c j e . of *1.6 VOL. III.-No. ():3. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1892. PRiuis :THREE :CENTS THE ORACLE OF NINETY-FIVE. ing of the Green" is well calculated THE JEFFERSONIAN SOCIETY. to stir sip the wratih of I'The Board- Volume Twenty-six on Sale Today.j Gave a Public ilEntertainment Last - . -Sophomores Speak in Prose, ing House Gang." 'Ihe usual num- Night Which Was a Great Sue- Poetry, and Grinds. her of personal "drives" are re- ces.- Thetweit-sitt voume(I th crde, slsch il nodout e cn- Whenever ttie effersonians an- IMnPORTUIS Thetwety-ixt voumeof he idered extremely funny, except toJ nounce a tuhtic entertainment they nANUF:JCWLRS" soisnireann.t s issae arie tsoe ircty ffected. The hook are always certain of a large and DETROIT, MICH. tianl for severail years. In externalb effet tlr G -id 5 ll h coisidredcloses with the usual list of S01)110- appeaive iatv andieiicewici ii more attractiv e111a0 those of lpce- niore students. turn, is assurerdaln enjoyahle even- -- syas i nrdcngisuul'ing Such wss'sstile case last cs-en- 510515se~is f lil ehene"Meitsiah"alSoloists. somiblre toolthe editoirs base not _lig. It 55a5 tilefiest pubilic appiear- gone tos ar-I sap i i he Thrflswig eardingtsvo oa o f' 0thecieytils season.Th sauenasast erbig sqluare, teslossfor thice "Messiah"Ilsw lectulirroom svas sellelleall alth~oghi littlr smalrer. At tile tis esvening swill be read withi I unususally l ace l number of lariles IE-I same timesiet11continls more pages by interest: If Clias. A. lKnorr, the bring presrnt. I est ift. '' - oga h I1 h ir h fist umbr o th r(, When yoenstesi thie Istess Metropolli hver at yeis ifs Ipoo llcally there Ithe tenfor whio assisteri tile Cliblast 1hrlisniirristhe I lrgrlil sinV5J41or.$5Shoes a15 lolto n1a1pair less than1 1s n10 limprovemleint.Ilhe engravinlgs eveninig, shloldsever return wato De- s tio, I 0violini, colrnet,Iinil piano,AliAsIliIie,55 ll11115eSr of tile various class organizations, troit, it is likely that his concert bsy Iii and Mrs. Clement anil Mr. balnjo clubs, football and baseballwonird be attenlded by every terson ( Tioirpe. The Iperformhaincewas en- teams are giort likenesses, shilei the who listened to thin last evening. #thisastlcally applasirerd. 101, 183-s 11111115 iiinu AvF., frontispiece group of class officers is Hin voice has a good range, is clear, President Mark Saiids thlen deliv- DFI 11011 - MICRIG AN. even more attractive. Thle hinnorous fail ansd poweerful, andI is managerd ererd the address of seelcome. Hils -Ills are not soi ll nueous as usunal. with suhlpierfection that there can remarks were peculiarly approprlite. q ieIht2nd~ Straigiht Qtt. louis G. lisilp takes ther$5 prze be no room for criticisms. One of Hie has a splendid voice and a pleas sKo for tile title page. thse most surprising featlires of Mr.lu n-aershiinalellia -I CGA ETS ''Tse Field of IH'oridsls the Knorr's singing is the ease wihs vrite wit the adienc. 1111110 5111105 ; ylitd F wo10reSthsii sheprc onesoy sa rial 1 rn ~sllclb i i i Tileedocalsolo bs M\iss linkhe-Sa- lelelii~ 101 rit sor ws rite b rnkP.whchhemanageshs orce. 'l 'car frte illltlInlns thewasbeutiul rxSe lCliaettles,c-ill ind~ IDaniels, thle price being $T5.10.I t wodr reachl a hlighl note switliouit tilesa be.autifuslly renrdererd. 'rTi,111 super11iorleto is a b~righlt Iandrrelatable stors-. Tle suglgestio~n of a strainl ndwold JHi. v--I- s societyppe wsail hesihndsrih lIlnlor)lI l iCiI1 l-sBrik-rs5 'As5 O11st tinit swithisnclrealsing solume ireplete seitlis11llor, grisnds, a11111 No.S1"0naretsaemd rnCte(ft 10; eil-alsly S liveed l 11higherS Chtost IGo-iled Leeoneins Vieginia. '.his is She old ik Ikit,'"nistile irodsction of Hl.I tla- 1111the swhole Bail seledlltled porpular verse. 