THE U. OFM. DAILY. Cof 'Mir. xaitu - Pub lished tDaily (Sundas exrcepited) during the College teartiy THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sutsriptio ric -ee $2.5per year, inartabPiy iresaleanten Single copires3 enis. Subscip- ttons may be left at the ofie of the DAtLt' at Stoftee, with aspyaof the editors or nothorizedoicibtttr. Cotmmuniations sholtsd react the ottier Pp 7 o'lock Psm. if ttheyaerto appear the next day. Atddressenilmatter intentdett for publica- ttton to the Manaing Editor. All busness the system ot reserving seats, it be- hooves everyone to see that his opiniont is gives. The proptosetd plan is the most practical niethsoidof fncding oilStte islies of the st- tdetits, anti a Ipoper co-operation ots the pir of tmetmbers wsill effecttually settlicthe qurestion. EXPRESS YOUR OPINION. 'FINE AND ELEGANT Of ill kinds for Ladies anid Gentte- tiseit, of Coturse. N " ,Lr WVAH R &MILLER - 4S SOUTH MAIN ST. The LectureAssociation Board $EIL$L. me .3 Gie ebr nOpruiyt Settle the Dispute. TQW-!.q TTT'TTNT- tenmtaanioatiette tutor ittbe sent to te BUMn- The S. L. A. bsoard held atn impor- i en51 eneere. tant mteeting last night in Alpha No A N R&C . alr n unses THE U. of X. DAILT, hall. After a long and animated WA N R & O, Taor an Fu is rs AnAbrHeS discussion, tile majority decidetd to ' ' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North EITORS.( the memihers of the association on Y icignRalwy P . J.)O -tire v. Lit. 'ii, Metttgiee haltes dihe different plans for reserving _r -",ADiNS. t9 sitn.0 iIx:asatr.S HAW, Li t. ' 1 , A ssnie n L. G. se ititr;tivt . 9ttt, uins.szleaa eot by umost of tile students, although OI r 1 pat tro Atttt Pt <,r W.15 v sta,tttv ;. lit. '94 Assistatt atvysnumbier of suggestions 11acc bein-- tistttre, iz. 1 S rAriut nade. 'l'ie three compllrise She 4B-t tie ',i. A.. It. pt 'c Cal I- ti platno ai the ticwv pluan Not.1. stuM i l nd trboue' . 7 l: .l we';. I.1. 1.Si tzr'3 .. 10 i tsv ttAn r reAcerm -~~~ 'Kr r -~gepene$2. ton$2.75pcreen proitieu -Nit.=Ii. 'iidtA'itiiiiiii TH RU;PULSIGHoa. 0 etbet s if thie lecture lisoal rda-.F x cseentta uListof 5tndrn swhaNitor.Iesee titIi i t _________________I wil1 he present at chapel, at .\loorc's, F.u R.i >LEART, Prs. entral sttdat-dtTiet. PAPER CHASES. lain street, atid at Borwdish's, State "Dtasily exceptt Srtnart9. 'Ih uluileryiiue ui fstreet, tomsorrowv, for tihe pur poseof ~$2.00, $3.00, $.0$5 'Tains tit0tandti02ritir Pett~ie-ta litrti ar.s ohaesdhons scl providing voting slips tornensbers. FMa$.0. isSanuti. dat'i'been.n ro m ofhr n onsas wllas cross I First (Ilies latndlWarranlet 'oted i ali rt rtt'rt iiA r '1he hoard wishes to get a complete !. lvery VaI irTledo eo, duil , r.3xeett Sittluupvd. country rains is attractitng cn enu fthe lectulre ascain F Il.I1 E~ T , .GFNtC sidlerable utlention atiotng the stun members. u+oliln Doty & reiner. St t Gen.Pssr. Agent. O1-hiccl Aet aents of variouls colleges. IThe city Lusc-Ailladlits' avatclh tiltb iitiii- atletic clubs are also insttuting tile ttqlteoiti ttndlKintg'sIDatighiters cross ST'I)ENTS, SAYEVI ALls TIOU :Iuu)NET ' 1 ) Ih I papr cas wih gea suces.ittatehed. Fider please tetutrnrtor 2' pprclesutgrasucS. ~Divsion~. 45-lit I-- , Mlichiga n hsxhad but little of either 1'Ott REN'.