ThEF- U t OF M 7 DAILY THAT GIRL you leftI G0(f STRINGS DusaLlu JLL I~tI I'a ta :ts 110 ~ St ringed v.Instrument. CALKINS' FINE CHOCO- LATES W ILSEY'.S, ' And the Pteooo 34 S. tt tet Wthen you go ome for Ctristimas. are Low. SaeStet Ioma Cutter &(Crssette, Cihicago, ini the New (Ita tugesle Siiks, uitIdSlf2ciail Novelcitics 01 l'oui-iii-Hanids. Tecks and Potts MOCORE & WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND COR\ IR OF i a l SAlDtWI JAM TRE1ETS. Unoiversity 'Text-1Bo oks, Medical hooks, Law 1Woks IDettal 13(ok,]:Students' 'Note hooks. IBlatik Bolcoks, Stationety. We lhave a iargo Stock of Kenttel amid EssetrIDraftinog I ttrutiints. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -TO)TLI=T OlOODS- L.OllPRICES. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY -AT- ---1881---1892.--- (on Mnda. D ce e 12, wetwll ioaaoura3. 3dAnacl I. labia fciiI 0 , hiha ltrtfrwl itacecopeition,both asntopric, extent ,ed ait ofstoo. I That aaa 11Littfrendsoayanecooa -weet time atthc la-ca-,4 posi l costae il, lo Deilt. lth toe. 1th,selltcadie aad nuasat the Iollow-ing pries: - Stick and(1Fine Mixed Canldy, attpr h Choice Mixetd Cream Caundy, at - - - .12(! (ooatCthocotate('aildy', lt - - - 14t.t " Vecry Best Cthocotate Candy, at - - - 20 Mtxed t, at hcper ttt 0or-2ttts. tart .:,tc We inviteaninsepctonofur to sck. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. I rl C r r BROWN'S DRUG STOURE.E THE CAMPUS. The editoriat staff of thec Atbion Pliad favors itself withc its biograpahy D lr. I toff bolted dental mileicilne, antt pahysiognom~ical maae-up ill VV ii] You Look Tucettay. thseir last issue. J. S. CGreer; laaw '92, otflelenn., Thae attentdance at Prot. lTholalt- At tar Show Witidow? Itells tias retulrned to ctolege. soct's lecture on ia Mosaic tLawo, toi- t's octi story about fTheo first class ins tissectiaana sill lay evenling, stas larger thaao at thae G A Sfinishl their svork iia a few doays. opening address. AUTAR The W0ebster society swill give a Molavs afternaoaanIDr. Otzct, as- ANapblecnmeetinsg, Fritday, I tc. i16. sistetd by IDr, Dorranice, of theaenci- PRICE S. 'lse senior las'wsill be qaizzeed tatltepartmoent, perforiedt a difficult THELANNsA\RBIORtt Bitto O., next week on Wiltl an( Real Estate operation tor cleft palate. 51 sotMasns teet. law. Mlonday evening, lDr. Wood enter- D Ir. Martin performieul a lapaaro- tamned the senior hsomeops at lhis of- IGHIAA tonmy at the hospital, Thlesdtay atter- Tice on State street. Refreshmnents EAST p.ii ET a. nnoon. - o ts ) were served at io o'clock. NO.l_ ---ost-----425ChcaoSpcil3 8 r F..IBolleso heD iYstaff, Yesterday lDr. Amses react a very N. Y, Liie-_9l5N. S5 Lmited --- a,.was its Detroit, lasttailbt 0 (raleinteresting taoeinoftalc osvn pro- Niagara (alIt Spl112I p' tu. business,.nGre a, .Chicagi o xpes2 31lduction to his ctass i tee istort-. D.N.Exest __li>lc5 0 11. iht re s o5h hepresicenst of LlaindtStatafordt It shosved coissicderable genitis and G. I. Expess ----1 10 0 Paiic Exprteeis02 reevsa aayo . '. Ttitlc. H. W, AS, ia. J.I "Uiversity rcie slr ftalent itn its preparationa. t.P '1. Agent, hicaga. Ast. AinilArboe. $15,000 per year. tite of thte co-eds of f IMr. FIRST NATIONAL B AN K 1. H. Cutctheon, lit '940 has re- Amoes' tatstory class is saiad to hiase 1 ANN AItBioR. letredl to college after atn illtiessa ftratnelsgressed thte lawv of anlalogy so Capital, 9111000. Surplusan ~d Profits, $10,000."e ly artis iea ostie'i{ikcis toec 'ranlsacts i general bashing businefor toe asdrto.fra o rt mnei nta oiga xcehan e od et011.e~ t etcedit pocredoa CocnelCongress taas electeid aaiof mnasteries, taihiing that itswet toe teatveleabreoad. P.TtCPrs cx~als 910.tol.troiiibitionc speaker, withi tte help theseaine as nsunonertes. S.W Cz-ts aoshier. ---of a Demiocratic alliance. Next wveek te classes iantill. EX. GRANGERS Section eqizzes on Professor Grit- (3) will be exaniined oti "Rogers' finJJ( 's lectures are annotuncedt foerinext Six Centciries of Work atad Wages. SC O LO A'IG webeginicing Monday. After thse examinationt the class will ioth eason, Octaber, 92, to Nay, '93. Th clsof'3wlhaeabnueabokfexrtshihsbin (SLitRNEWt HALL is centrally locatedt and I 3wl ov a-ts oko xrcsshcii en evoty provisiotn hatshbeeladet rmth comfortt tio urpatrons. d s rnaot etnextweek its1lhonor of their peae yMr. Dxn no moant, tho dancing rootsbitig on the rcn ucs tfobl.l is rtesallrsac graatdtflase. Offioe at acadomy, 6Maynard-ntecetscesa otal nve ftesalpopc S hed $12a5, ',nr V-0tor Samn- CaptSain Dygert appeared at the of 'y3 winnsing thse " pennant" pie etaoil Box by expresa of hospital, yesterday, for medical ad- fromi '93, thsey have forfielted 0 17 theBES~T CANDIES in America. Y y sttoty punoeegSlite toonvieopon ' football finger." the ganme which was to have been ppaid.tRfer to allhiclago. 'AV, H. Dellenback was elected played today. This leaves '93 te C. F_ laNTHSRndaygecsistrntsuperinten- champions in football for the third 21 stcatettrett denct of the Mletodist Sunday schtool. year in successiotn. Call on Win. Fulde. theo Ta-ilolr, opposite the 1,atw Builing, ott Williail-st., flest door scoost of Stalte-st.- Cleaning,-repairitngstnlipresing doesnatly. wilts to ordIer a tspecialty-. All wcorkfirst-class. IF? lOt. WANI It) Buy a=Alr Clock or have tome tdotpnlring done go toa Wsft. Ari)OIAN 36 Main Street STAFFORD, If Youiiaren d ed of (Ifatitte Drenss Su1, it)Ileilln-ssSuit, Osvex- oti stlfo-cl, Me, Stafford is it the finest gr-ade of work is alssured. 42 South State $treet. G. H. WILD, TZlE LEAPITG TAILOR:, to the tplatee to go for fiue'Taoiloring. Ile has thte maost select stockn of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Stittings, Trotuserings, aod NFaney Silk Vestings ito the ('ity, antd woold be pleased to htave yoto call atnd examineIle makes a specialty of Foll Dress Sttits. No- 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.