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December 06, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-06

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THAT GIL you left G0OiJ SThING
behind you --
Stringedv- nruiit

Itroiii Cutter &(etO5s5Ott(etrCicagoe. ini the New Cliangeashle Silks,
arid Soeciat Noveities iin Four-ini-hands,.'Tecks alnd Potts



Atd theo T"toe 34 S tt tet
Whteir yO o tonic for Chrisetos. areLow. S Sat Sret

__ _____________ t~) rCORtNEF STATE AtD tEL N I iSlTETS.
ohs iersit v Text- 3ooks, N edicrit h'ooks. Lawt hooktsDelnt al Book-, Sttidntot' Note Boobs.,hflanik hooks, Statiretterd. We hav e a argo
Stoetk oitketiet trot Esser hDrafting l t iritnts.
Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.

- Ot enli lacritr -8& --1892.----- Oatrtiit
On mo~hyD 'rel1 h r 1:, o iliel..t akior 32,AnnualEx thibtit o iat -iio hca
iwrtfrc, trill distane copetirti, bAh asttttoo,extetaertravaietyeo'leck.
100 'tilt-I-i.'haittoari title tritenits mayii iave a rcer tirle atthe lato sile cot, et, - wiltlt iro etie. 1201
LOW Pl~~cE 4- t De. 24th, tell iedin, and ntsn at tthe tloi ics
Sttck anrd Firne Mtxed Canrdy, at-- - - tic e let t.
('iter tlixerl (retort(anidyrat - - l- In
LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! (rood Chrocolaite ('any, at - - - - 14c "
Verry- Bert Chocatte Catndy, at - - - t(C;-r
Mtixed Nurts,att tie liet lb.,or 2 lbs. tot25te.
Wattnvite ainpetionoooua tack.
-Ar-- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.

BROWN'S DRUG STORE.R THE CAMPUS. It additioni to tire recent stealing
1 -of ice-cream fromr tire PithU' sa
W ilY u o k Junrior tatwr retl1be quizzed itoshc- number of jokers placed a fartmer'r
ilo~ oah~ixare, ttir eek tragon 0n tile frotipiazza ofthtie
At orr Srow Witroxctit tur Dr. Carroser clinic rear over- rm rthue
itsowitostore abotu rweiwthpttr etecly A terry ineinsrumental conrcert
afternrootn. .ttnr re wtrar given tart enighrt under tile sus-
GUTA S 2 law-C. .Aurosetpices ofthtieItnlanrd Leagute by j uliur
ANtiDnlya iec1 -rttgtr V. Seyler, of Dletroit, piarnist, andt
PRICES. nun~eTu red.e arts are tryitr; to secure Tire readintgs from D~ickens'i
Ti'L'ANN AItiB0t OtRGAN ('0., Chrauncey Af. Depewe for Washing- Chrristmras Carol, accompaniedi by
5t Sauth ti Saitrteet. ton's Birthday orator.eihtaluxiusriratesaet
XIGHIGAN c'ENT A Dr. Hlerdmran was unable to ad- features of tire story, drew a large
Timie gabeReiett Nor ter 20. 1102. drear the nrenmbers ot S. C. A. Sunr- and alppreciative audierrce last nighrt
EArT,, p.11%. WESe T. tiim. day mornring. Mr. Btowen took at tire Unity ctlrh.
Mtart-------- 4 : ChircaoSpecialt_ :34(itO
Iay terrirres___ 30t5:lary exress.-..L caeb o h xrcss
N. taIIiintd 0 :.3Maitt- --_ arg of tire<xercises.Ralph Stone, withrchraracteristic
Sigr>alle 8re t -1.i tP. In. Johrn R. M ott, college secretary orf enterpirire anti perseverance, wiii
- n Ciagao rExress. 2 1
l .it Fres -. 8G.L. xr ss _> i the Y.h. C. A., will address the try again to get the members of last
Gttj1t.kresi----1i4i acfc xreso tdet a e ter ait, rornitng year's baseball team togethrer for a
0, W. It flE . W. lint..,
G.P tAenettC itego AgI. Attn Arliar. arnd ev-erritng, Sunrday, lece.itS. group pictulre tomtorrore illonre or.
FRT N TO A BA K TirePlitU. trad tireir social trot), clock.
0IRT ANIN AL BANK Saturday. It twas quite successftil, Tirelprotperties of U. ot Bi. frater-
Capitali,$1i0i000. Sarplutratnd Protfit$3,0ot. slid rvas attendredt by several ot the nities are assessed taxes as tollowvs:
Tlarata enearalianking buinioe.trtri$6
etaga eretriieearld, letters at creitit procred (aluirmni from D~etroil and Toledo. ZetaPs,$; Dekes, $244.-12;
for tirarrvelertrtiad.
rt'tits P ACHPres. Ninety-six banjo, guitar, or man- Alpha Dlts, $t)8q: Bet'ilets,
dolitr players are requlested to0mtrtr$t1i.12tePstartSt$t4.75; CiPtsi,
GRANGERS Mr. Kerr art Mr. Joel at 48 East 847.27; iDelta U's, $78.72; Sigat
Washington street, Wednesday evenr- ttlrits, $8375.
ingIE i probable thlat a club wiiil eThe reservation of seats for thre
bet-i 55 May 9 be organized. Uinrhasl a etteb 'o..: :::,
evcr tatproso abeadeTtracmnrotestatPtiF. IrttatixT says that only Itwo Chicago, Friday evening, will open
rttoucit,othe iedancing reomactmy being Myar- h
geudsir 51e taeeey. anads.more Choralh no rhasascnWednesday mriga 'lca
S Seed $12a5 c3M ea 5 fr saw- be held before the next concert is BowdislrIs, State street, and Moore's,
pie RtetailBocx by expreess cite.f i ei
thettE5il lANDtE~icAmertea. gvn ti eied that everyone Main street. This will he according
Pat cp in elegact bares andshol ersndec ieadtot h omrfree-of-charge-stand-
etrietty pace. Suitable ccshuldbepresent ec ttadt otefre
PRIESENT'S. Express ectarges ti n r ae
- peeaid. Refe enalt Chieago. ti n i ae a special request in-line system. The subject of the
T1ry ir~t o t Addes eCotiuonFGUTEofectioner, for a very full attendance this eveen- lecture is 'heCotibution of
U ~j~V 21l State st-eet
J CHtCAO, tLLrNOIS, tug. 1 the Semites to Civilization."

Call on Win. Fulde. ftic
Tlrttopt~posite tire Law'olitiltrig, 011
A\Xtria-t.dtt, fitrst idoot rweatstfState-st.
Cleanrr~ing reiringranrd pressingctdone na tly.
Seirts toeorder it specialtay. Alltuo r fr-clisrs.
13uy a=Aarzm Clock~
atrace same Rettairing dane ca ta
MATM. Arijoltk, 36 Ma.nsmStreet
If Yenr rre iitrt'edtt c itrfne
Dlress Slrit, ittlairess Sulit, (Over-
Crit ot'rtnvthilti itt 0111' litre, Call
dir Staffortd. Mt. Stafford is
again doirrg hriasrwit cttih anud
tire finrest gradte of wotrk is atstrred.
42 $outh Stcate $tr'eet.
Is tire place tor go for litre Talig.~e
tHe hras tirerhost select stock of
in Suritigs, Trouiseritngs, and Fancy
Silk Vestings intsh~e City, anid
wouild be pleased to have you
call anrd examinse. Ile
makes a speeilty of
Futll Dress Suits.
No. 2 E. WAs1ington-St.. Ana Arbor.

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