THE U. OF:M. DAILY. ' c Of T a tu The Junior Partner. _________ "The I sisi' Partiner," one of the mlost proountlcedl coniedy successe's of Publshed Doi13 (Sundaysecepted) luring \New Y ork's past season, wher' i t ws th se len eer, tby receivedl for INS nights by enieolls aud~iences, Nvill b)e seen in the city for TiHE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION the first time this evening. The east _ is ofi tititisuafexcelleine,incluinig the susrpinpic er;:s icp'year, invaribly liaiaes ol suictminenit comsedians as inSacei SeS''cc'e ii cents. Scitscrip- Ienry Isiller, lMay trisi, Mrs. MlcKee Litles may be itllat 'iietolfc of the 1 r~ ' %ilkill, If ii o''ltaid, litilyB inaoker. att Stotiet's, Nvith any of ii'tinecitcrs ori ']wct'iii't iwill lie irecedledlby a5iitirse isoitrsc. 'I'i''Ft'i'ick Li'iscotrc, ('ytfe 1itcli's titllti' tilte. WE BOLDLY ANNOUNCE That we sill ceaper than the cheaphest in MEN'S SHOES, HUll- Il S IIS11'PS, Ere.: LADIES' SHOES, RU BBERS. SLIPPERS, ETC. OF COURSE. 48 SOU''H MAXIN STRlET. $PECJAL ,AII4--Ocernber 6-139, BUSINESS SUITING S. 'icy. Addrlesstillitite intendrefortic eca- tintolthe Managing Edti tic. OAlibusinesse Ninety-Five's Oracle. EU" tIl~ . ColleT ige fut willfbe thiecharacteristic WAGNER & C. ailors and Fulrnishers. THE . ofM. D ILY, feature if tt' book.t, .1I tltilliolts verseCO Ann Arbo , ch , dgrindus will bfit' erusl adio - -the best ualiity. Eerybuody is "il it," Toledo, Ann Arbor and North, all cfasses, tiff deparftments. 'The filer- Rliwa EDTSN ictilartiticital tes ar lis for EDil I~hT. OR, 1111 S I i'iii I il ti.fttciii' l r o ior:..t1t,5t1ri 11rnii ~at otnlmee. The t'ovcr ifesigit is 1sI ES i'tAs11.1tis, ii ': l ii. .5-cos t fc'fci ictirtited If I ftItatttr. 1Five-t - ii'. ii. 11 _ i a it i . i 5 ASS i tt h lif- t o i'isiof cli a ior li', 15i1iti !iiitsi', 'Carltiiil'"tisilice. If. fiet', i + . iI tut 'ci. i. i iilla pe r ii Ni i n~'al.r(to t s. ,fliii' L u r',1 d F 1l1EAD NG n no w n ec ec n , 1I l -'t' i aSc tit tt ict l 1 rC'. lits Sil. N 5 i t'it icesltctitsielccclts'ti(tcLIcE/c '. ts.i,tu'.iti S .1 riO iil iS e O AL . tittttiylt 1't.';i, Sicilcstttt---ep 1.tsi;it lc1, ti t, ti, s ist a'cci tii isict'stee Costctssinswordtte l It)t siccs, i ... It 13IiY ~ i t~l itu. I m t e liill ff -T hesi'U i''as , c, fi ecfctc lot1ice t'cc lttlcissi,' c6.5 i'i'itttiiii~t.. ' 1 r E esc11t ce r l11' Ise thatiti he du l Nf url b pel oil ale ci y1.ttt"lett'fsillc ".1.;. ' \l'- 11L.AE Y e N. . l . iii rod , di a,. :E . 1..ii. titc 1-s11'tt ti r'';r;,11cr isti l , r'hut' ttr" ii ki III _rt c ~s ..isicc Ni . tOT MICH11. IAN . ALONGr, '.#. 11' C11 A t " 'Cietiret,$2.0, 00 $40 $ I itic l il ii' it Etic l ... ....'i ?:list, 'city t'icsfl eg,'.ing-)I if till,----p js M -- t, iia' elt1,3(111 ; iri tech r; are titheaco fi N.stsi, s. god dliii'n (siisi r s fuly atif ; itwells st ilo', I'tcsread, inig tttt tlt, tut,', t' r 1 S . iii if1 c i lid I cii em nd hotau r iutsas ecure ost iolels; lit ricl ' i ft' 5li ISlt 11115 m diit 't' ii isca s t1i.o rise a a tre s, ii PUit IS H iNliG 'te ls HOUS .ty fina t etotly is 1 4 ii. $,.i, i' 1 L ak stosriwelttekdresN .Ii. -i^E;i¢'"~ llit cll'_ .t ' el iisi t3te Ilv itSlt'ssi lets's isissiltis'raill ci ilucirs stillrfi it slt if 3 iti1l3lis 111,11lct" gttttfc Sit i tti'i'i aisy ~ ~ ~ ~ ds tcitr iS aCoi 0 iarti i ~ Sltte t t .