THE U. oF:M. DAILY. " will be held at dewberry Hall, Sat- of f ^ unlay afternoon at o'clock. TIhIn commnittee appointed to draft a coit- E'tlsh _iii y td t u ( aas txcepted) dutaing stitutioti will report at that time, THE L. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription.price 8'?ti per year, invariably juttseanit' hingie copitsa3 'eats. Sabscreip- tions may' be iett at ,he oftice at the DtAILY, at Stofttet's, with any ot the seitnrs at athorized solicitors. Comtmunicationsathanld renet the ofttee by 7 o'clock P. m. if they art toapean the neat 'tay. Adstsallttimattter antended tar publica- tinn to the Managing Editor. Alusbanes and offilcers nwill pirobtably he elected. All ititerested itn journalism are in- viteid toile present at the ieetitig. l sI V (ti11 an the syntemt of re- nerving seats in to be Infinitely net- tledl, tue DI)ti.V will accept nhort andI poinited tommnicti(atiotns ottaniy stice tf the subject. WE BOLDLY ANNOUNCE That ten sell etulter thantht le cheapest in MEN'S SHOES, RUB- BERiS, PUMPS, ETC.: LADIES' SHOES, RUBBERS, SLIPPERS, EmC. OF COURSE. 48 SO7U'I' MAIN STREET . $PECJAL $ALK-Dcember 6-43. BUSINESS SUITINGS. oMatnaTeU t~f~. Ninnty-five's Oracle. WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers, Ann Arhar, Xich. College fiulilawill b he lecharacteristie oeo n ro n ot _____ t~i eatnire if the bent. lHtumorouts verne TodAn ArradNrt antd gaiin will tie tiutierouis atd oit ic aomiI i nMichigan Railway. EDITORS the hest quality. Everybiody in "iii it," tt.. iO i iiiA, at 14Managin Editort 'll elasses, till departtntts.The liter- it 1 {t i s tn ,ii si ant ly uiiiilautistic e t iitn r 'e 110ti e 'tn Ic iT atlie ard icttiii tuid a t iy' th.tat.:. at t;, t t CSty w, itt . ,Assistat. gottti,,uon'ever. Thle titter dilngai ! IJtRl 1Stiat t iiAanti Atu imi LG.wl ti PAi U tat.'3 u ienscMatiage. teci'ciietlly termed a lunuitti'. Pine , I in W.V neitri eta tn'AnAssiutant. Ifillutige Iitlf-tontes if ctiti ran gtiit- ;~~"'~ n I i As tinrr will alpili, retakiig till tecordsn. N ta Bany tpesns'... . ,ti ~ r", ctitas naoig, witrila i nt l sait, n1an ma oAt.iiA1.n . it. i. E K.owe1:3 :.1.Slitieie anthitritifeattire.'. Tue pritersaptnt- No'a atid t'iinsnti ...i' .. i4 27 ap.ii. Iti te mts ti iii thtitthle Orcei'attibeit' it tintale it tt "tn e oo Nnotas a . tic, i. tattetnn>eSuna nit y ) N ran a litta. Sit . siIlCl, sttient itiiLA ititiet tine S HL each5t ers lre B S N S Mattenittnce; N 2ii~tiitt eilti a -i . IDec. it. IPrice, tintinual, gaodit titie; stiperiteen ke ll sut it edtreadingtijGSptTr (.'. 1.titit .ic,6.itt<:)1 t ioom;ttitlut eturesn;Saturdayetenn e epetionsi; G14 andi Opera Houne. hti'P5 expeneste s t2.5pereweekhIituprivs ai.attii mtive, 1)i. iM. E_.Fo ii, Cit TALOG1n9a nnd tint ofatuident whn Na. i. 'TatleoAtititi tntiodwion . ti i. T~ AGUnutiHHOHos. astitianstin aektottaiek,arstie No. lt". t'assneaetnliav tilt ._': , tip - -ittUi'tttiiyI(ENS i\a 1-" aP. a. CLEARY, Pres. ietttanda erd rane. WISCONSIN IS INTERESTED. 'qeMtirtlitutyIlrl ep . itine-iIt 'iTe filloweinig (notatiotafrott Ite 23t, 1892,says: 'A lacne attut apticeei Futiwossottonly'd Ti diitt utctiaret. i tl tive taucietucegreeteit the G Is i t uutiF~irs t lc ads 'laltdi raj7in a.,andf r iutietenitittti. an( IDatily(arinital annotutcenstte inter- eatutnriItnatn ht utupi tfT I IvtW.otero nl, aiex cpttnditt tst that itnattittinltonws in thte ar- atnee itt Moittreal at niglut. Thle F otIhe .rE trai d i eltSuay. ratagettient iii a joittdtebate: "The etnterttaitntenttniaVety tileaingi the E D oty & Feiner.tnt as. Agent. toa nti, Snix Guty brittiers themsielvens'ill big idea of1hldiittg atntually antinter- fitrst lasunaoIatitid ter psithotint Iii oieiaeieatbaIttange t intn. Messes. Vahe'iaind. MiDo -utSiE L cla e eaehsbe ugse aihbroughtttowntththat' e miencth their