THE U. OF:M. DAILY. - - - -- - - - - - - .T h e J u n i o r P a r t n e r . " - I- - - - - - -- --W E B L L . T t t " W E B L Y A N N O U N C E ________The comipanlyunuder the direction of Mr. (Charlss frehiteat, whicti-w-i11 a That we sell cheaper than the cheapest in MEN'S SHOES, RUTB- Pubtihel Daily (Sundays excepted) during pear at the Grand opera house, Moni- HERS, PIj RPS, ETrC.: LADIES' SHOES, RU BBERS, he Collneetear, by day, D~ec. 12?. ill the pn'sentaitioncit i the IPREC latest comuetly success, "The Juinior SIPREr THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION lPartner," is sniversally coliceded to OF COURSE. on__ e of the ostrongest, organheizatiotis toeiesee~'5i te ses, nsatatiyever ga.ther.1ed together for the llaUstra-- - ineadatte s igle copies 3tcents. holseete- tiottotf the fa ric atsidee f.'tifie, ittettid- 4 O ' [ I1C T E, 'tens may be leftiat te otict ot the nAILs', 11ig SUCKt (tisittit tirtists its Mr. letiry 4 O ''I M I T E T at Stsliaes's, with any ofthtse oltsorsMiller, MsM irwin, Ms.Mc~ee aothseaeei tsiirtst's tltgtt 'estsml, Miss Pliyllis ILatikin, ittttts , t t.',itoAsniebsi tisit ttt-tct hye- "ed tTmad (fc inay,'O.6l 1: (I ets, I i ts.SHW,'~ts. .'f si itct h o iln(h l'ce.1; D prueo lan tA nA br L. s(T . I tiettues, t. '10,ibt'.uiststs.'sil e se'tl(sler a~r. Itt - , i et * istees, .st ri 11 ssite te ttstts-itAtt 1 II.5 W. 'set ys'rl~a ts. 7,it '94, Asstsni N inety-five's Oracle. " V t 3 t, lsJ~ t '4,Ais tat.() IN (ii-stsI 0. ,I Y . i t 4w'. t'le ss sut-will bete l Isslsr teiisli o vaiill a'.I~9.' ~Sser .Seee a.eIt ifea .It 51,ttursel ofthe ook llulo 5 5else ' tI tticstt-I<>C'. It 11. tteeees, 'lii. II. It. W55 r,'i(tA.s attti g'iimis w5ill lee nitiiitrttou i'f st.ite LEADING aenOOL OFneBUSnNEaS. i48-ne 1 . . s- trr-i~s etttebe°e It ....1 laIi 'o ni sesette 't testesIs, te . n5 ~ti'iti tiiltet t itsne t ee e; laresatteetetnitee, lis'bst quell t' i 'e Ft us'ybses 1 11 tt t,'' g dis s ies uereiorse rele l s upiteiteedredisig tlt: i\ I T. 1, tw'. (. . It. .1 onil l 9I. tlclaisses, all dsltaertiiettiis. n ite liter- 'is t il itetues;at urdattiy evteningeepeetios; tie' rSte i ai , . risi fetto'piceee n i- t h~te entiesreer; ceseet iatltraeuatees in geaet et. ;_. St.tiit ane ai setti't....l .a i. J~al r, T;. Ie rlad, pecal. .tr anl ,hisle eat res are no fo (emttsttie ishorbthandgraduattesntlsseehespsitos; N .4 . - _gtttetihoeer i. T cit e t r tesegoi is i -,gexesynses a.tsei.lsyereneekiseyisste ts. - Nt I 5i itl ne E s .t ) . n....' o .I,'ee.Io x n Ls fSuet h <.E. T ld oie ni . t n The T~ditos do not hld themseves resiou .e'its ttesemns..nedsa aatedtfnes'ttFieicake poations fNet.eekitoiwekiaddiese\o. Iii;. itttstntier(Sonda sil crteit iisorsatit s ofe cores- Ifiel-tssgt'elf-totll tse essof etss si~al.- F . R.CLEARY, Pres. I est trI S~ttttt'Tiittl' pon tetee'etrtos t inte DILY.t(tro ssuiilhppeart, bietiitig till recoitds. + '-SC -MiDaily excetsStttite. A laiss song, ssct'ls ;tit([I ueus'in, is S $2.00, $3.00, $4.0, $5 'T'rains 101standtJ()2stiltsbie retn '~leoa TH Ru ULSIGMus. anthler'feattite.'Theprinters ttonl- VHwolssotonyi. 5 e bttttAte iart. ise that the Oraclecn esitItlt ottilae rI"tFirs is t stind W.,oittestn t ai ad i rs'twihteeAn As n BOti BT Vedttesdayi, Dee. it. Pice, is usuatel, 0t.vs 'iy 'Iv.tseie ttstetsssts5sss 'l tere ssiilI be asimsportanststeelt-~s& Fie. tt.lasiltsI eeiAsi tug of the I)vteelitiboardI this eveteitng. BUiNESL_ L.D t Espeeciall 1y ipotntiIbuesoess. \All iTo IENT.-1'iatt, ley the hltr foir must lie pirsent. 