-s2. Sli3.® tilsit feii1no stk eplSwo are10 acct sos'fvc 10,itishmi if i in~ A d ra e f" h al i1ss inve to ttnd Allyihatocostini $4i00,cr'i',iuoorI"cr1,0 aIIithis, flitoli 1(e"w1 li j~jn \ toy aIsak u pnthecali stt ionalfllpettfytet' 'si ticNT Ififtrcret.c','cit'thif Twt ' sititt, 'ifitesaW i't lisi andliii rau t ed il( i ole too ly, d i st II it +it's',v tfce~~~~~~~ liltcls'Ktl missiccct__-TheUeierstyuBrkslleso- StaesSree Ithrouighc lli ilymaifyting gclas tJ itowih&C.'.Dt en Ite1 )a: gcl. ~clAgn Kofaps, fc left sel tc n fits the mst :nyhatcotin $.11. o nes osIssiceleso frscwhtc ito tt I '1.8daY RatesVRENTSCHLER., anothsieal cty ui'~fld ft wariraInr(fu'atti.5sufN't Vt 's huh D ',oostis e, , . _L at f -glrte of ofJ" . Rf ~ ii ll Iplssltteation;uuinowt Atave uttthet tf rorL O a(a'o. tuit Sto mer knowy of themlg s elvdo ' ForVfirt-classiiciiigcutt t'goiiothe A d re ser f " ellextaily" sttu dilluin ite t aten soett fotatl i Ift ala s rottthn iclsels etiveen ll statotss &tCts MPtNY oliisteftt the t'ircarntswthcc'tiheeseivitfhueogod gnitigcec tit ItGLAloOwERNishn filly ifftstr xpes sisof fe ferideta c to adr"geiiit t0h 3 g lt jexvei, dtflh ctc t tal ltt s nt.N Xft make 01 Iftet'c isti icinsa ofin atcos, iEsti itt 'ctrttgtitftt si IOE551 Nx 1;hltitfreafltold lncer tfea1Ti1er- beri't15ci.tEitteuisice. 4 Itit iii M nday De ember 12t siyab e e tttoi la n P li ' 't'topiIa iilltneuu tarl' tssii S. ,',a, 'l'its: Vntiversity titagacice for Novemtbcr pays thte Laiversity oh Michigan (tce followitng complimnt: "'rise pheiaonmenal growth of Cornell University and thae University of Michigan has not yet ceaseti, and there is nso prospecet thtat it will in thse imnmediate fututre. 'Te former institution is said to have nearly or quite efino students anti is hot thinly years oid. 'The fatter is psrobably now the largest University in America and is conducted on the broadest peossible principles.'' incf. Oar refuitationt is fte hightest fia thiis wotrk atnd ice wvill1offerut'ht ie itostittt0dt'- rate prices it Aticitigan foar theo best eworik. F. I. SMdITH, SONS & 00,, 'toodward A t eandttle St. EI 'RtOITi, - MtCtiiess New Route to the Northwest.IT 2I .tlt, i ...f, the ''Toledot, Annttarboshut ci Niurllt Mieltigaitnailwz ty's tew a' r Illustratted byit e rth S trontgie cst ('uelt ferey Anti hArborNtI ," will in the c'eatet~rticct c.PcclgOt tfii ttiu stei 'utkuritc comledy krill huefpreseteed Clhydetit tch's OOne- acl iip bew tee W rnkfs t, ih, Act Play, entitled, 5'IEOERiC LEMIil'tE, an Kwanee Ws.r~thSSiDlrHery''Hiller is thte TlitularctRotec Thisbfast will early tireighut cars ' 'rie peefrceundthttcIe udiectiotnif Sit', tacriss Lake Mihigan, nmakiingtte trip are olmn int I6 tours, so thatt all freight shtihppeth Prices, - - - 50c, 75c and $l.,O.- by tis roitte will be carrietd thrutgfu scat sale commttenes Friday a .,, Dec. i. withouttbraeakfing bulfk, as hais been itecessary iseretofore witthfright ( "p I 'T htandled across thee lake. I S L As this is thte shortest routte to te PGOTORAPHE northwest it shtouid be well patruanizetdP I I ~ A U~ by Michtigain shippers. - A LA L4k 45--Jants,'93. NO, 12 W. HIURON Sal