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December 10, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-10

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behind you


1..I-t NieeR. 51011(1like abx( Frontrncel In tum n, C(ittcr }& (veessettl, (hicagto, in the New Chanabl e CSilks,
1111(1fe I1011nstru1Cm11en01t111llil.I OS11111 ~t



izl pcilN w elis n o T O it-iIJcs ' ch adVut

W'hen you go hoie 1f)r Christmasc. aeILow. f l 34.StteSret

Unliversity ''etoot iks, .Medil ical 3o. Law Biooks, IDent1al Jlooks, Studlents' NtelllKooks. Bl1ank 1Books, Stailienry. We 1111e0Ii)l1r10
Sitock of iseltflel 1and1 Esler I CftIhg Insiiti Tlenlts.
Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.
-----861--1892.Call on Wmn. Fulde, tie
_.--_- Tilolr opposite tile LOW io ~lleillg, 011
I i t r. l i tI) 1)) e ~t1', we will 11)111)iour 3'dAannu alEhbit o-cHlidai~y C~cl', A hCS), as i~illimSe t , llrot d(l n test of Sta(te St.
111crtl'r, willi: twl~ee eouip)1)l1on, bosh as to pn1ie,E,entealmid vnretyl sic. Cenig, eepaiigad esigileciatly.
'isne Ilile iend e hacve a1sweet timelce I 11)1)1 11 iblcostc, iwe IC , (from1)10. 1211) SuitsloIsoride a speialty. Allorkelst-eclass.
LO0W Y1111k,..t, II e. d24t, seli candies andilnulsatit(le fall) ao ig;ries
Stick and11Fine Mixed Candly. lat - - c 1per Ili.IFYO WANT TO
Choice mixedi cream Cadd~y, at 12c, I~
LARGEST STOCK IN THlE CITY ! (food Chocolto eCandy, at - - - - - 14c Buya==larm, Clock~
Very Biest chocolate (andy, at " O
Mixed SNlts, alI cc per ilb., or 5> lbs. lorn")ec.ierSave somac Repairing doego to
We acnvite a npenof ur stoak.lot , ArnoldS 36 Main Street
-A-,. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY'.
131tOWN'S DRUG STOR-E. i THE CAMPUS. Rev. J. T. Sundelemand will speak, STA FFO R D.
______________________________________tomkorrow moniOnlg, 1111"Tie 1vo lu-
\[ jy 1 1 1rot. Thlomlpsonl lectures Nioledaf . tion of the Blible," 1andrinil the evn-c
0il Y u. L.oo' 51nior lasws organ1izevtilesenate il onlii"C(harles Darwcin."'
let Tuesdaoy evenlingL. libis. lionias. NW. iPalmner, i1resi- If olaeilIedo il
.At t eir S1100 iiokexv IIt tlls hejuiorlwsiie tisc ii- dnIofth iirl'11)10ha t
it ~ ti'Iistcrl abut e, ojcnileli e ie elcction ofC poselt ltpoehieare N vid to c. a t)
111 I tll lbli~ 115 11l~illltl (ieCli(lllIl iosiili hs lgaelicitie 1v or )11x0sSut hlciies S uit, Over-
GUITAR ele iiunitietUrity ClubIcourCse fiomveciii1'ev
ANJ ;'issi lessica V. conny, lit '92, 12 to lic. 20111.
SN)) h lec15tue yivto attendlIheee the '95 eliss rases haive lotyet ioal oil lt li01lhirlutill «11rlinte. tail
P RICES hIal eninteter's funecral. 1aeriv ed, asd heIs" omittiee sacs
Tiii _NN hiiOlt 01 Gk1co, r. Franik inghamI.lit 115.11is that if the canes are 1101 at liaud 101- 11)1 Stlflolrd. hMr. Stafford is
Ifsuhlka511Stree1111nowelocated in Chlicago iu tile eml1oy usediately, tihey wlcvrancei the or-
in IA L T Llo the gosvernmlent as civil encgilceer. der. 'Thecl ass cviii thenc iasve to lgi in~llg his ~I)tl tting a((ld