't ti' Millitiets'Pirloirs,-7 S. Maint stei. ')2-ts LO~N FRAD le (rtiMttSilottisTdtetus n reader of "The Daily" is cordially invited to attend Since tetfootbal seaso closed y, (tonly $t1is5. Sitr'teieoilysisest hti ostitig SL es.:;ec .otsr5S H E EH A N & COMAY' S the atheletict'eet ofl e tie r'eti s fot $1.85, at the '1ts'esSamtts", 'Ttestt 1 uenisversetiesless tuirntetd its tiid Isto lldy.letest~o 4ss.See) s I8ss thee suebjeecI eel basebsalI. Thle pros- tt Wesdnesesday,theMiti sey isf the sale,1.101 1 F. ( "D A IY + ("B(OOK 4+ .9S 1. tuede til bty'tite halters, iii stits 'testsSails. "el-St hetse evet r om'eeieiii'ere s slemisici" t 51 'SS I"5I,-'T1EACHiiRSil avasilales 'X ' it seli' irItie isfe-is'l'es 21sis. 't shorst 1 tiie Celiti iinows. Fisk ; lv h C'tEto sfrtl'La t1 nY pracitic e sdtraetei te On. i t e of t ' T eacer'ts' .Aee'te', liii; Wetiussli elsetiee torteell's last leamt i ll eli ituitniithis lticetss. Jtoe year, -The University Booksellers, - MSate Street. set sufiitillesngthltsva rrant e«;oetd nilie. 211ichigane's rospetlvswere sumelet tultp by thy DIi sive a less'days stare. Prartice souldlbegitn as rarly as piossible itt erier to te teen it shape for early spring work. WE save alsways beets prottd ol our ta iversity Glee and Bianjo Clubs and fromn preseunt prospectssweare to have event better clubn this year thanI before. Itlls a satisfactioun to feel thsat ottr clubs win golden opinions swherever they sisit, both by teir miusical ability and gooed cotiduct. Th'le very bent nmaterial fron thte etn- tire stodent bsody ban been chosen, and as a result see cats be sore of fine entertainnmentn. NOl NSP51APERt man orewotnan nhould nmiss the neeting ofthtle press club this afternootn, at five oclock, at Neweberry 11al1. JQE :7 Vf COLLEGE * MEN, Ini selechtig youtr society badge or antythinog itt jewelry, we scant you to bear us in tild. Ouir retputationi is the highest fori'tltis worek atid we weill offes'-youtshle mtost modsre- tate prices ini Michigan fotr the best work. F. G. 1ITII, SONS & CO,,. W5oodwartud Ave., anti State St., -DETROIT, - - AlIiGAN. HolidayRates. RENTSCHLER, Morelsigat tulrts de-ill ellresehsoi-f to rapher, dauys, the Tolsedoc, Annt Arbor andt Notth tickcehs betweeni sultstatioius sitits lutue at which tickets sre sol,also to poits CORNED AItNXisiANHUROsrs osi sesveral cotnnectitig lutes, at cut' utnd one-third fare Cfr the teoundtre ip. 7 J} E Tickets seill tue gsoud going Dec. 294th,, GLAIT PR i'S 2.5tH, 26ithuinch 31st, eandelJhn. 1st a;nd ANN ARBfORt, ONE NIGHT' ssNt.Y, 2nde, ands gosdeduintg iutil Juts St - inclusive. 42 .lJius.1,'ll. Monday, December 12th, 't ie'Falshionabtlsaoedytl±uro sire sntedtr - ' - in New or 50aignuhts, New Route to the Northwest. m~lIIMn A)ITI~ 28th, 155Is2, thue Tosledou, AnsntArbor sund Nosrth Michtigant railway's usesw'elseIllstrated iby' slestfthe susosa'est Cosmedy raiainso hscutys rcdn h ferr, "nn AborNo.I,"°wil maestomedy swill he preentted Cirsde IFitch's Oise- dasily trips betwveens Franikfort, Michi., Act Play, entitled. F5IEOEROS a.EMAIt'RiE, satnd Kewvautnee, Wnis. with Sir. Hensy Siller in the Titcular Role.. This boat sillcatrry Cteight cat-s 'rueperformanceunuder the direction itt Ste.acosLkMihgn kntetrpCrlsFhm. iittI hosuurs, so that all freight shlippedh Prices. - - - 50c, 700 and $t.00. by this rotute will be carried thirosugh Seat nale commnaes Ftiday a. atDe. p swithiot breaking hbulk, as hass beeul nlecessairy heretofore svithe freightt 1 I S lT htandled ascross the lake.LI . As this is the shortest i-cute thC~e 1 T G A ntorthwest it should be well patroniszed by Michigean shippers.P L TO R P E 45--Jsus. 1,'93. NO. 12 W. HURMON ST