-Dittgrle thirstsithi Heait 13 "I ofthsesprt. ast sprring a paper aitla lttl. ' .5 .lisnipsoit streit. ofthseshrt.t t CESSPtl.EAr tlElls tavailble____T1tillii-- cliuse wvas given by otre of thceStrats at shiort notifee santredturw. Fisk Tecer'Agny 11 laaliivnein wshatl ejyd h ,S U E T BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. corese lay over tile bouleuardl and 5 ic G to C. A . Mutvttad,tlie Stale atte'S fite limieidiately adljacent. A bet- ocoer, for oill, esoat, fruts, eli'. Stur- ' devits siill hufil itinthirst ace G Creek, Isht, Iret ll, (-erman anstd till (tolltie InNS tflis, e u ano ehdanweeNerssatn. rcri tvl edSeodla She oppourtuntities of goodtuns sort Stat Stle bi'gitns trill lrtiitcat ' cruts are ahiosr s ithioitisnuber. t't«t 'Ushipn. illIt 1.L A ND M EDICAL ...JL.I.1 $IS-5 stilt Saile begils tiomorrowl ivatI Otiher gooil couirses, liturever, canTshlie lTiioSuins. :iiu It AT WIIOLESAT.E 1I ('ES he arran~gedl in othuerirerctions. -____-___'___. 'T'he haeeicial effects oirt eand c~ o , haundnecehasesluarve ftets beelnI ~ ~ - ~ I- praisedh, and sothing msore neted lbe- Holiday Rates. NT C L , saird along thtat lise. It iwoaulid seemo, ___ howeer tat ith ~licina's dysCOLLEG E E N 'siI, CI-r eistmais 0-teTl arid ieis rearsit l 5t g a he , numerouts distatlce rutnners, a vecy ___ uieligall urailayscill sellPxct-tcesbewe l t tioso tlinte interesting atsa exciting chase (coul attwiithl tickets ace sold, lso to plintts i i5I t N t hNsn he arcatiged. Itt stetig 'oulr society oittseveral cetcteting litnes, at ointe atnt bade r tttlitg lljesclt', ottSirtdtfuare fur the touttttrip1t. GILITP OLLRA HO'JSE bathe or anthing in ekels-v Tcestwill he gtood goitig Dec. 24th, 'lrre trick wvhichtsh~e usen of one 25th,t.h tndtrI31st, a:attl.t1st andrlFriday DcNember9th. Ann Arbor feat rlayead rpon another w'oeswatsyosuho boertts iti 2nd,,rtnd goudrdeletnintgutil Jai. th Dcme, 9 last Saturday night, is receiving tiid. (Out'It'reputationlis She it-lt ie, -i htt ii ti-T't'tOSAcN merited cotitemnation. A gonod New Route to the Northuwest. f)If~ P t f. joke is applropsriate atidletijoyed, hit llgl o lt okItd90 Ott anttl after Motndays, Noventhetr wlte th ttensersof brt cn ciiioflt' 0ItI le mst iuolo- 25th, ls5112.this Toledor, AntiArhoruttid VANNERSON & MCDONALD, whe th mebes o a ra ca wil ofe yo th mst ode Nrtht Michigan railwvay's ntwcar fliPthtirnebeaatifutliver teipt'lenr, tht' stoop loss enough to take atdvantage feity,"AittaArbor No. I," iwill tmake ornry gentlrtete- itti can teen sitngie ltl rate ptices itt Michilgati fot' t(ills tips hetwveeni Frartkfort, huiel., tAI; G AS On e nni tte Pdaew .in ofaohrwhlnnedinn uss tl' esiauee, Wis. Melville and Nutsbaum. r especially guests fromn othser cities, it thsen best wvortk. This bottwaill eatery freightt carstin six Gsyt'rovitttetrsttineranne ted ort seems to hue time to call a halt. A a crossnasJrke Miehigati, 1nakitthie trtip i ipcited s GadsretPrdea th cse-in 6i horurs. so thaat all fretghtt sitippeid Prtces, - - - 35, 50c and 75c. correspsondent ablstsates t F.caseby tis rutewillbecrriethough_______sletP.O._Nwssand ix another column, itshii 5 (7 sv ithuttbreakin bulikasas nncesr ertfr ifishet G B O No5ht h 'mesofte ititinned Ave., atnd Stale SI., liatndled accrosthte lake. G ~ O Nius tiat he eniersof hueAx tlix is tite shortest toute tns the Letue sscition aeoprotlhwtest it should lie well patirontzedP1'I'IP PU P Letr uoito aeouo- Di 'eeot'c - - 1i~li2ItlAN. by Michtigan shtippers. tunity to express an opinion as to -- _45-Jats 1,193. NO. 2 W. HURON 5T