THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE, STUDENTS. TITE - TWO - SAMS. GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call Your particular attention to the fact that ourWEAE GNT FO Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class cloting. Young Men's YouqIpaIs, Hats, S--7=S-,IT= Jow( ats, made up with all the detail, care and skill which chiaracterizes the Sit erqpaq)5 Hats1 best merchant tailoring work. AND H1ODGEMAN'S MACKINTOSHES. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. Anun Arbor Savings Banjk 0. K. BARBER SHOP. EXQUISITE FURNISHINGS. Ann Arbor Mich Capital Stock, $00,Incnecin Organized uoder th e ororal Banking Laws Fine Shower Bath. New Porcelain O this state. Receives Deposits, buys and: Tubs ~Ti osllle echange on the rioriglpl cties of01the i30 E. wash ingouS t .ILTOsoANOASoo. PE RkIriN'5 G LOVES. United States. Drofts casedIpo proper detificatio. Officers: CssisssecsN MACK, Pres., 415A. E. HissEDK, Cashier. 10.. irz, Ass. Isehier. (allilsl.$ 00,00. Srleo rfl,$701 Does ageneral iBanking bussines. Pys it]- We 55il o nto 551111111thalllt We 151egoing Out (ithe1w1R(1(1y .Bla ier est o onres glepoits. Hsaley Dieposit Bouesefor host. thing, ~e Iil ndsulio lbtitlitl7 B i2'li'lt iTailorng ond'Fill(, It.lK MPF, Pes. 1. IH. CEoOI ahier 1 11 PATRONIZEweil sel 01'F EBO OWENS BABER HOP!OVE1,COATS ANt) SUITS ATs ACTUAL COST. Call and JO~ ~JI4IN@,AT THE TWO SAMS. AT' 1,sW'PRICES. Il~eA. N D A. L IL 92 MEDICAL ALUMNI. INTER-COLLEGIATE NEWS. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Some ate Practicing-Others Havo P'rincetoii .3o; Rtgrs___au MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!! Deceived Appointm ents , in 5 1 eitr, -cat. - -r. 02 rllseeSleetColegs., -a nnital lOftilg of the' Inter- T lIIie ighept S H H ARND -N V I1. Ayecrs is 11raciie lg at1D- Collelite Foot 11al11 \sseeratioiiDegre 51500505w-O .50trol. ehel Sturd(ay, ended 1at 111 11111 11 H Ill.ti';lUAT01ION C. NM. Ilarrisno is prite eg at Thelbscriale. as finaliiy arr1an1ed1 is as 01100 '5 1 et.N Iole n, lili. foOlws:1 OCAi)ler 20th, lri '11 don 0of p J'ectioI 0 11 1111 J . I3. I l ptinan 1 is loctedat s. es(1n a t NewI le 11,, '5 00111 A e, Pa. bel 'inr 5tlNate. vs Wesleyan, at Ne S W. II, ell, is1 (itqg9wll hat 1. 1111e11 Novmblerr 511, i11ritisl _____________________________________Wa1ynei, Ind1. t05 Ill's Irsty of lPennlsylvania, .at IJames Nlaw lls egielrcioIllahl111 orier111 I , (t J S W ars at Decatlur, MNich., unde1r avoratlervs.Unierslity f eelnn~sylaia, at ~ I, .. circumsltancres. 'New Or N o embelltr 2.111. Y ae svs. C' E.lDorranre as 11111g 11011his Princreton, at Newv ork No1ve111bee C.). Colby is carvinig out1 a prac- Wesleyan, at 1Iillaillphia. - The I UOOKS OR E ice at Jackson. Peninsylvanian. Htenretta Carr is at lie homic in t is saisd 11151 iore thai 70 mns IS EXEMPLIFIED B3Y OUR --Eaton Rapids. have presented them~selves at foo- Special Dicount oilA. IV. Foy is praticing ill his all cansidates at Hlarvarsd. orp Cvn g Speia 1150111 ciLasw Book, native lown, Ldington.''Mike'' Mtrpily, trainser of last Qor t Tnn Medical, D~ental andi li Tttt'irersity A. W. Reed is lospital Iphysician year's U. of .NM. Rugby eleven, is at T1ext-lltisks. The lasgestJ at the J. (if M. ale. His chief work is on indoor U'\ ~ ~~ i ts I.0. Statltr is succeeding well at anid track athletics, lbsttle will as- D j~ ~1 i aylilnl at Kalamazoo, slt in coaching the Rugby teami. MiOOK! i,'M. hier and Mr. lull, ale's famous half-back, is __ in the city tot 2 cents. Agent tot tice, and Ophthalnmology, respect- I. 1\.I. ltel, lasw '92 10 practic- GtJoUdspoojd & So1n Keuffel &seroc Mathemnatical Intto- lely, tng law in the offices of Dickinsoo, r meito. Untdes pr ices on evesything. E. W., 1-lass is withl Coy Kiefer, Thurber & Stevenson, in Derot ou-ITFITTERS, at Berlin, alnd io assistant in surgery. Rbr .Iogtlt'2 STO~~~e~8: ~Miss hicon is located at Ypilanti. reatding law in an office in Brook- ~ v,1 o ~i t I. N. Swarz i's doing a thriving1,17 9SO Aai St South State Street arid Main Street. lyn, N. .______ _____ Opposite cors Hase). Ipractice at 1anbrg, ich. ,-_____