F.einer., ie.i as. Agnt.i I al Ages:
ilanclass, is seecting class orator Holiday Excursion to Canada.
soilphee, is furthser evidence of the Tm lelgu eta ilcl x
msanifest dispositionmuto make as Tes'Mo icketsntoelocal Twilltsell am exT- T
many offices compiletitice as possible. ia ciion Dec. 20, 212, timie linitedt(,lii
The arrangement as the adsvaotage Jani. hi, ll93, t liisest lst ftre for the
if givinsg the places to those svhsisroiiiii trih. Thesesi ticeats Icre flitI And reader of "The Daily'' is cordially invited to attend
nierit therei over tie rate of factiiinss giiiilisn ti iems u., i, 1).2-)).A COMPANY'S
pi h i uu i II Hoiday Excursions.
lis t - 1Shei thirll 0 111ich I 'lu1(1nta ils 'el tiiigDAY I
"(Lis)l151886, oil eli Chorl ol B I use tolke ts si'ihl lit h' instlil
ietimersiuus Nt
resneteiiiv 15lii frtiihi adJn s 'dl TIeUnversitylBoosellers, - tate Stree
fs te host aice then ellll/.illl . in 'ar rUifd5aei xetn
the t' usiledoi iusross'Role, onel a"11one-
casiu ub ledin l cii he ah s ii''ts ehto.he et(xr frtI( Iat10 (
ciigil lut511 iiirr Ilciscebcai dfrs esfI efrrudti.~ PnS RC,~ ~ E TC LI.
cnecary, sopotithi Il carate oll'1theretik tswil ot b wodoumn ~ l tllytmb ltiutml
ilieeitos ofto tCmotate orr aile are ltto an l iii+, lima1(),.0.to~a hes
-- - - --- Th UivrstyBokeler, MteSalll ail-em
inul fmr a ll s touthe a h nn I t early17eetiseam mu128 _PAGES '.i PRICEN5A C S. i.E~i J 'R
ninh tear, anqulat teseltiei ~~ D DN ~
nicesationwschlly aclassaffairf thec RUBIESt barvybuilding itmidatt oesIic
efciuf ntihmi ntceotnroTU UOSgL''niSrMiir pWlnme,.irii t
TulaitorheasenteOfrtcme asetos No tC.,lyIETC.gsGRINDS ANDothe HUMOROFU ESE G R aD1 OPE1R OSE
Jewylryiograpely, oirivrietg isarich aof oime
be onrtlae po hersccs ae Ii fieJir. si gsandii i peme Aii l fatimS OF 11095, )k
tids the heeadlatores asmextune oneDsIteClMiONSe iWilmmie nime Aou ifs pss ftlemiN
th h rce ftebo . Arein-Of iaPALSu ce iandtmais iliii
n dor al.i 'Imse gi a igu hel ub- EM An DSoc in eiaam inii muecs l ua rls 't, tse tl-
gooiatio hough itcrisfa cnirted nRdImrEmmatI Nnn. tlt lauilding'anhalftmb eugtgotand
yjesioabe vhthersoseofth te es covr esgu eel ued
Isroa ugrte eptrtd o urfaip .liiTAK_,lEt ONE' hOMEain FOt
only on thih annuaohtincaldotrs, i- LT' E SMITH, oorSTMA tssshow he pople IBSO
pall nd helmiaisnenyeofthe lceustoulm- itm. Ni enim olg fu s n
tse ciderftedirosnulmprestose nl te ot e & impiclte tAboutetifre ades th em. 0m O PIOO-
theldvee nd inbe onidrd pla n pc Aial F.m yosr.iled.,NO.12.. IUetN S


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