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October 06, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-06

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LU. merit

~Voj.. IIl.-No. P.


PiicpE T its: CENTS.

We Are the First to Enroll Re-
presentatives of the Celes-
tial Empire.
In Melican Tongue They Are the
Misses Kohn and Stone.-The
Daughters of a Native Methodist
Clergyman.--Pioneers in Chinese
Dress Reform. -Will Enter the
Medical Department:j
'lichigais, so far as is kiiowi, is
the first to eiroll among her students
representatives of the Chinese em-
pire. Two youna ladies have re-
ceifly come from the heart of
China to pursue their studies in the
U. of M. The idea of giving them
this advanced education originated
with the father of one of them. He
is a minister in the Methodist Epis-
copal church in Kiang Si province
anti in lte performance of his duties
iioticeil lowv moth good was heine
accomplished among the women by
women missionaries. Accordingly
lie sent his daughter to the mission
school where she received instruc-
tion in Inglish and the sciences.
Later a few others followed their
lead, but ione are as far advanced
in the work.

find it hard to enter siip1y as mis-
Tiere are also tiree young men
here, who are- taking literary work
preparatory to studyinr edicine
.liss Howe, a lady who lias been
Ia issionary to Chia for twenty
years, is making n a home for these
young people. It is lier wisi that
tiey become as little alienated as
possible from their native land.
------------- --
Says it is Not a Game to be Con-
ciemned by a Casual Observer.
Tihe Rugby football game, which
is one of the most manly sports
participated in by a university or
college, is severely criticised and
condemned by the casual observer,
who does not understand the merits
of the game. It appears to these
observers that the sole object of the
game is that eleven young men ar-
rayed in woolen skull-caps, canvas
jackets, black knickerbockers, blue
stockings, canvas shoes, in company
with an innocent brown covered
leather ball, wish to push eleven
other youn men likewise attired
and less muscular off the face of the
In this rouh and rude as-,tim.e

Lively Times Between tihe "Sophs"
Columbia Colleoe pened its I TER
doors lIonday, and, according to/NdfJtts: AGE
customi,'Pres. Iow admionisied the DETROIT, MICH.
"Sophs" and "Fresh'' to refrain
froi their Customiary rushsig.
f.resident Low told thet that Vale
and Cornell, and i e migifht have
added ihigan, had abandoned
the rough clustom.
Notwithstanding the request of
the president, the rival classes niet - LL
and a rush ensued which resulted in
many bruises and torn clothes. Af- Wlie you want the Latest Metropolitan Styles
ter a short struggle the freshmen iniShies at50toi$1 a pair less sian Ann Arbir
came off the field victorious. peend fhrCtalgue in
We congratulate ourselves that R. H. FYFE & .
this antiquated and brutal custom DETROIT, MICtt.
has been abandoned at the U. of M.
The Rugby Candidates do not Ob- MERCHANT
serve the Rules.
Captain Dygert and Coach iar-
bour are surprised at the manner in TAI LOR
which some of the foot-ball candi-
dates conduct themselves. They A 1 0
come out for paractice a quarter of
an hour late, and then get ' that
tired feeling" and lay off for thfe ~E'~[N] l ~UITOO a]=2TS)
next day. Certainly no man de-
serves a place on the team unless he
can work from four to six o'clock 55 W - FOlrT ST-,
every afternoon. To an onlooker,
also, it seems strange that so few of Detroit, Michigan,
the men remember the advice of
Messrs. Dygert and Barbour for five 9i8Qhmond Straight Qat.
minutes. The players have "tackle No. I
low" yelled in their ears, and at the CIGARETTES.
next opportunity the same men get Cigare tte Sierseho
a reswilinig Snoslaysa littla
excited and grab the runner around cared ea herice
the neck. Keep your head down, TfesCiAretes pei or to
all ethers.
follow the ball, stay together, work a Th Sesnd strsight
together, develop "sand,''and- sutN o1Cit garettes are made tIsshe bright-
tsigetire, stevstp 'mostdelicately Catoed asd highest teat
play the gare, fellows, play the GdoldLeafgro wn isiVirginia. This is the Old
an rgnlBand sit itraight CttCigareties,
grame. and wasb rughtotbyusistheyear1875.
ganr. Beswarenorisitatiss, adobserve thatSthe
lie na ea s Inowis as every package.
The ALiEN & dINTE.1113astir
People on Thompson street were fthe AmericanTobacco..
Manuactuers, RttihsindViegilia.
surprised last evening to see a young
society man fly through the open W T
window of a certain house and slide
down the balcony post. They are C oal
wondering if 'D. Porter" was pur- 11 W. Washington St.
sued by-the Asiatic cholera.a
Tickets for the Student's Lecture
Association course will soon be g.E.JOLLY &CO.,
placed on sale. A good course of
lectures has been secured and every
student should obtain a ticket for S T .- T I 0 T ~E R I Z I

The translation of one of the the players," so the observers say,
young ladies aants is Mary Stone, "incidentally blacken each other's
the other is named Ida Kahn. eyes, punch each other's faces, choke
In Central and Western China it each other, kick each otherin short,
is customary for all of the womenI 'slug each other' so that it renders
to have the feet bound. This prac- thre unfit for presentation in high
tire causes much pairs to ft girls social circles.'' These casual ob-
from four years of age, when the servers say "that a Rugby football
bandages are first placed on, until game should no more be permitted
about twenty, when the feet becoie to occur than a regular arranged
numb. The Misses Stone - 1i and formrallyannounced prizefight.''
Kahn are pioneers in the reform of While some even go so far as to say
foot binding, being the first to go "that it should be abolished from
without the bandages. the realm of decent anateur sports."
The Chinese are practical, sensible I deem it unnecessary and useless
people, and although custom has to defend this real college game of
g fiven them queer ideas concerning games, as it has been so ably de-
women, they are quick to recognize fended by most of the college publi-
merit and ability and have grown to cations.-B. Franklin Woolman, in
respect these young ladies and their Kansas City journal.
Eleven years preparation have A rush took place in the Dental
fitted the young ladies to take a ampi-theater, yesterday, in which
thorough medical course-here, after the seniors made an unsuccessful at-
which they will return- to. their- tempt to remove Win. Eulster, a-
homes tp do roission work., The- junior, from their side of the house.1
practice of medicine will render It was going the junior's way when
them self-supporting and give them Dr. Hoff came in and quelled the
access to many homes they would disturbance.


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