THE U. OF Yl. DAIJLY. PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT!I THAT SHABBY HAT! tm tIt ytIIit co II U o M Shol o'"m'l ,r "cit o IgoIf WILL fSCFXRCELY DO I.N f\NN AR BOR{. ~ a~kjn~ ?harrtaey 3 SouthState treet hi "'o n lad to return), mnd we, are, certainily pleased to see voi blit ml Pknow au goa sncs talong way5S. No. 34 South State Steeet, (Over- Ciliis. Si- tolsm.)_________ ____________________________ Piaos Oran, uitrs Viliso.,&c atLoes Prce. 1 Years in the Business. Excelsior Laundry, Pino, rgns Giar, ioin,&.,&, t owstPrce. CITY LAUNDRY,.20 5) Vi14 Ri)N a cuRErI. TRINGSWAeS (1 sIALTYit-]:- i. (ol. i i ST~tNO4 A i~iALT. .s70~s ~ W~ M. M$. Seabolt, No.4 N. Fourth St.. wid dlivieed. A. F. COVERT. Is-si. mOO 0RE & WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, A__N,__D___ RNEI ) F TAI i ANi LIAM SIR)) I S. >T~VO7Z I-s.LLD S O!-_7- T= I nicersit c Text IBnols, ,(\Idicald lloo.. Lair h ook~s, I )eiita l lookis~s tudents NiiXte Idooloo, BIds. Books. Ststi oner . Ave lu]Ia, e~ Stock of iele ciEirI)rafftimOfIn strtmen Is. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -TO~~ T -oo s-- AV1 X"UII. id"-XeES. Call on Win. Fulde. tile The iocleste, Th Ityalmit he ierfetio Stuent ampshaucd ai ulor, oppusite tiiiesawIiii iu- ngon TileRoceste, Te RyalandThePerfctin Stden Laps hve em-William-st., flrst tour Nuest of State-st. onstuslei thtat thley gice the msot perfect liulJit ot any lamps inde. While the Cuean ng, ei-s Ii ilg aisd Sielsi n gidin e neatly prices vary tram O90 cents to $15 each, they all give the same iquality andit luial- Suits to srdes a specialty. All) kicu i ss-i Isus. LOW RICE1S57. tity of light.I Arganil Lamp. with porc -elain shades, at - . - - - -(i6 cents IF YOU WANTrTO tted Star Oil, that burinis without odor, does not char time wick, and gis-es a piure white light, delivered at - - - 11cnsprglO o] LARGET STCK I THECITY Oil Csiis, according to capacity, from - - - - 20) cents to fit each. To see is tio believe. See our stock amid you wili he comnvinced that we sell eotateveeioie Repairinonie go So the best Lamp and best Oil for list least omoney of any house its this city. IM -A ioe,3 tnSre -'-44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. W Arj~,3 anSre TuWic'r 1%A RA DI 14Z VI-P ic u....s. ..mrit 'v>i... .qnm 'T' ''m""m BROWN'S DRUG STORE. I I r LU A vir u z. We Don't Want Much! ! Toa Prof. Grifdia will leccturc I WE WNT yor trad lit jusis uiors and sceniors. Iw sAtSIliitut ~ Ss) Thu 'Varsity foot-hall term will c thingboeit o s.iii I e play Aibion, Nov. 5th. SilVANT touknow e iiiiisiii t H. A. Chandleur, lit 'g-,has rc- w E ANT o ary ucht a soukst tutorued to takc a lawv coursc. will siu eeis. 'Tilheniiir liwclass has clectced Now, What More Can You Want ?7) A. M\. Ashley football mansager. ulyoGias iuuo. Mandolinss, ete., io Adrian scuds sixteen rceprcseiita- rent.sssior o(o.easypmi eniiits. tvst heU-fM ti er TIlIE ANN ARBiORi OIIGAN (1., tvsI lcU fA.ti er L . 11. CisM ENT. SNfanager, A. A. McKay, '95 nmcdic, is pur- 5i South TMain Street. suisug his studies at Dhetroit, this MICHIGAN CENTRAL. year. Time ieabloe 12. edJU115 uAST.i 1).uie ei.. wSu. a. in. H. A. Sober, tur in latin, will Mail---------025 cIvo Stws-: o', liar Expss.----- 5 25 Day r i-ess.---os3,)return front Luriije in about a N. S. Limited ---6 20Mail ----------97 N. Y. Lissite. 