THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE, STUDENTS. THE - TWO- SAMS. GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call your particular lattenition to the fact that ourWEAE GNT FO Stock, as usual, inceludes a geniieal. and complete line of high class cliothiitg. Young Alen's Yohiia 1)5~ made upl with all tile detail, care and. skill which ccharacterizes the best mterchtant tailorissg work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. Ann Arbor Savings Banki 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Ann Acheor Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000, tso tttii 5Slplus, $1501.( l oncin Or'ganizedtunoders the GOenerttl Banhing Lasss Fioe Shower Baths. New Porcelain of' this state. Iteceives Deposits, boy s and S hl Tubs sells exchatnge on the psinci pal cities of the '30 1, ahntnSt. J. R . 'Ills)ANOtWKl. Unised Ststes. Drafts cashed upnapserIets' dentification. Otficers: C'sLSTisscssMAtK es., Ila~ ~~ W. .eARMA, ic.ueocresi. w. o. AnnH., Vis' te Ches.I Mt. J. Flte, A ss. Ctosh is's. lCilpal, $50,600. Sseils, an Pfits, $, 17,000. Does a eel tBanhkig hasinss. Pays it- terst on SavoingDeposits. Hats sitly Deposit IBoxes fortenst. It. KEMPFtb, Pree. F. Ii. IsE~r-EtI, Cashier. flauchosees Soit is' listm Q PATRON IZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! - Na. 4 EATN URON- 110STRiET. _ _ _ _ _ OUr Absent __ensWhr They IAreand hatTheyAreDoing. Sit Verlpai's i4ats, ANtI IODGEMAN'S MVACKINTOSHJES. EXQUISITE FURNISHINGS. PE1~J(JN'S GLOVES. Woe wsh to 1)annuncel'thtlttwe sire ein. out ori the 1Rleady -Madce Clotliitig Jlauillt'ss ani substtute l'hlercili ha l ilirillg aid Flie Shites. Oii accoun~t iffthus chiatige we shill sell all our FINE 1OX O\TEiuJ)A-TS AND) SUITS AT ACTUAL CO5ST. Call atid AT TH-E TWO SAMS. THE INLAND LEAGUE, I .L_1A. iE IN 1./.J1-1. Lj __- Eli R. Sultton, '9 2, lit anti law, is FINE PHOTOGRAPHS., jracticing lawv ini Detroit. A Now Organization to Further' MILLINERY AND ART GOODS 1 . T. Au~stin, '92 lit, is teaching Social, Literary, and Msusical 301 East Hurton treett in Owsosso. S AV EREDAN AVW. IDu)nn, '91 tetdic, list en- 'The shoot nanied organization ap- ENOVIcABLES A tered the ittrsry departmetst with pears this year for- the first timic, RPTTN the class of '94. slid a fewtinitroducetory wrsna -- 115 CUStill 231YRS. WX. It. Turnhull, lit '9t, is teach- not lbe otit of 1)15cc 0 YRTRADE 111(r ' in 10tile Mseistee flilgilSchool. is a115,25set forth ill tise tt- E A. D U e ISo IH.13 Shoemsaker, lit '90, law liminary anlstlllcerrlert, is to firsi- SOpt. Court Hoc e. '92, formerly tmasnaging editor of isis mesns for the fuirtheraiice of lte)01 is is practicing last in D)en- social eljoymnt as svell as literary vet Col. aridisusical culttire amsong citizenls W ahr's WV. IV. IiiSisOil, lit '92, l issak sod students. This it proposes to for 1'. fi.wsork, do by gitinsg luring the sinter a P~ete IV. Russ, it '92, is principal series of entertainments,, icltliilg of list schsools at Elk Ricer, Minn. lecttires) ususicales, socials, etc., BO O K S T~ fl E.B,). Hollandi, '92 lit,. iDAILtY at a nomiinal price.T h ie series still BOOSTOF. ditor, is principal of schools st include twventy-six entertainimenlts H1okst, .\lisun. stsd thse price for steason tickets lies R. C. Thayer, lit '90, contitnues b i xe ttelwrt f$.5 as principal st ,\Ianistee. ''lse etertainmlents still lie giteii Special Discoun~t on1)1,55'Boolks, Miss Mary Curtis, special studlent on Mlonday eveninlgs, adiiinicluties MedicDeln1)ital11111 Al l eriI ce~rs f csoslectures, llitsicales, etc.,, iy tise best 'etBok.The lrgs.a aron hi.local talent, antit nuisiber of rme 'F52til~5. llgs . 1. Shsersciii, lit '92, 1s teactsleg fro oteplcs TiksarOl Latinl in tie lsuistee liighs school,. u te sae lcesCto Mliss Jessica lPenn~y, lit '92, i5 sale st a niumbler isiaces. S~l~rloill' N~b BOOK teaching ill the isli peieng iighs 11ttl~l~iu5 l 1 ,2 . SWaIshinton tri~eset. T"he HigjheOt of~ perfectiol in Tailoriig, IS EXEMPLIFIED BY OUR QorrEpt fCning D Pe Sp uits, GOOudsp8Oq& soil OUTF'LTTERS, Ile, 17, 19 So. [adin St. A class on reacing music at sighst in the city fior 2.5 cents. Agent for)still he formiet iis the U'nitersity Kesiffel & Esser Mathiemsatical Instru- School of -Music to mseet twice a nots. t'nder prices on everythsinsg. sweek ins Newberry Htall, from 5 to 6 Io'clock p. in., Tuesday's and Frn- cdays. 'rie tulitiotn will be $5 per S'I' ~ ~ I semester. Studiessts can register at South State Street and Main Street. any time. Class still meet next Oppofite tenet Hose). Friday. fron the Naltiionall Libirary Associatiion, 243 Wabash avittmeO, Chicaigo5,lii. Aud- tress lteA,3sliiitiossfiis particlalrs. cool Im AoiENT's SlANTS rs-Liberulsalssary1 paid to actics', sciue-ascuke yoisng mess, stssdeiits preferresd; emsplsiymsenst pleas- sout auss permanoeost; 010besik pedulilug. Addroess, Nationassl Library Associatioon, 243h Wa~bashs Acesite, Chicago, 111. eost-I m