THE U. OF M. DAILY. CT1RFPAT PTI AT.P. AT THE TWO sAS ALL OV~EI{:(QA.TS AT 1 0] ALL .SUl FF. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Any Hatt at . ~costimg $4.00o, x 3.00 U TS AT OFF. ALI, SINGLE PA NTS AT OFF. , All Hts oferd are this sesonsso tele. Nool ('etitt) T TTrOS A V L C ( t i s ) See these' WADH/1M8. bargainis before buying. ;The only reliab~le and first class Furnbisr ad llatttrsinthe city.(it REMEMBER THE DATE. KENNEDY RE ULE. A.'I' WEIE WWr O SAMS Ann Arbor Savings BEank PATRONIZE .innAttoo Rict. CapitaliStock, $50,00, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! o t ato . ttooitis Deotsits, burs aott_ e 'so:ftot o t he 0 t c ot iot ities oof dte ;iitt itont. Otict s I jo11 to( NV. t). Hto t5otoi'tos CA .. titso too o shier.o'U' tt)1b tt tatto Ati~i'NOTICE! to' !< .111,tj&.' '1 'ji -5011 t o tHO (IAil d R- L. JOLLY & CO., 216 Sooth State Street. S 1'.D'( 0 . 0' 'o'i.ttSo, t 't c ito t tof 0 it ' ott to ottoe, t) otore ind eag eo i t 000 l o MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!t:'t.!oOW0. itollttoottooto o toteia i s i E r j i i i i IsZ STLBL~tExcelsi rLaundry, j .(1 PASt'PttI 0 O0Nt'-'i;iT . AVIV!G00000 W' r : (. oooooorroo ' (of;+ ori:cllc(o r'to 11 W. Washington St.,2 cae nth ur re.o CITY 0 J RY 001 <)_M t. S t oItot.tN. o 71to'I RHOT LUNCHES 10. K. B .PTE ~iOp. ., {Served at all Hoours, F'ieShower k th-, ew orcaain 00 " a 'r~j-00 t¢. 00osl.OiIIloootton , . l-U)ANiotttdtt. a 8SUTTL5 ',SEET.asJ ~ li~an Holicday Eocursiotn to Canada. Ootioi 30 0.0000000)1 to t000 t'ooo'o a.ogtne't'ttl t intg bOoootoot ' tots. t toestoott Sootoo tgmt'tosits. liarstooio'0O otooo'iooo tickots too locatotot t 00 ilOtt 'ooo- It. tKt'ott, to ot. t'. ItO. tt (Astt htoi i t a oot.ot lot) ost fi-tf t o theft o jto~o O~ 'tItruu t iilfti T. ito se t iet'tt t' e .010)tot toot( oolt'ittto o , ', 81oSiet. 200. K Wl0 i t tottt tolt et.o Hotoday Eocursions. '-pE 12 SA-A 'The. lio'toigotto ('oltf .ll 0\ ill 00'' '0- 00000par0liIlii t 0r'totkill o'toj'oioontt iolrt, Dt.ot'. 11-tt, 2totti>ltt'0t0'~t it t'tito . t ttt7tt.t=iirotooto..otot, tootto-tottototo H- _00.00t 'D AN000 0 oto to 'ott tas loot is i t .oo .11oo'11,1o'olS atot' ttltt ftt t xt j ii itt o toot otoo 0 0000 ' oftoot tott to too to t t fliro oo ' i talloa o ts ' o n tht irt t te 0 00 o..t~'. t ' ~ ttttfo i ll nd~tolotitt l t, e00 cpti ng- a-4 ooo'o'oo ott too loot t ottitttto of tInd' -i'e- Opo tsotSoo 0. tts ote t to t o tril iott ontthet i rdfrt classtfre o r oadonoy ti. _____________ticket;_________wi__l__t__ot_ rbtetoto iottoto, s itt 'otott oto oi ; ocm. ti s t tto itorottoa ottletot holo t - too 000 toto o to tto ro oZt011; 111 ofctttttttto he tot loots fothe -oi+- -i t. poutos. l o t tl t I to jopdta t estoaGronto n o jttois o tc oatdemy. t atftt ioO ll tt lto h hld e ,Wa b itt- 1ui l n totit t y ttt ttttir I ooti co at o yrteIt s(trs t ialtoo t et t 11;-; f to tire (1211se toold- f'otttoo or ctss exyr00 e.000 togsa(1 ac i ome at' ,fpo oss ibl heI foooto tttst' titrd05 tO) ot oo si4 lionett t line oss and ooleel ssest o ot tooo, iottotoot toot 000 tt 1000 1000 T lot ti nttllnesaterhas inU pai. andentletttoo(attos Moitoototl~tet ott tote ttore, ofi atotitteot. i"o. aot it rls. tiosst(troioger's 'Toesconotribitions oill be rotecvedloto Sesoof ttteaothinog otottotitog t to Spoecia lot1i:;ooiton otoLast Botoks, ino a boo 1001 li Othe front ofthtte arbor, ot-t Medlical, lDenotal andto-11 liisersity minth all tood labelledt, also by Miss poitttlotyoiotlityIto(tiet Texf-Blooks. 'The lairgest HI enriettat Coodtrich at ttor0 osis lo Seialetrtoif.t, tythe y("'thook etottoen toouse, 20 Jeffersont streeot, lois uts I itt 3t ist ., of ot'nstwootents i sand oelctiestoot' foelltiesostwetr. otto- Std t'Nob 0K' oeie ooke, of the medicl e-det dsiis lotng herordters foot Lilil~ill partmenat, by Alilss Jutlieotte Sessioos .a snit, ovotf or trouseors, swittplas itto m et Mr. I(lose, tost thisttoilltoe tots last totflo ciy or .3 eito.Ageif orduoringtht is week; byMoss Tex-studtents vsiting lDetrtoit tthe loein in hecit fr 2 Cnts Aentfo ,gto. 1w0Woodowatrdltvenuie, otter too Keuoffel & Eisser MoatiemtaftcallInstrut- ter or :\tis~s Scirits inthefLor adioes' to dtht le raitlrore for te roundto meito.Enoer etes ot verthig. readting room, at the lhoorosfor re-fiip o toohlose woslopuotrchaste a00ntfor mets Ude pics veytinoercotithler iithei'ro'ustomoooeoi deepnoSrt-. . ots0 itot:30 menttiorreatly omade. a. g-1. atnd 3 to 4 p. no.ataid alter --d '-'-""- -- SuhStat OOSreenMnS re. that by other young ladioes lurint The subacription to thte foothall S (uh ostate t rtand slai Steet the choapel hour. j foundt alreatdy aimootns to over $t,ooo. (t I Ils (1 h TFA1LORING_-.,- ONE NV'K ~iONLY. GOOD SPEED'S SHOK-'".- lu CONGRESbS i olS 1-31 ONE WEEK OINLY. GOODSPEED' S