9 4- N. S. 1imiiesl --- i)s5 week. Nisaaa Fails Sp 15127 . ereTw'9lisqutsck a. nas.Cc-ago Express. 5 Gogelovl 9 lt s lic0ik 1). N. Expres-..- 58(,. Itaisres -5 5) AtltatticExprssms-- 77 1Aiseiea up 91t ishavin g returised fornmedlical treat- 0. R.lExpress-- 150it7PacificE litlsts__Si 27 o. W. Hissm . W, BAyou. imeat. G..e '. Agent,C(hiciigu. Ag. AeiiAt-lot-. lDccatur, Ills., is rcpresentecd at FIRST NATIONAL BANK the hLT. ii M., this year, by fifteen OF ANN ARBOR. studentls. Capita), 5510i00s. Srusip an td Pstts, $30). sontii itgnrlbaningbsinies,fos- Peicer lDoyle, '9- nmedic, is atleii 1- toia etirav cesoreders aisuadsed- the RusMedical Colleoc -it P.1tAC H, Sc.1c S. W..Acc1lauSis. Cashies. Chicago.- GRS NG~'SThe cistering class of the Harvard saw school numbers nearly three ~C11~b O DANIN hndred. 'SCHO L OFDANUNG iAxxN eeslexrIE .-Thc House of I10th Season, October, '92, to May, '93. rpeettvsme etMna OUR5 NEW HALL. inscentrallycteesd and rpeettvsme etMna esvesy peosisontaoseeni made lto peooste cssmfort of sar patros. 'S7hese aselno stales night, at 7:30 sharp. So moutl, -timedancing- sootm btingsin Sth goud floor. Officeat academy,ii)Manard-st. James F. Biurke, '92 law, presi- Send S1U7 $2, as $3250fos Same dent of the American Repubiican ple etael Box bCANxpes oms.caf Coege l.eague, will speak at the Fai Pt ap inelegant bois en od Opera Hueon te2itis. strictly pose. Suitable for ose h 1s ns.un- PRESENTS. Expessecarges e h fteU fM prepaid. RefetooallChicago. drteauspicesofteUofM 'Tr1. Sy itaonce- Address, R C. F_ GUNTHER' (Confectioner,, epuhlican club-the "mother" of vuma 52128StteStreet. the. ege CHICAGO , LLIOIS. ege olt tD~.-s- editor, is taking adivancedt I swork ini the N. V~ lssst-Grasdusate Schsool.- 1t. AN. Whsitten, lit '94 has heels appointedl professor of Lain and Greek at the College of Ben~ton Harbor. The %I.- A. AVs, of tDetrosit, Isave been secsiredt for that clay, whiichi insures us a good gamue, and should be wvell attencded. B- the announscemlent of the cons- temsplatedt football game at Detroit, yesterday, by mistakec'At. St. A. weas used for Mt. A. A. Tj-ei game of foot ball between the 'Varsity teaml and Albion, wvhich wvas to have been played Saturday, tlct. 8, has been declared off. A. J. Larson, special lit, last year, is campatigning ill northern Slicli- b(,an.tiHe will return to cleesoon 1o enter tlse lawv departmenst. SIr. WV. H-. Oxtoby, lit. '94 assit- ant in the library last year, wvill at- tend the SMcCormsic 'lheological Semsinary at Chicago Ibis year. Prof. Stanley swill be in Ihis room from 9:30 10 12 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, to examine applicants for admsission to the Choral Union. tn the October number of the Century there is an article entitled, "Money in Practical Politics," by JerenmiahIW. Jenks, ciass of '78, now professor of poiitical economy I at Cornell. TH" TPJLOR NiLL OPEN OI~iCTOBsERlOs, uA- 42 $outh $tate $treet, WseSIIs. FLLUSE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. G. H, WILD, IHELLAIITAILO0, is the place to go for fine 'i'iloriscg Ite imas the most select stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ill Saitiimgs, T1rouserimmgs, ammd 'anlcy Sik testings in time City, amsd would he pleased to iave yosm call amsd examine. Ile makes a specialty of Full Dress Suits. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.