Pr______lof. Stanley wiii give a lecture make nciv arran genments, causing
NoAhoCI 5II,'t''-,ccMesiah' liei 'Iltlrdaystill ocore ldelav, or cilthave to
li .1>es----3 lWDye icli 0 5 7afterlccooc. at ice o'clock, iin00001give nup tile matter entirely. 1w ils ti~Oo ro s(olrd
N. V. lnie-_.U4 S i tIoe i 4sI 2.5 (Ocing to the abseiice of the Ipas-
Nia rntoe l Sli '1 I117 1).i lvlililii
1 llemChicago .Secs. 21! 92 law.-J. . L ewi ,Scrap- tor, Rev. C. A. 011110 (liteN. 11. 5.
0.ani N. C c)) 11)Ch.bill 51p)Itlls, 100I., hais been renewvilng acquaiii- C. E., of the Chcurch oif('hrist, ciii
G.lkcllixes 42 Itu0tPcifitExres -1tree.ta
o1 1 IC.« 1011.) xV1ICIcVE,' tlcces ini Ann1 'rbocr duiricuc lice p 1101lda ('hristian tEndieavoir seevice,4 O p tt $1e.
II. I' lu 55 rtI C55) c Ag. A n'Aboleastek
Ii. O II--c) ki-eliAl l~l Adc nck.Suncdav evening, at 7: 30 o'clock.
FIRST NATIONALBA K A reception is to lie give-ci11C. Silbject, ''Rie Ciristian's \Inlo(r.1
il AN llO e e egor. of lDetrit iiic.011are osost cordilalilly siied. G. H. W ILDFA~ IIo
Capial tlt xkt. nrprts tnilf'rurts 3'(tU_. 7> Ne berr hal thieol- er ovn.t t. e1'.r Y .).SccCcE. lcgti o at
o locic. {,-o p. iii
ICC~ IIilC3CI' iWires.i
i ntercasIn5515sliforthl iw xi l 1 lice follocvin-gis a list cof (le Col- ~E L A IP ALR
G NG Rs formedIat(lie old 'll. 000111fNo. 1s, legesill thle Uniitetd States cot-oainincg Is tie le ace tto 1110orlie Tliloling.
r1ITnTnt . at the lawccbuiling, lDecv.13, 7: t0 libraries oflmore thlal50,000ovolumes, Ile ihas tile mlost select stoutk of
s o'clocFk. w sithl the lnumlber in eachl as pctbishced
toth e aa ctabe 95 t 9 '9ya is have decided to celebrate jalloary, 1152:iararli, 00,00FALADoITRoOD
0011R NESS' HA~L. isceontealyiooedand11; their recent football victory by ill- Vale, 200,000; Cornell, r36,ooo;
ale10 peoviionl hinbeenl iade tollroleoeethe-
oo11111 feetuit lpaetronsl. 'Iliere ae ntiricIs dtulging ill a balcquet oeeeigClmi,1300;Ui.O Pn.-nSiilgTosrns n a
tol mon, the dancingsoombingtonithetcoeelclgClmimoo n.ofPn.i StigsToleilgatiFae
rodfloor.doIbie. ai'at aadeyliMOSayneaerd-st. 11ext week. 95,000 iLehiighc, S8,ooo; University Silk tVestinga 01n tile City, and
send $12O5 :,orS folSamea- Tile resignation of 1ir. lFlinter- of Mlichigan, 85,000; Princeton, woold be pleased toihave youl
p ile Rdial1 t'silBobyepess of 300 Melbrb ooo;Dr
thefl 1113E1 CAJ tIE 1S iaAcaeriea. mtann from lice Glee Club leaves one 8,0;MheboS~o;Drs call anid examinle. Ie
clIW Cat uasiaelegant acxasad muh 3 o;Bon 100
stricitlyvpuee. Suitable foe vacancy on the necond tenor part.motc 730;iroa,7,00
PRSETS I' tl AcEpessargescacancy ciiUnion 'Tieol. Sens., 65,00o; Ami- nmakes a specialty of
* prepaidi.iRefee toaalChiaao. Aplications to fill tli c n}wl ulDesSis
CF_ GUIS(HER, Cectieoer, be received, Monday, Diec. 12111, 8 hlerst, 53,000; Univ. of Nirginia, Fd rs tls
2j~ 12 State Street.
CHICAGO, ILINOIS. ,P. in., in room 24. l521000. No. 2E. WashingtonSt., Aun Arbor.


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