1!landI lriginsal lineid 11fStraighit 11111Cirso-etses, If, Smitl ifr sshichlelh rer-ei-es tilh es ih tile mlelodly, all swithsas snuchs es-olsisol)o by-l1. It. - Gle ii l l esuvorisS 11111 11115and ob1e've l 1th1 fimnmea elow -is ans every 5111-iiige. p)rizecofrif .I s et little losvr apparenti ease as if hse sere runingi" sas encoresd.- ihr ArLN & Iirtit~ leiseoli stors-. rathiei t'haniaisine splitting'- lscalle ill tile rillidhle register.-De- Ieicastleibacuo th Msiiellecs, - lsFsslrSris. fanny iec. Hsory of the rit -ree Press. rquestioin:iResolved, that tilei-ear (Oracle''reies th5 ie publicatison from N1r. Holmes hs a voice wshich is of fPunishmenc~t isas isore effert (11p0n TU iquestioniably ito$ ,jits infancy. S sell anldisymspathietic, aisri nade a a man's conlduct thsan the Hfope of HE .-.1GU 51(AD 01,' In versrIDrank.I'.IDanisleads ms aoaleipeso.He uses Deward. Tile affirnsative seas Isup- FRATERNITY JEWELRY, off seithi the prize ipoenm,'"A. ISimmenics voice sith discriminationl and Iportedi by I). (O. Rideosut, the nega-, Pictuire," captuingl the price of a5.ills phrasing is tastefui. is shad- live by TI. I-. Ilest.TBoth gentleme n h ,r-s soteto "Were I a Podit, 1 I.Lieiris i ossesses more variety thlanlone presenteri excellent arguments ansi _N"Q'V7', -1r'1 - -S hquite wsoirthis of its pronminence.russsally fisrds in tse work of nale iheid tile ciose atteistion oif their h-M i :Lester A.'Stanley dontribsites a vocalists.--Chiicago 'tribsue, Nos'. auditors. cever cleerdialect ascosunt, iiiserse, 4I1 1889. 'Tie ihumnorouisileclamnatione-I N bodce Risis'iSOp~iion oSf Rss 1)5 - --""" titlred, ''Tie Relation of iihe 'Mos- , loT - - NI 1(1131 (. The Athletic Board Meets. Frank Bivsco e write Sthe clss c, ). oiito othe Huma 1,ai~lv. i . receiv-ing hprize therefor. lie a11o0 'hue Athletic Board helrd its regli- furnishes the sworrds to titit1. lie lar mionlthly nieeting in roons 9, last plrize for this seas a $a-o violin. evening. Thie business transacted 't'he usual list of organizationis anld was chiefly routine. Thse net re- ilailint pogrills foloss. 'imecellpts from thse '93 11-9; lawv foot- ball ganie were $ 74.75. hoard find it necessary to darken Secretary Boween reported thsat ti-i twsice the mirthful pages swiths the S. C. A. rdesiredi t11 have Professor eiubleml of deathl, first, in nieniory Stagg lecture under the joint ann- of Joshiua W1. Waterman; second, for Inces of the S. C. A. anii the Ath- Miss Jessie H-odgkins, of time class adThoreortsea of '95'I TreasurerSharpiens was appointed Next appears a profuse and varied to make arrangements with regard niass of conventional grinds. Thse to the S. 1L. A. class coip. gym comes in for is share of the Editor Brown, of the Washtenaw geneal roat". TheFacltyTimes, was unanimously elected an geneal roat". TheFacltyhonorary member. Circus" swill please everyone but Football Manager Griffin also ,that body itself, while "The Weear- made a partial report. Kuiper seas very svarmly appllauided. WV. H. Evans' oration, snbject, "A T1ypical1 American," seas an able tribute to the genius, cisaracter, and ilatriotism of Henry AV. Grady'. 'Thse entertainmniit concluded withl a trio by MIr. andli Mrs. Cle- nment andi M-r. Thorpe. 'The ladies of tihe elocutirii clauses IP. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR hlave pnrchased a fine carpet for the - Xli i. rOlrTEilO platfornm of roonm 24. It is expected that the declaimern will be more F=N -M 7- OOIL1 Tss animated thlan heretofore. First appearance of the Choral ~ W '~rS. Union to-night, 262 voices, four soloists, and full orchestra. Go. Detroit Michigan.