X7 i~,:"r~~rt ia A I- lta liI_
Mat i y. 1 C lllilbo n
i ONLY $14.00.
j --IS SLLING -_
SEvery One Worth $2.50 to $4.00.
Don't forget that box of cjlIAT01 S 1 111 II tlT,1ottS IN 11-'OOTllON.
CALKINS 7 - 34 S. State.:,l;A Soths~tate street,
- IsAlIRS.
.. :.S, 1) BIBLS, )OIN.IS, ST-aN1l. I)AIZID)13OKSXAND) SE.T S, ETCo. !ETCrM. 1,SAt.?1 EN TS A. LEiN \ iTEO TO ,. VSEECT PV,'l~ii.ES'
Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest,
----861--192 allon Win.
F N I:,I' SOC1)1 s I," a r iiiNtl511Litllldll , a it
c)iA;IIall')S 5"bc '"" N'wi' lalaP ai a otr33, 's ~ialaii fIl 5111 K t',wbclt a Wlalams ii' oflsitidriWst of Stie-,
i aaai' lrc, ill hUe ilsllltsio, ot'natlpi~eilla'tmtlt ll'aig s t c all a tllttrep ii .a llaaes ig (tlntlso,
HO LIDAY -:- GOO) OttD s. ? elt 11 tdciadnt ttef~oci pt",: I te ti11Voe ;Mixed (CandyOat - - -c pel t1). 11 YOCUWAT lt'TO
C (hoice Mixeid Cream Caiiily. at - - 12ic
Very Best OCctlate('alidy, it - - - hla' '
iN.1 tN l N 51 51MixseitN it, at 15, r let , cwIll s.flit h i 2 i'or t h av e o etetiin g doineiigo lto
I I'laN aaip ti i a'tik i Arilck,336 Main Street
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.I,_
Will You Looks
'At ou ll ()liNv' Xiicioti't IItic
I cz) rr .a r-Tr rrN C-% C-%
THE CAMPUS. GC B.Little, detl'93,has heraen s1J [I..J I
- eiectledI iretidenit if thele t Iesh Icr-
C oc D1ecemibe hr S. C' V.lilletin 1111 ollii';pecople's tocid 1
'ihe Boalriiof)Reent'sP liilho ~ld h ir istvisitlin" I. N.tCordon, lit icai, illni If 11v r' i 111 f i o
11111 i Tr~nlily' i cltii tilillilli it ls t' 'I) tii CaI io, I "ilt, wh1ere1' eli
( 'the list pupils reciSal oft1 x I l act s mcosul.ia Sillill aiCi
iih l f Musici«till bhi Ii DcI'll 1Dent1lSocite till 11 cit 1t11s
ct h r tIc ilait iiiii
'RES.i T e IIgI - II sciool S _,N . C 1V Lit 0o r ll Paitier, '' l'(>ittuoiliscI,'' Iltit 11 C1[1ii' 7Ill , Il
'III, G'l O1N P ,E li lO sN t)., fiirstI lt tne letedoa wo m i1 illiii'Mis s iliis:1 a l l i l S llitli,\l tafor i
l IiNi I 5 1 ~ , .
