TH UL. OFMH.DAIL TAKE A KODAK 1001 QglS ;~A5 or I W Th eYOI tttet A IY at l~ C i- R:ISIMA S. Mahogany, Cellu115lodboundildges, , ONLY $14.00. -IS SELLING- DEFJ3 .HATS AT X1,73 Every One Worth $2.50 to $4.00. D on't fordet1thatbox of 11(1 01cI .rr- 1li°I FELI oWs IN PIIOOR Ion. either. WILSEY, CALKINS',.. 34 & State, ,, iti >tiiib t<, UP S-TA I RS.. MOORE & WETMORE, BOOK- STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND CO R.01Nil ()IS (II I NI) (( ,aI SI i'RfE~tS. FIOLIDAY- -OODS. ALII'M S. IBLES, BOEi\S, ',TA NI.)A El) BOOKS ANDI)BSTS, ETC., ETC. STUI)ENXTS A KINI\VITED ?TO SELECT PI-'TSY ENTS BE 'FORZE GOIN(G HOME. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. 86--- 182 Call on Win. Fulde. i.e 11 NUSE 'l'ff't((Ii'Tiltor, opposite thle Law ItlltltIilg, oil. t)rNotb .l,emex i i'.', wowi'll meca ki r ixs(0Ann i xii'I' li ii +.(bli ( 'xx I'-.ii whihi, <1, W iltiall-st., lust (tool' Ave Po(f iStale-ti h e ae i xtae - 'ix p.1 ilex, bothiasltoprid, ixtent, al %xi' ty (ii xi+,c . C('leacioea irage n rsitgdtc e HO IA OD~ Stilk anld Fille Mixedi Candl~ylat -- N' etill F IfTlWANT 'TO iioice Mixed (ream Caoly. (at- - - 12-Bu- eeld Chocolate (anidy, (It - - - - 14 (- ~g~&1 O+ Coci Very'Betl oo atle Candy11111, It - uo ' I N 'I'llHIllITYllOW Null (I N '- 15 A fixedl Nlts, at 15 r1 1)., Ill lb b1.2ftre2till 2 1 (halLe oe Reiido ne d( II to 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. mArolk3MonSre GRWNS1)UGSOR~ THE CAMPUS. ITthceecitt be 110leteure to tillie~ tI~1F P 'I. I I J 011 ,~0 .1c T1102l11w2litbralry wilce t12otpenx tir- il gll1 Yt otltaook it"" Illn story Wtlll't fol 11112 sIlilil'r c-,'iii ntliastti ia GU ITAR S c Ili tsoit .I)li i' ixc(1i~t he 112 111111 11 s1111e1211 of PRIC(ES. OhItierin. T111 ANN 0111011 011 'N C(I)E Mr. ttlilnr, ilitic ii ll(100- :1tSouhNI a stelI.I 111 N 0w1s able 10 resum~ce this11ortx yestelI(ly lejG11,.6 I3iAN' U NI AL Prof. Ielllooa is i~ing the1112 vlt 'Nn~be(IeieiNa (ebe. li'. englineersx inal exanimation~s iil N. S. Limited a '!al -- - __ 9 3;x 15 '(Ic. =ance, tiele awleibrarian, ce- \Nxo-xo'a a "lx 1sSp1 .1 '5l). in. 111 Ii)toget this cear s latatoiclle aIn, C lhicago IxAare s. '1lei J D. N. Fxes --'.. :38 G. It. lxeressx_ _ 5i40111tby I"ebrllury. AlIalli-CxH (xxis. 11R0 ('hi.Nih I+1) 90 G. .II Feproxs-A l 02110 cific' x Ix -10 Ie freshtman mxecical (c1lass1 citt o. NV. RIlcix'ri:x. 11. 0 1IdAclxs (x. P. \. I'. Arent, ('lilixpi. A-I Ann Ac ix 1110111 a class socialt Saturdac'E12112111 inNewuberry thall. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A large nllllber ofl'96 mIlellil's OFP ANN .ARB~OR. Capitl lI. 1-i0. siurpluscIandiIProtits,- 5.11 0(111 i sitedt Ihrs. Carrowc and 1Nalluredle -aoal'-"i generlx Iasl aukinxabusie c~rlin.ic'x c'esterltac . lir'travler'xslilbioid. 1lralI K1uh111. lit '9, 1111s bell P. 11C111 Pile , 11. 