THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHIITG SALE~ A-- ALL ~ALL SU ITS AT F F. One-Half off on Ties, F THE TWO SAMS. All 4-in-Hand Ties, All Ascott's Hand Ties, ? All Puff Hand Ties, All Chantillas Hand Ties, ALL SI NGlLE, F\ NTS AT ;Jl' For Two Days Only. COM'E-SA.TtJ]R AY AID pNON pAY, Pec. 17-19s See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY & Rf IAE,'i 1111 N Your lindertiti"eal" and shirts, Al TIII:' 7,11-0 Ann Arbor Savings ]Bank PATRONIZE koo 'Orlo(ro Mih. ('apital Stock, $50000 OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP! 0-aie nroolthe Genea l Banirog ri.a 5 1-N',,. t ",Tths sat. Dece'ives Defosilst buysoad 0 0 K, HOP. A-ld threvry choicest Caies!ineSho-e r Datb.%, N Porcelain TUTTL.ES, .'0 n nIIIV~n t ($1 X1. ('\LENI )Ait. C tl t, $5).ttt saOttl-(_)2(8tid rl'irto ,$ t?!trt _____ I tlo ageneraol iBankInig toronto. Payo itt Ii,', 13- . . ., itiO, "1'eareth ( i _I,' t o f t it.' st o l Ni ng Deptr o s itsi. finslt y- Uoptosit Broe s ' rteni. f iiWorld,-l h oN D. i i ldnll . 5KEMPF,1tPrs. F1. 1H. IhIEL!EII, Csir liii. 19.-MO11ing f10or relti'1'itiOto tat'il I i Baotnk ovenri at oiro i olir'. 1)oo.2i1ts it,, I n . ' 'oiii' ~'iio I~e it 5 t il illo-it ti T . I, m r p esd n a S Br 1 F.PECIXL 7 1Stret II BUSINESS I A 1 ll t ~iis f- "Itth11'.i_''_. fl , 1 i iiti ii t i 1 33 01 1 1 _1{1'ill N ; ii I I tri t t it'rr ltl iii -j. 1 in tC t fjh-- tlcr a n C. 1 , S 000.0 1. 5' s, coows lo1 tnr el ll l II tt-1of1 lhotos. IrriO itil l't rNI Y r\'T- 1,}"4 Tv ' i 1 "('i'~- ® tt-dlttstheu)tti 111iri-olo. Mr.tilolit,(tori 10 lttr'ir ( lii br itoaI nut osrlo' 0 till tiill 1,1 51,1551 tot. A.Wi'tyiqrtai lerittil ii 0100iltrti12N. Mlitlu latitsrirni tii'oE W EIii {s ,V Oa}'r3)f. . O cre s 11lit n too l it o fliii it iti ii- ltlii1 itM cullt ie~i i' iti 't i' I.'.. o tilts ' s ic iafsm m asll om ft i ) l~l . r io t il 111 hi, i i it ' Inr' R E S t utiilsl:)ia tsl111 o 5out ii sltsstr t niI.iacbsCo It 1trlttlutt oic: B tir f it tesi osttutl erh selles vIteon t l e itrv tlld7el t iS (I-- licriomplelt, iru . 1te" r(DEPuARItoTllMEtNT.titt N ' iiot The keso, $r'ioiitlto.liRetilr,. oo'attrtt. 11 thiI 1 I0 hitS-....tor.Ires.. t vosrtt' Pr. sotl.!ii Ovoat s otiess t hsi u n lfto l Pototo 1 etti ltu ., I lve C1105. 1 rsnt e i pt l i t io ) rcsa h 1 Jcb o ! larsitotSltit;ittll(k,[5osaC.rlatior oltel ' a~t ri i llaresrt o U'Bow- 414t//hi :Mae1 orml0"h ol OftVp I rat3 is h to ot .,tl at e S1 tret I irro l 0'I I tkS t[t R F D "payigioriSlw fr'heistbiih- 8tsttope ho rfrshsrthl 1'oi I ON'oNE'K ' 0)- mcn ofthemetic ystm o «ri ii s made t i roir IN 60-12tie ctoeottot 0intrt 11mgsir(' i I lji ol Ost a itmeatre." li D e o r ioto te 1)of, p igpis. rh r fp ni,' o o;,-F C_ eo. Eliot, Complete,~~~5 s os, 1.I (cm ntr nC lar 1e hs n it leet I, l~li 1'i' on.ste e ltit, 22hake }s.t Stteptlet10v. . Peiltt, n .4(0 Otrte- 111 'to11 so ii 'iil Prlint torr. )voso.'tes oo ;e l t tirt 1, 1'. .0. Sari ; sret 'rilargst i~'.ilet'i't o tti t,inn(11 ellt I~nt slo~ ~ I I~ I~ P E E I 50set oeies0Stndard BotsI48aeach.oalestudets Mto 2iatet he1fair A I-L 6