TiHE . O 0F M. DA-ILY- TAKE --,A ,,KODAK IFOB J~loS;AS IIOM W III 01 ~ ~DC~J~ -IS SELLING- CHRISTMAS. I ONLY $14.00. lDoni't forget that Ibox (of cllc(ciol,.rl:1, 1. TT 11FEILLOWS IN ePRO Ri'ON'io. D R Y H T T (1 either. W ILS EY, I CALKt1NI , - 34 S. State. 134StState slreet. Every One WorthnX2.50to $t4.00. Ut ST3tto.I MOR'WEMRBOOK STORE, NFO 6 S~OUTH MAIN STREET MO RillET O C)iFC0 TT XXIII) 1 totsrL .is;. UTnit ersit vText-Books, lMedicattl ookls, Law L ooks, ietital >hook.,,Stuticois' Note Books. Blatik Books, Staittic ntt. AWC-lIt\ e-aIilaigo Stockiof ietiilet itid EssertDrt ing ItO.11litnlltit5. Our Stock will be found Com plete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. 182.---~ Call on Win. Fulde, the Fi N:ST STOC K OFit-- -18 1 - Tailor. opposite tile 1aw ttiitiiig oil o ' i i D, (emaler :,W ille e iii a oteoe 3,d Anneast F:xhibit ofIliii idyGos-, whih, a i ttialo-5t., iltatooer west of State-st. icrtlocwil l ii sne e titon, both a tpie, extentl.a ietyl iva tocok C'laeeixs,reJplaills111( and esiegdolleneatly- HOLIDAY_. GOODS S.tikadFnMxe Candy, it - - S e tier t11)U.AN T (hood Chocolate Candy, at -B--uyc a , 1 Zrnl7 CGOC1 i ety best Chlalte Candy, at - - - roce I\XTHE CIIIY5NOWiii \IX 1X1IAT MixeitNcuts, at1th eret1b.,ot 2 lbs. tot 25Ic.sorhave smeteptaiig done no t W e iiea inspetiinofolua siook.A O 3 M inSre 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. Y'i ? Arokn6 a tre BROWN'S DRUG STORE.ITeIo ndSelcubsi1me THE CAMPUS.ThIrnadSelcuwilmt --- tonight in the chemical tab. G. I. \A[ill] You Look 'therapseuticat society tis evening D~avison wilt react a paper on "'the at 7:15. Netc Pronuntiation of Chetnicat At iiur Shiorw Aitidois It tells The intandter wvitt be out ttte last Terit s'. 0 t isctsuct of tttis tveek. t rachecal coiisres it the mnedicals (I lsor bu ro.dprmetpr iileecliem will tectlure to the ccirtde1 roete atr ato GUITARS hatesont Wednesday. this werek to enabte ttie sophtomsores tNii A section quiz in Agency is an- to take extra weork isncissectiiii PRICES. ioiinced for tltis tweek. during the holidays. Tile iJ" hop wvil1libe giveinAlirit N owtt'that the footbatl seasois has 'lit-I.1AN \ AItitOth Izth (-), 7 Iforace Sya is chairusan. closed active gymtniasiuni tork is be. S1 oiiihiMai Sireet. Sidn It is expected that Itse Dental iitg done in the easterin colleges .~IHIGA 'GE T A Jourtnal wiii be issiiedini a tveek or lookiisg toward ttie formatioin of imie'] i'ale (Rievisedt Novembier .LO, te'. twvo. boat cresws and ball nines. EAii , T * ip iiaewWESTeiii.1a. .L. E. Krotz, p. g. law, has pub- 'Thie constatnt cry in ttie mtedicat Day ' Fess __--i W ay xrests - atz;tislied a teat poems entitled "Etern- departnment is for better Isostpitat 1111tii iaoaree 1-1i J. 1.I_)1. Morrison.,'1i4 late. tas filled to overdloswing sitnce the begin- laiciN. Exprtys'--facilites..TIe.hospital has beet At~antcE~~wss_ 0 ('hN ightEi1l 0 cled home very suddenly yester- ning of the year, aind it last oftein G. tt Iipi 5 _1 0 4act pcs ] Cviiit'iiieczr c'H.W A Yi lll A o dSoicatbeeis foutidctnecessary toi turis pa- (r.i'&'. Aen, hiago At.An Aror Smetwventy patienits appearedatietssa FIST N TINA AN D G arrote's cliniec estercday after- trot. It. ?1. Thomsoni delisveredl FIS ITO A N K noon. the second lecture in his "MNosaic Cait l Itil, 1J0. 5iii'iiiitatd P'ciii-. $, ,101). Prof. Scott's S. C. AC.cdats In Ltawc series'', last night, in the laws 'tranesai - t i nral Ibianking liiiainersetilorisi,-ieacstilbgiaso lecture rooiashis sutject beiiig 1,1.ta''e brad 'Po Ert ases''. Next llna 1111 la- ii i~ilii. I. 110(01, i''- after the holidays.oet ~ lica C.t.C ilallshiier.lesnir tii terevening lilt snbject seill be ''Domes- The_______senior__________l ass illhave tertic Relations''. GRARNGERS ls recitations ill Bliss on Code ]Miss tHelen C. Biergeni, formserly NG-OTPedn nextwek a 151 ichigan elocutions student, and t OF s Ion. V. S. Lovell, a distinguishedl well knowen ini Washington from hter t~t~xsnOtae, 9, ~y 3 alumnus of the U. of X\.,dedstd work on the h'ost cit that city, has O)11 NEw HALL! is centllsly iiicated aiid denly last week in Scranton, Pa. nitnalcueo ASio' ecaeyproislionthhsbeeii made toipromote the' Dreani'' with which she swill go -omxot of ouar patrons. Titeaexare noestaxirs tiss Lydia hPattesnfoanu-f to tiaunlt, the dancinig roxxtbinlg sa the y c5,oranm upon the lyceum stage. grounditdlnol. otattaaemy, hMaynad-st. her of years an assistant of the late T h oeoitrse nDl -~send $12, $.,xr$350 foeams- Prof. Winchelt, died in thsis city sarte training it weill be of interest Y pie RetaiilINbySine xpr etessAxemorning.o- i7 theBE5'i'iCAN tsanxis esterday onn. to knowe that instruction is proetded Put uset elegant bexes ad Rev. Geo. R. We udline h for tlhem by Mrs. Foster, under Ite straietly pare. Sitable tor g as been asie fIt oatGid h PRtESENTS5. Expr-ess chat-oxasie fte oatGid h * prepaiid.ttefer toaidChicago. engaged to lecture under thse auspices cus ossso wl' esn n 'yiotsAdeeoCF. GUNTHER, Coneteeioner, othe S. C. A., April z, in Univer- as nmany rehearsals; two dollars for ui 312 ateI L IStr. sity halt on "Thle Man of Galilee". I the course. STAFFORD, If soii si in deeitor(Ifi di 1'Dress shit, It iote Sotil. Os-or- onl Staffordc. Mr. Staffor-c is isguit inglthis own11cutttig atid thie flnest grade if work-15is Iaired. 42 South $tate $treet. G. H. WILD, THlE LEAPINTTG TA ILOP., Is the place to go for line 'Tilorinlg. lHe has the ino(st select stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Siings, 'Irlosserintgs, and Fancy Silk V5estings in the City, and would be pleased to have yout call anid examine. Hie makes a speeialty of Full Dress Soils. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.