0'. ('lecexONshier caledl homelPonl accoilnt of 11112i11 GRF\NG~R' 1 healthaof hie fathler. "ITn lT A ~INGI lT hu Wman 's Leaguelle cctt 101Ild ~ ~~V~ Ut u 1'a~l'J~i'anotlher mleeting until after thele 11- 10th Season, October, '92, to May, '93. day, 011111 1r. Carrowycwitt deliver lUll NEW HALL is centrallc-located and anl address. ,;cesy provlisiio has been made Ill promote CheI 'sootctf oue palrs-l.Thlereuseno stairs Mrs. 1B. AIl.-Tonlpson icas issued yo mount, the dancing roornlbeicng111nthe -o gr'-'und looas. OffceC a1 acadecmyc;Maynard-st. Ilzrilatiolls, to 1he youlng ladies o seed 91125,52, or 50 aorenam- the Episcopal, -cIIurchl for tan At Y plc Recoil Blox by expcressIf H once Saturday' afternoon. llc te BEST CANDIS in Amserica.a Put op 1n elegant boxes and Paehsaetepue Siabefrheoero PRESENTS. Express charges e o tasrlyrc El prepaid. Refer co oil Chicago. entrfumefoatamelyac Pa i Try it oace- Addreso, wih Harvard atth gaetob :12Iate, StreNts gisen at Boston on Feb. a c. (((, lee ((10a icxci... 5 , Ilil.frti for 111111(ay ccill Ie delicveredtiethter tiomoirrowIPo02 s011ic 11111re Satulrday.i %l tinIterested 11n111e2Pres('1lub fsholdit ltendtx cti111111 g (If that olrganlization toii le' hield till roomIi N ewberri hallI.atI.1;o i otcllek,1t- If are11 in1' P. 11(11 if- u lii u 1)r'- slil lrll xIs eSuit. Os ci- ccort yese'lrdayc. 11". Ctinltilell thasj 11121211 110i5th)' atiifew1115d1ays1(0, in11 c(11 Stafford'l. Nr. Slaflocilis facorin~g11112111111121torc cvith "star chcanbers." ildij tpoinctt L1 1The slubject of 11r.lbower's talk 1111(Iilg i (11 'ltiftid at Adelpihi tonciglht is "Funrny 'lie- 11111510of Success." ' this is exiied112(1 110 1111051grilo- ilf coikis as 111'l. to( be 11111itealatractice etu~re of the programl. All excellent 1111112is anlticipatedl It 1111 art 1111111social, to1 le give121111115 42 $Outh $tale $treet, eceninlg 1by2 the Flcc'lrtll ILeagule, at _________________________ 1111 M.1 E. chu~rchc.'-Tie admnission is to be tell cenits. G. H. W ILD, IDr. .111211 le \'ilbliss, Iclass 1 '1(51 occup11ied( IDr. Carl (II's hour T 1 T0 -- yesterday', ic stoccillgthe seniorsTiL .L.PJJUII~L i colle of his incventlions5. lHe has lprobably inccented more incstrumnlts Is tle lalce tc go foi iltle '1111101 ic for ope1ratincgan~d applyinlg remedies Ile las thle miost select stock oii to theoe 2anccl naso-phlarynlx, tha1n ally othcer main l the coluntry. Room 24 was crocwded to its lut- umost beating capacity last evelcing, when Prof. Stanley gace, instead of the regular lecture in course a "in music, a lecture on the " Messiahs."c These lectures, gicen before thle con- certs, are becomncbg very popular and are attended not only by the students but also by mcembers of I thse facultyc and citizen. FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ill Sliltiigs. Tlolls~ler c sid Fancy Silk Vestisngs iln the City, and wold he pleased to Dave youI call Sand examisse.Ile - msakes a speeialty of Full Dress Sssits. No. 2 E. Wasuelntou-St., Ann Arbor.