Prof.Ml aclghlllii a 51n aricle 'rida' eichiIl''tile I' pirii
I IAN' ENT 4L iin tile Decectoer atlatntic ono"Mist- ILeaguer of the IIMethiodist iltclrcwill I~ll ii pll u 'lls o
TieLil leie)NovamSr 1111' i le NCelo I Isles l 0ll give anl art bllitsocial I11 tile par-
I Ii--__.4 hear p cil ,(;4 D . li l osal till acicitesi tiltS. ions of that c11111ch. linissioiiiwill Iiclt si irll' fiire s 'src,
N.11 Itrs' 6 ,8 l' I I xAe__ C . S 11101 toriitiaat 9:i1j, on he len ts t.tiefn st Y1f o 'lk1 a
N. 5i.iS tial. S I-i I
N.Y'e ~i, I1I . 1esr h i t Illse 1101 Id l'he U. of 1I 111)111 ii teaito kill
xca'' i i" N mI Chi'allottsfpii " I
D., N. i-pre i a 1Epr Jamtes M-iitoii blroksIIresiilet mrake a tnew' iepatu11111 ini athletics l - ____
t~lai E pes_ : ' sauaightExps ) 'ii11
t It Itps i _ 10iii411 'P eicific I pres b)i lIothe' C ilersits' \l'aa/in 01 N ewt Ciiistinter hy litit ill loiiclai for a
G..1'5 & T.'Al-wjic iaaoaA-I 51Ar1 Arb.I I"olrt titis the niest lof IaillD. Southlernltrill. 1They w il eesuchtitli 2 $outh $tate, 1te C
bahst, lit 'e3' tea aI~ s 11Rtichtllllnsl Chatrlotte, N'. _________________________
'ISTNATIONAL BAIN K!lrofessorIhaill 1wi cliadeste C. , rlliig hanli \tlaiita, a11 Nc it
i'~~tiy llth rl usS 51111 1 scity Frda , e(. Irleans. o If
~ttnpiiuu , tl iii Cl bi ngao Paul 1 1111f1r I "' "inecreligthcciiticSal cluti will Il
'igiseti'eiha eol.iilt'tersscei tiouradtit I ,1n -h Root11 I -a~ol f ,
>isra ilJlni abroaldtl Ilht' of It'lailct'l. ' ISaturdatytat I74'). n0.111 O~m1i". lELM T O
5. it.Ci. 'it <asiisslo r.'sN int-s-ix lioldis a class Iineli t '. W. tattin l~ l i react aIpape.r on j l-
R { .SaturayltaftcrnloonI to tdeciste uo11110 o cl role,"fol-e
G R AN G- IR'SIs the til'ce'eoiio loll it leTalrn
InAT a s.lass ytelllandto Ii transct otheloe oil. ii"''Som~e M'l mtllrial 1' ' t Titii0
flT~lAT 1AI~'~I liuloet oflllltortllc. tataiis ' li' I' i~,XX lkili, ~rsi- Ile has tthe ttoslt select stock of
SJIUIJIF TheJ.I1 ls secondltfretthmlanl hanljo)lIclub lt swill lbt discussed informlily 117'FLyN WNE OD
OUR'tIN ALisItcenisall-yloatedt asid ' examtiniations t ake place Satu~rdiaytilePth
t er01111111 1111 I hasIlbee'nimadeltolupromooetthe
tomut h acn ombigo h IbSitla.Tosrnyad:oior. Office at lacademyr ,6.PMaynarid-st. for a place on tht~echb last metetlin'gof tile Press ChIP to Ml etnsi h iy t~
fied 12. , r $3.thfo Brn Prof. V, Campbelt, tormerlyurepatre a list of tnomlinationwltl tt
",Icebss yw oldtIbe pieasedi Colhtve yolt
th Si. ANItS i Am r..of te '. of M. antd note asLick IsPbmit thefolwnlitathme-
Put 1 515tiS)p n letat xs a' ing on Sa00 rd' C. A. IDennison' rall111111 examindtli~e
titly o r eeaoSsial cs bsevaC) yisisitng nrhesityy
PSli TlStsExpreslsbic r seraoy ltilgssCt iypresideni t lii . B.IRotuse, tice- takes a specialty of
preSpid.Rert ta, iact Ieisenjyig wo months' vaca- prettdent; C . 'takefieid, aecre-
Tr itp onee-1 Address, P..f tt. 1 Full IDress Suits.
C. GUNFTLsPHER, ('otietrotcr, 1000d s sonto be otarrietd to a tory';'atd Mr. Stonemats, Creas-'
tHIAG I tatI O, treet. nglady of Brand Rapids. I uc o2.ahno-tAnAbr