STUINTS, SAVE hMAL.1' OURtMOINE.Y ANI) ILL' bythin U. Of P . D1 ti. We twouldmleiical tperftcmainces on the hoizointa batette. The songs uttitdances nditch - - - suggroct at astoue steltsbe taken lstn tul iauj eimatis t eat1., towvards thinecarying titout ttisidea. (Ii. Iantid IV.If. Guty wneut' very clever A H tanictthoutnghly ejbeiti. T ak'ingt- AT2' -- Aun atutal cdebate nwithi ttntthotiourthe show s sa anhtle it wasianelIlanworthi' ' j tnighboar instituutionsactumid be easily eseeing.'The uc'heatc,u is aitonutg SIJ DENT1S' Buutx ORE, AEST. STATEcried oat. It nwoutldnot tueces itty hicuithutun ?Minstlcstwilltapeac sarihy interferee withi outiclocauljotnit at thi nd OpetratMo'tishuie ttuoitridy. Greok, Ltitt, Fremchu euuiui tul t ill (Cotilege TeIta 151 Ne ilebates, at thuere a re e'nouiahable DecemututindScondtuhandtu. men i ithte unersitticatriyout TO EtEN t.--Iiiuiu, by the htuu hiti ( moe ha oedeat ec yar patice. 1Secttaeisittituable. tEnqtjuire AN . D IVLED1IC.A1 0 K treat ititerest isn ifeuucstedh tt thie street. 524sIn AT W.IOLEFSALE PRICES. anutal talc' tararmcl debaicPm te._____- __________ it notlie nvell for our litecrasta &O0cl- Wte otk h atri ad"A e are infortmedi that steps tire none IHntiday Rate. PEN TSC H LER, baeittg takent by the inhiganm literary qqF qT[atCusltt ttiNn5emmtut 1 societies loouking towvard stucha a the- ~ ays, the 'ledo, Atit Arhborattd Notth bate. Miehigan rttilwaty nwill aell exetumratin o ra h -____________tiekets hetnneen tilt atiotns mittits litue A iutttant'ia iuxasuggsts hat ~ )'ttat nwhichi tirckets isre solalslo to potits .OtNt' MAt It A D itOttt oNs at a A OREPODETsugst ta 11Selectig orsociety an seeeral connetittg limies, it tote mnu Tickets will he gooad gointg iDec. 24th, "( 'N OE H U . otrsia ne-ls niitrf- badge or anythitg itsjeweiry, mm-huANNie u tm tmitthEth.GLIP uus ternity hare and hound chases can 25th. ,hTht , ~tts.mmu um.ttad ANABu y 5h t n s n a.1tadFiar eebr 9hbe arranged. If than athletic hoard tee wnttyotito bear os its 2nd, tttanud dretunttitng utill Jan. SmFidyheeme, 9t hloes not nwisha to have thic honor of iteune. 5.msa It.TWEN'i 3itO 'T A5Ot mit.Orrptto ste - ' - ILstarting this sport at M\ichigan, ayeI New Route to the Northwest. f 'J1 T ivt C rQ' see no reasota ahy the classes antI highest fuom' this work amid we aente ano aei p nan fe ody NvmeLhLTldo Abrad VN~iLJ1I\Zia c OL . frtriiscnottkwtua till tuffer you thme most maode- ?2-81.,1182, teTutti, Ann wiht ttu hi batf ivrtrlN& eDO arD, tl -,ohMihga riwasne a nitumgtttem enatitticanturntmlesn, i Nocsl-roeto heD 1Ya -t Metgia r sity net et'ai-gste~ tstitnnetnsgie, double- Sut efirtcintm a ca-ferry, 'AimiArbor Nit. 1," till taake and tiputesameresautsn fenotmthe hae. noutces that all commaunicationts rteptiesit'icigneowaitt tibetceem i Fmrankfouct. Mlihi, a;hiutand TinesLumln.evleadNsam heraferreeivtl ecedin tco t~e beftantk.amid IiewtUutee, Win. TelieTeSin Gny Itrothers in brand net anadnet- herafer ecive, xcedig to he es wok.Thinshctat wtill tarry freighit tcats ginaltspeialten. Gtandutrthteent Praealnat 1it hundred wvords wilt be consigned to aerosan Lake Miehiganmiakinugthme trip o'cloch. tha nearstTeasebshNSavihoulaninr itthutus, so thatiall f reight shippedl Prices,- - - - 3n, noe and '75c.. theGnarestwastebaske withut &n lib thisa routte wiltlibe carrieththrugh Seat sontale as P.O. Newnsmsand, ceremony, except tiemenatter con- w aitiont hreakintghtulk, as tits hbeen: tamed lan unusumally linportant. WoowarditmAve.,anntamteSm., ntsaryhledtaertoss the hrtf ake. wt rih iG B O Tuesecond omeeting for thin or-Asti is the shaortest raute to thme I)TO1tt- 1cIGN orthwnest it sthomuld he'teth patrutnized ut PIETE *MEiG E'U- N ganization of a U. of M. press climb D:ctt,--McHe by ;Michigan shippers. A& ALAL 45--Jan. 1,193. NO. 12 W. HURON ST