:THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Z.of W1. Tait Publihed Daily (Sundays excepted) during I no College year, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcriptiosprice 5 per year, invariably ai dvane gingle copica i cents. Subcrip tions may be left at the office of the DAoL, at S Hait's, with sy of te editor or athorizedl solicitors. Comunication hould reach te office by 7 ocloch P . ,i they are to appear the net day. Address ll matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business communiction should be ent to the Bool' neat Manager. THE U. f X. DAILY. Ann Aror. ich. EDITORS. F. E. JANE1TE. Lit. '3, MSangiogr Edtor. GEovoesi ii'nU . Lit. 'Ni, Asitant. J.1.G. Eanosm. laoU'W53.Aetittot. R. J. OT IVA.oY, lit. 1, Asistt. .. G. W oTottom Al.it. '0' Btitles Mrger. W. W, V. O'cneeoiovc, 1.11.11.Asitnt. A. W. JoE'o'sRoo, Lwc '1, A 'jolt.nt J.. .ANisotr. l'4 0. W. RICETcTS, Li. '. 2. A. MoNNY. iI 1.0 NI 0. So'oo o011013t'ie AA. tlSo.'ON, L i. '3. W. 12,loo ~,Lii"I". C. X . oloo. oloo, 1I'll 1OS'3. 1.1 There wvill be a ieting of'tle Daily Board, Saisr~a'y evensi', at 7:30, to arra~sge lolirs. 5-2 FIRST SOCIAL EVENT 'Floe Students' Christian Associa- ion announces its oeing 1,S9293 social at Neoverry Hial for to-uor- own everting tt eight o'cociok. About 2,000 invOittionlsihave lben issed to stutdenlts, tei I sllin(11[1 addresses Ic-inig takeno frooi tie lne S. C. A. ce0511)., For tie reason that tie lojsjIs 15lslno t 0001 131 tt, tie asso' catlonl oises to itiforolothe studenlt shohIt ot 1112 rcc id ivoidulal in- Vittill 211112 50 sigit 00a13itndeld. It 3xas simp~lly' ir01300sillt'to reach 213003; bult, th roghotiocU. of M . )301., the S. C. A. wvisles to) cx- tenol te ovitatioonto all UT.. Of Y. mlatriculates. 1invitatonso iae been atddressed to tloe faculty, aod to the faculty ladies. M.\iss Fannie Bishop is chairnian of tie geteral commit- tee of six, andtheore wiii be a recep- ion committee of seventy-two. An appropriate and interesting program will be rendered. This social will be of special value to '96 Imen and co-ed, as it wiii be the means of introducing themoto their fellown students, and of thoroughly identi- fying thtenm with U. of M. life. OUR CIRCULATION. We again find it necessary to re- qjuest subscribers nt to get into a heat when they do not receive their paper the first day after subscribing. Subscriptions ar pouring in upon us at a rate which rndrs it ilpos sible for the one man in charge of that de^partment to give to each ill- dividual complaint his undivided at- tention. If you miss a paper dur- thing e coming week, it may be had by applying at the office either by mail or in person. As soon as the circulationl departnient can be sys- tematised, which we hope will be in a very few (lays, you will receive your papers regularly. We have in- augurated a new system of delivery which-promises to obviate the most of the difficulties 'encountered last year. Every subscriber will receive his paper. H-ave patience. FIRST HOME GAME. 'fhe game noot Saturday afternoon between our team and tloat of the )Nichigan Athletic Aosociatioon, of Detroit, will be called at 3:30. 'fie M. A. A;\. teamoo las been practicing almost as long 11sotor team, atod iii doubtless pJut 111 a stronog game. 'STe nmemobership tickets of tihe U. of MN. Athletic Assoociaotiono, whiicho xwilli be ooi sale at the gate, wilaIi- liit to the clontest. '('io teanos will tmeet on the newO athletic field, nowv used for Rugby for tite first tinme. GOOLOGCAL SOCIETY. 'The (Geologiocal Societyxvi ll eet tomnorrowv for the first time this year, ill roomioh t 5p- i. 'There xiii be a paper by -]'resitdeont S. H. Perry, 003 FossiCoiiecttn 00 A flliat- tendance ts (desiredl113 order to give tloe society its tsloai good start anti posr~tous yea.r 'I'1'I Daly1Pa1lo :\o, the neon dlaiy ipublhd1 at tlitLe IclandiStaon- fordlJr.1 1013 to sltv, 11113beeonati- lell to outr exchlange list. It is a well editedI alodloneat appearinog sheet = d 1/ZT& New Firm, New Goods, and -Low Prices. There is nothling like a SLIM FIGURE to put it in mlotion. We have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes. 