THE LU. OF M. DAILY THAT GIRL you leftGOD$VN , TIECOCET EKWA behind you1 Last We old(04.(0111like a box of from (uttcr &('reoselte, Cbicao. jin the New Chino'al k, Stringed Instrument, 'ils C AL KINS' FINE CHOCO- LATES alld pecial .Novelties in 1 our-m-liands. fCcks and Futt5 WILSEd=Y'S. 'he yoi u igo Domeifor Chisatmi ,s. ii Anaj r~ow'} 34 S. State Street. I ~ MOOR 1E &WE1TM OR, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AN 1) 01\1 ()>> TATE Nil W1Xiii I I Si((01 S. I lli'el'it v Text-]looks, Medical boioks, Law Booiks, D ent al 1Books, Studentso' Niote Books. l31iltk 11(1(5. Staltii (ely. We has e a iarge St)ck (if I euiflel anid Esser 1)1 atoo1 1iiimeintO. Ofur Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. Call on Win. Fulde, thle V[N 1x1'ST FOCK 1" -1861-- 1892"-_-_Tailor, opposite the Law linildimg, on ()u1 oli U e. i ',"Iii.ei v will a ki(( ior3:1 Annua((1l Exibiittof c i d o o s viet. lioas Willliaci-st., first 00oor wlest of state-st. I 'i'i'dore, milii ilie o metitai one, both.asto' rc,' ((ii) .o'iii aidiic ielcofolek. (Cening ,reiing-andicpessing doeieneatly. Tlmt 5orLittlfieni~d may5lXaveiai i'i'ilimeate il least 1osi bl~e ~o st ill, fromii De. 1th Suits to oder ec ialty. All wornkfirst-class. MOI A : O D i 'ick and Fine Mixed Candy., at - - Si 8 per 11) IF U WANT T1' Choice Mixed (ream canldy, at - - - t2cle (food Clhicolate ('anry, at - - -14:" Ura=~jr 00k ' Very Blest Chocolate Candiy, a IN 'Il II (TY0 WON ' i stiA',Mixedl Nuts, at 15c 1)0 We icvite an inspei 44 Main Street, South. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. THCAPS W iHI You Look lDe. I orrance spsent Saturday in Iletroit. At iiur Show Wilidoscl It tills T[le sopdhomiice crew at I Iarvarcl its iNvlstiirk-about lihacommnnediltrainala" 'hle(Oberlina Press club begins GUITARS lvtti a membership of 25. ANDso The~ holiday vacation at c'olleges PRICES. ini the east begiiis Dec. 21. I) r. Herdman will addlress the 8. '1thII ANN AtthIO~lt OltOIAN CO., C. A. next Sunday morning. 5t Soalh Main Streeti. ___________________________ A V Jefferis was called to lDe- 31IHIGA N C . botril, Saturday, to transact legal r sr I. W S.a . am. It. D. Jeswell, p. g. lose '92, has DayExres -_ - 53;iDa oExre s -- '2beeii appolitedl Register of Probate N. Y5. Imiud ._- 14.1 N.S. tLimitleil-:iiis Of Kent county. Nig r al pI1 i 2p.111. aigc 'li.M ., 'segHiieu t H. Smithi, biisiness iuana'er (if D). N. Isppres - . :1S CG. It. Exres .5 48 (i it((cloExrs len_.5 05 (hi. Night Ep (5- te Oracle, seas in Iletroit, Satulr- (i. I. 1llsen----10 i4i PacifielEspiess 15 i dlay., onl business. i. WV. H.W. (laces. G. P. 'IAgent:,l'hiecago. Agt.LiArborhe..'[lie iiewvstudeuits'directory of Cornell shiows that there are 1,5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK students registered. OFi ANN ARIBORI. Ca'itiailii'i00,00. Suepius and Profis,i,ii. 'Tracy M\cf~regor, of lDetcoit, g ai 'Tricsactsa gceeialibaning business,(fir-! eige eaechan: e eioid.'etes iiicredt proiired acery interesting talk at the S. C. fortraeles aroa. jP. lASHl'ees. 'Sunday nmorning. X.eW. ilmson, Cashier. President Angell had ani interest- 0 R~NG~R ~ ilg articei in yesterdae's tFree Press 1'IAIT~TI on the Government of China. S1110LOFUA~Ul~iThe 'Vamsity, '93 lit adHg (0th Seasn,.Octoer. '92, (ao3May, '93. 1Scoo Rgby tam fadgou ic- OUR NEW5 HALL is cecntcalylcoated acd 'lures taken Saturday morning. eeyproiionehaseebeeni cedeto peroaete (lie cmfori t icou patrons. Tihereareenocsciris The M~inisterial band held a meet-; toi mcccl, the daci oomcci being cii the ground fieee. Offiee ct aeademy, 6 Maynard-st. leg Saturday morning and wae ad- Send $id12c r Ma50 ear Sam- dressed by Dr. Cohere on "A Mlin- tl heBESd CANOEsicAmerica. itrinHsPulpit" Tebn Ptipin eilegalebeard oted to ask William J. 't'ucker, of PRIESENag. Expressages g AndvrTelgclSmnr t C I prepaid. Refer io all Chicago. eoe}Telgca 'einrt Try iteG) nee_ HR Addressetr, deliver a pbi address here in 212 State Street, March. - ~ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. erl. r ls fo r 01 -ho i . a oiie seomelRepairing- doeego is ecion our eslock. lII in.Arigoia,36 Mnin Street DEAN & COMPANY. i I Prof. Taylor's classes ini political JJNJ rLIS 1. ecoinonay eill meet hiereafter in the iewe economic rooia N, fourth floor_ m1ain hall. 'Tle nest maeetilig tifthe 'Ihera- If Yuciii in ned if aaltie peiitical J ourniail('bib will behe led at the accustomed place inext 'Cues- )'c's-Sit, lutilii'c Suit. Cvispi- dav evening at 7i z5. 'The book swhichel I r. IDixoii is preparing, thae Political lhconouay coa 1'ofi nytliiii( in ou' line.caill se). ill lbe out Wednesdac. It swill contain 15o pages. oil Stafford. i'r. Staffoid is 'Thlere is about $260 subscribed for the missionary fuiiad of the S. C. ain dciig his own ctnfhg ((ld A. Tlhie associationa has soted to raise $5oo aind ishes the ait of all. A very successful leap-year partytefi stgaeowo:issurd seas given at Granger's hall biy a nuinbet of CUisersityanad IHigha-____ School younag ladies, Saturdac es-en- inar 42 $outh $tate $tpeet. iNtr. Gooidenoughu, iinstructor i nmechianical engiaeerineg at the Mticai-- gan Agricultural College, is laking a special course in mathematics at the lUniversitsy. 'The tlliiiois Cliih Court at a mleet- iiag held Saturdays' morning, elected' the folloswing officers: Chief justice, Mlr. Walter; associate justicen, hither and Ferguson; clerk, Mr. Garver; sheriff, I.. (G. Grundy. Prof. Stanley mlet the students, Saturday nmorning, for college song practice. A large number were pre- sent, and mcl interest weas mai- fested. Various selections from the Yellow and Blue svere practiced. Hereafter practice will continue every Saturday morning. G, H. WILD lEHE LEADIN2G T.ILOL , Is the place to goi for line 'lailoring. Ile has thle most seleet stoek of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Suitinge. Trouseringe, arid Fancy Silk Vetings in tlie City, and wsould he pleased to have you cell and examine. Ite msakes a specialty of Full Dress Suits. No. 2 E. Washington-Si., Ann Arbor.