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET,- ANN ARBOR, MICH. AMONG OTHER ATTRACTIONS WE ARE SHIOWING E_%egant Fall Shitiungs, a nd rNew Things Isn reckwear. WV.AC T*E;E t&C 0c0. 21 South Main Street. Tailors and Furnishers. IRY- Toledo, Ann Arbor and North %$ NES Micigan Railway. romeCr n fetSundayor.Auguot21 18-o.lv. Diepareofc 'Trainos at Anno Aroro. lb 0111N( 10 1 oo'o. No Il o taoollo'.Soail oandl l'0100e 720 a.0in. N (1. . ooassvo 000Ann lArbor Aceooo...l 110)000oo No1. 5. lare 'Mail laseogreo'. 425l1. in. No. 11. To'ledo anoo so (ooSoonolay Iv only~01) .. ....... .. 1()= .0n1I. ls the LEADING O nOOF0BU5515000Slg8- No. 11. Th~ oleoldOwoosso (Sjlo~ay '111113 lo'11'101'0ine eachrs;largeo' sofl'ooolo only )01 ... . . . 163(50 1. In. open11 10I'll 01e1t 01e1, 1ololoool l'1'o'iol gratsol ingreat3100 No. ' slo~oilso''s . 111011 dein;sort'Ol1011g1"111'111'Oall s'1'1101' 001011111,l No.1. Tl'edo Maoi)l Express..... 30.. 17 .n livig vpvnes b2. o $ .75 1wek in p11v10101'"u1- N oIi6. ooTolo Accommodation .. 7 01)1a.0m taepstulsfoawc o lI 1dr.0 30 lo; I.ll 10'3Ow oo 0and Tledo11)51101ay3 0031P 0R. CLEARY,~~ ~0' Pex I onol)..---.. . . 0)I2la.Ill. P 0 OLSART, '. INo. 01lot.Oosoo oolr l'o 1101lO Wo Adviso StudenttouSee Centr ). . ..anda01.'rime 'i'o'ioo 01100011 I i 310lo''t'o AnaooAro r ano 1111 0oy300ie r Tai160110 12,* 101n1 04 1r000 between00'To- ledo01and lOwosou ndallys onolyO. 11edu0edl Fare. 'oTil S=0o;s_ Otheroco' l i blly 330301pt Sundaoy'. 0W. 1-1. IENNET"'o' It. S. 0GRE EN VO 1),l Foot-IBolan o nol s10)5Sho in 13Stoock. IGen.IPass. Agcnt. Locm Io O-nte. ISTI )LT T SAV E IIALl lOUPhM2E M 5 STU DENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. Grotch,. Lttito , 'e'toci, (arm-limitl-till Colltege T'Ioxh'BIooC, iNew *1101 boSeon-l I It. LAW AND MEDICAL BDOOKS AT Wflf)I Lb XLI PMfI(ES. Toi, l)Al .v acknownledlges tile re- c o 7 00.., S ceipt of tloe legal directory of tloe__________________________________________ lawv class of '91, Iharry 1). Jewell, B1lvolLin llOlSAt.E-Celtury)Coloon- RENTSCHLER, conopiler. Thlis is the second cdi- bia.i.nh goocond Iliton~. Giood reaosi for selling. Appoly ho P. 1). Greeno 21 ra h tion of tloat excelleint hand book. S. 12tho street. 1- Vog a h r if you are going too ordler a stilt. 0. H. Clark loan received the ap- overecoat, or pair of trousoers. be sure to C2ORNERtt1 AIN ANODIHURlON S05. poitnon Iof ssilan toobsetrcs all on Mr. Rose at tile Cook (louse. poitmnt f ssstat o bsttrcsTuesdayv, Otober 4th, and see the ole- I~TIT and gyio' eulogy. glint line of clothes Itoe Golden Eagle G1 ND OPERA TO'USE -isre iml los .l. Tlis firm TO NIGHT'. - "~ ~"""hoove mlade regular visits to Annl Arbor A Genuine Melodramatic Sensation!I BUSINESS LOCALS. every Tuoesoay for the past four y(0is Grand Producton otheThrilling slid oave the reputationi of ttritiiiiout Romance.o 15050cmes etel in Ibis column at the cate the liobbiest styles. soost perfeet fit, at HANDS ACROSS THE SEA oi10 cons per lose. Special rates tor longer the nmost reasonable prices, aiod coil, time, aod extrs lines furnished by applyinig at furniisho huoolo'dsof refereneesarongSt A tCarLoadi of the Moot Soperberb(Scenery 0hY DAILv office.) wo~fc soctnesed by upward of WA~'so- liislig yun nan tiloe lboys. Bie store to pa him i1 visit FiE HUDED THOUSAND taTe esyfu ltlass Yung asulto uletllier you wish to order or loot, it (FIV TOO SDiTSAsocsC Lt dry. For particulars adldress 117 Lawilityo. And Aeclaimed the lGrandest lRomaotic Pro- Peer street, Saginawv, Mich. 'So relit. ,, luce hall and rooms at 12 doictios otebe Age. Type writing dosie at 48 E. Cathe- E. Washlington. Rooms suitable for Prices, - - - M.3 c.c and 75c. rinj street. -3-10 society purposes. Fornmerly occupied Seats oo sale at the Posteffice news stand. Fronit suite of rooms, f urnace heat- by tlio N. S. N. Medicaol society. t-6t ed, 19i Church street. 3-3t Suit of-roonis to rent, -No. 35 South G B O A. E. Rose, for the Goldeti Eagle Foiirthbaveniue. 4-3t Clothing Co., will be at the Cook New single room. all modern m house every Tuesday (luring the college lrovementa, Ithasid cold water,. ':P11TOGR*AP-ffl-ER year. at 22 'Orth Iglls tret. -2t NO. 12 W-- H U ON ST1.